Réseau de recherche en 
formation et travail 
The Labour Education and

Training Research Network

Publications du Réseau

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Bulletin: Training Matters / recherche en formation

Mars 1998/March 1998 1(1)

Hiver 1998-99/Winter 1998-99

Automne 1999/Fall 1999

Documents de travail

# 98-01: John Anderson:  Une perspective de main-d'oeuvre sur le financement de la formation (document de travail disponible en anglais: A Labour Agenda on Training Funding) (30 pp. & appendices)

# 98-02: Sylvain Bourdon et Claude LaFlamme:  La formation professionelle continue dans les ordres professionelles au Québec (9 pp. & appendices)

# 98-03: Joan McFarland et Abdella Abdou: Modifications récentes des politiques et de la structure de la formation au Nouveau-Brunswick: impact éventuel sur les travailleurs et les travailleuses (document de travail disponible en anglais: What's Happening with Training in New Brunswick? (22 pp. & appendices)

# 98-04: Jean Charest:  La formation de la main-d’oeuvre et les syndicats au Québec dans les années 90. (15 pp.)

# 98-05: Peter Ewer:  Les stratégies syndicales australiens et la formation professionnelle (document de travail disponible en anglais: The Training Strategies of the Australian Union Movement) (18 pp.)

# 98-06: Winfried Heidemann:  Trade Unions and Vocational Education and Training Trends in Europe (10 pp.)

# 98-07: Stephen McBride:  L’économie politique de la formation au Canada (document de travail disponible en anglais: The Political Economy of Training in Canada) (26 pp.)

# 98-08: John O'Grady:  The Strategic Conception of Skills and Training in Construction Unions. (5 pp.)

# 98-09: Jean-Claude Parrot:  Training and Canadian Labour: The Hard Questions. (6 pp.)

# 98-10: Christian Payeur:  Formation professionelle et action syndicale: enjeu plutôt que dilemme. (8 pp.)

# 99-01: Paul Anisef, Paul Axelrod, Zeng Lin: Les universités, les arts libéraux et le marché du travail : tendances et perspectives (document de travail disponible en anglais: Universities, Liberal Education, and the Labour Market: Trends and Prospects) (20 pp.)

# 99-02: Colette Bernier:  Les entreprises et la formation de la main-d'oeuvre au Québec: un état des lieux (20 pp.)

# 99-03: Laura Dresser et Joel Rogers:  Sectoral Strategies of Labor Market Reform: Emerging Evidence from the U.S. (23 pp.)

# 99-04: Nancy Jackson et Steven Jordan, La formation professionelle: un terrain contesté (17 pp.)

# 99-05: Joan McFarland:  L’Accès à la formation et les femmes au Nouveau-Brunswick (document de travail disponible en anglais: Women's Access to Training in New Brunswick)  (17 pp. and appendices)

# 99-06: Robert Sweet and Zeng Lin:  Union Membership and Apprenticeship Completion (12 pp.)

# 99-07: Stephen McBride: Human Capital, the Competitiveness Agenda and Training Policy in Australia (24 pp.)

# 99-08: Carla Lipsig-Mummé: Research and Engagement with Trade Unions: Bridging the Solitudes (16 pp.)

# 99-09: Marjorie Griffin Cohen et Kate Braid: La formation et les initiatives en matière d'équité dans le projet de la British Columbia Island Highway Project: un modèle de projet de construction à grande échelle (document disponible en anglais: Training and Equity Initiatives on the British Columbia Vancouver Island Highway Project: A Model for Large-Scale Construction Projects)

# 99-10: Tom Nesbit et Jane Dawson: What Works in Forest-Worker Training? (29 pp. & appendices)

#00-01: Jennifer Stephen et Karen Lior, Access Diminished: A Report on Women’s Training and Employment Services in Ontario (20 pp. & appendices)

#00-02: Sylvain Bourdon et Fédéric Deschenaux, Un modèle de pratique de formation destinée aux jeunes à risque d'exclusion : le CIFER-ANGUS Étude de cas (9 pp.)

#00-03: Thom Workman et David Bedford, Worker-Centred Training in an Economy-Centred World: The Challenge for Labour (18 pp.)

#00-04: Michelle McBride et Gregory Kealey, The Impact of Privatization on Newfoundland College Students: The Case of the Career Academy (29 pp.)

#00-05: Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay et Irène Le Bot, Le système allemand: Analyse de son évolution et de ses défis actuelles (43 pp.)

#00-06: Robert Sweet et Zeng Lin, Consequences of Attrition in Apprenticeship: An Analysis of the 1994-95 National Apprenticed Trades Survey (10 pp.)

#00-07: Christian Payeur, Laurier Caron, Nancy Émond, L’alternance: pratique structurante ou alternative pédagogique: Éléments d’analyse d’une dynamique régionale (12 pp.)

#00-08: John Calvert, The British Columbia College, University College, Institutes and Agencies Accord on Government Contract Training (15 pp.)

#00-09: Alice de Wolff et Maureen Hynes, Snakes and Ladders: Coherence in Training for Office Workers (23 pp.)

#00-10: Robert Sweet, Women and Apprenticeship: The Role of Personal Agency in Transition Success (10 pp.)

#01-01: Paul Grayson, Factors Affecting the Quality of University Graduates’ Jobs (11 pp. & appendices)

#01-02: Peter Suschnigg: From Austrian Labour Foundations to Job Transfer: Training Strategies Under Three Labour Relations Regimes (20 pp.)

#01-03: Tom Nesbit, Training Labour's Professionals (15 pp.)

#01-04: Linda Wong and Stephen McBride, High Road, Low Road: 'Real' Versus Employability for Youth in British Columbia (12 pp.)

#01-05: Sylvain Bourdon et Frédéric Deschanaux, Les politiques et les programmes entourant la formation dans les groupes communautaires au Québec (21 pp.)

#02-01: Susan Wismer and Karen Lior, By Design or Default? Community-Based Training and Women (18 pp)

Billet de commande

Sources et ressources

# SR-00-01 - Fred Wilson, Seizing the Moment to Finance Training: A Union Perspective on the Joint Union Management Program (JUMP) - An interview with Fred Wilson, National Representative, Communications Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, Conducted, transcribed and edited by D'Arcy Martin and Nyranne Martin, July 1999 (14 pp). 

# SR-00-02 - Funding for Training: An Annotated Bibliography, Nyranne Martin and D'Arcy Martin (2000) (48pp). 


Travaux en cours

# WIP-99-01 - John Anderson: Public and Private Unions in the Delivery of Training: The 1998 CLC Protocol (15pp. & appendices)

# WIP-00-02 - Winfried Heidemann, I. Combatting youth unemployment - The German Approach: Training; II. Partnership in in Combatting Youth Unemployment - the case of Germany (16pp.)

# WIP-00-03 - Winfried Heidemann, Knowledge and Skills for the New Economy: the role of educational policy (11pp.)

# WIP-00-04 - Harry Smaller, Vocational Education in Ontario Secondary Schools: Past, Present – and Future? (25 pp.)

