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Walter Perchal

Walter Perchal

Walter Perchal

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Walter Perchal served both in the Canadian Forces as Senior Officer and taught a wide range of courses at York University.  Over the course of his military service he:

Commanded The Royal Regiment of Canada, served as Special Advisor to the Canadian Army Commander, where, among his other duties he was SME for DEM, and, served as a Military Advisor to a NATO Ally.

At York he has taught in a number of departments including: Schulich, DEM, and, DES.  This experience is something he has always seen as a privilege wherein he has pursed a dialogue between his own diverse training, expertise, and, experiences and the emerging needs of students with whom he is engaged in a shared learning journey.

He is recipient of:

The Dean of Arts Award for Outstanding Teaching

The Seymour Schulich Award for Teaching Excellence

The York University – University Wide Award for Teaching Excellence

The Queen’s Jubilee Medal

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal

The Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit
