As a Markham Campus student, you will benefit from flexible learning formats, small class sizes and the opportunity to round out classroom learning with workplace experiential education. Find engaging programs that offer innovative course design and diverse experiential education opportunities.
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Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law
(MPPAL – Municipal Government)
Learn about the ongoing resource constraints and other challenges that municipalities confront, and how municipal and regional governments, related boards and agencies, and non-profit organizations are delivering services and responding to community needs and calls for accountability. In addition to core modules a mandatory new course addresses pressing topics in local and regional governance relevant to the municipal sector.

Master of Science in Management Practice (MScMP)
Develop a robust understanding of management practices rooted in applied research and analysis that inform evidence-based decision making. As a future leader, you’ll get ahead of the competition by putting data to a better use through the most up-to-date research and analytical methods to efficiently run an organization.

Graduate Diploma in Management (GDM)
Don’t have a business background? The Graduate Diploma in Management is for you. Open to all students with an undergraduate degree in a field other than business, management, commerce or a closely related field, this program introduces you to major area in management. You’ll develop a robust understanding of organizational theory, marketing, accounting, finance, operations management, management information systems, organizational behaviour and law. You’ll hone your newfound skills and knowledge in a capstone course addressing real-life organizational problems.

Master of Biotechnology Management (MBM)
Graduate with two credentials – a Master of Biotechnology Management and a Graduate Diploma in Management – and position yourself to make immediate contributions to the growing Canadian biotechnology industry. This one-of-a-kind program in Canada provides training in practical biotechnology theories, skills and practices; a graduate education in management; and a paid work-placement(s).

Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (GDB)
Gain a clearer understanding of current biotechnology practice in the Canadian private sector. This stand-alone graduate diploma will enhance and sharpen the knowledge and skills you developed in your biology undergraduate degree.

Interested in Applying?
Graduate Studies at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education.