Take your studies into the real world. Our department offers opportunities for practical work training, meeting peers in and outside your program and having some fun along the way. Whether you choose to engage on campus or in the community, you’ll gain experience while having new experiences.

Economic Students' Association
Getting involved with your program’s student association is a great way to meet peers, connect through activities and learn more about your chosen field.

LA&PS Colleges
Whether you live on campus or commute, your college is your hub for socializing and accessing academic services.

LA&PS Co-op Program
Get relevant and practical job experience to position yourself optimally in the future labour market with the LA&PS Co-op Program.

Study Abroad
Add an international element to your studies by immersing yourself in a new environment.

Networking & Mentorship
From speed mentorship events to new programs fostering skill development alongside our incredible alumni, LA&PS initiatives bolster your career prospects prior to graduation.

Career Readiness
From speed mentorship events to new Find resources to help improve your job applications, interview skills and more. From resumé templates to best practices on LinkedIn, we've got you covered.

Virtual Econ Tour
We are excited you are considering one of the programs offered by the Department of Economics at York University as the next step in your education.