When you include York University as a charitable beneficiary in your Will, life insurance policy, or retirement fund account, you invest in York’s future students and preserve wealth for yourself, your loved ones and your immediate and future needs.
"My bequest to York University is an expression of gratitude for the doors that York opened for me."
— Deborah Spicer, York University alumna
Your Legacies, Your Stories
Ways to Give

Gift in your Will (Bequest)
Arranging a gift in your Will, known as a bequest, is one of the easiest and most popular ways to make a legacy gift to support York students. These gifts may be a percentage of the remainder of your estate, a specific dollar amount or percentage, or contingent upon other factors.

Gift of Retirement Funds
When making a gift to York University as part of your estate plan, consider designating York as a beneficiary of a registered account, such as a tax-free savings account (TFSA), a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) or a registered retirement income fund (RRIF).

Gift of Insurance
Many donors find that a gift of life insurance is an affordable and powerful way to support York University without having to make changes to their current lifestyle.

Stocks and Securities
A gift of appreciated publicly traded securities is a simple and tax-effective way of supporting York University.
Our Community of Changemakers: White Rose Legacy Circle
York is immensely grateful for the support of our donors who help to build and sustain the University through legacy giving. The White Rose Legacy Circle is our way of giving thanks and recognizing this remarkable generosity, foresight and commitment to York University.

A lifetime relationship with York University – you will be a part of our inner family circle.

A permanent legacy at York that will benefit future students and researchers.

Access to special events, which are tailored to your interests, such as student performances or lectures by York's scholars.

Subscription to York U Legacies, an annual newsletter, which features gift-planning tips, news articles and inspiring stories that
bring donors and beneficiaries to life.

An elegant White Rose Legacy Circle membership pin and special certificate of recognition.

Inclusion in donor recognition lists and University publications.
"I joined the White Rose Legacy Circle because it's important to help people who need a helping hand. I encourage everyone to consider making a legacy gift to acknowledge those institutions and agencies that meant something to them during their lifetime."
— Russell D. Smith, York University alumnus
For more information, or if you’ve already remembered York University in your Will and wish to join York’s special White Rose Legacy Circle, please contact:

Marisa Barlas
Director of Legacy Giving
York University
4700 Keele Street, West Office Building
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Charitable Registration Number/
BN: 11930 6736 RR0001
This information on these web pages is general in nature, does not constitute legal or financial advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. We strongly encourage you to seek professional legal, estate planning and/or financial advice before deciding on your course of action.