Here you’ll find services for academic advising, online learning management tools, GPA calculator, and help with academic decisions and petitions. We can also direct you to funding options, including scholarships and awards.

Advising & Support
Connect with our expert advisors to figure out the courses and grades you need to meet your degree requirements. We strongly encourage all new students to get an appointment when enrolling.

Department Policies
Get informed about the department's academic policies and procedures. Here you will find information about course enrolment, deferred standing, academic integrity and the course withdrawal policy.

Decisions & Petitions
Find out what your academic decision means and next steps. Or get help filing an academic petition, including where to send it, types of petitions and requirements, deadlines and forms, and checking your petition status.

Peer Support
Adjust to university with the help of a high-achieving upper-year student. Get support to study more effectively, make friends, network and have someone to listen when you need it most.

Scholarships & Awards
Find and apply for financial awards available at the Department of Economics, LA&PS and the broader University.

The Department of Economics has a robust IT infrastructure to support student success. When using our computers, please familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures for using these resources.

Courses can be fully online or have a mix of online and in-person learning. The eLearning team is here to help you understand your options, get started and find success in the online classroom.