We offer several awards open only to Creative Writing majors and minors that recognize the achievements of our talented and capable students. These awards are administered by the Creative Writing faculty as a whole. Some of the awards are by submission, while others are selected by the faculty from among the Creative Writing student community. All recipients of the awards are honoured at an annual awards ceremony held at the York Keele campus.

The Priscila Uppal Poetry Prize
Faculty members nominate students for this award
This prize will be awarded to a fourth-year student majoring or minoring in Creative Writing. Recipients must demonstrate talent and achievement in the area of poetry writing. Faculty members in the Creative Writing Program will nominate students, and a selection committee within the Creative Writing program will select the recipient each year.
Priscila Uppal (BA Hons. ’97, PhD ’04) was a poet, novelist and playwright, and one of York University’s most distinguished teachers and writers. She died on September 4, 2018 at the age of 43. Priscila’s friends and colleagues, led by York president emeritus Lorna Marsden, honour her memory through the establishment of this new prize.
bpNichol Award
Faculty members nominate students for this award.
bpNichol’s death in September 1988, before his 44th birthday, was a tragedy for York University and the Canadian literary world. He was a winner of the Governor-General’s Award, a Fellow of Calumet College and taught with the Creative Writing program. He is remembered as a gentle, giving and humane man. This award, in the form of a book certificate, is presented to an exceptional undergraduate student writer for achievement in creating writing. To be eligible, students must be nominated each spring by an instructor in the Creative Writing program.
Babs Burggraf Award in Creative Writing
Faculty members nominate students for this award.
This award offers financial assistance to a Year 4 student enrolled in a creative writing course with proven talent and achievement in the area of short story writing. Faculty members in the program will nominate Year 4 students (successful completion of at least 84 credits) who have submitted short stories as part of their academic work for the session. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrate financial need.
Adrienne Grago Memorial Prize for Short Fiction
Submission-based award.
The Adrienne Grago Memorial Prize for Short Fiction was established by Barbara Rasha Grago and Jennifer Hann in memory of Barbara's daughter Adrienne, who graduated from York University with an Honours BA in Creative Writing and English in 2007. The prize honours the best short story by a student in any creative writing course who is completing their third year or fourth year of study.
Sorbara Award in Creative Writing
Faculty members nominate students for this award.
Awarded to students with proven talent and commitment in creative writing. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need. This award is made possible by the generous donation of Gregory and Kate Sorbara and their six children, all of whom have a strong dedication to the creative arts and music.
The Judith Gewurtz Memorial Poetry Award
Submission-based award.
Awarded for the best poem submitted by a creative writing major completing their third year of study (90 credits). The recipient must demonstrate financial need and be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person and an Ontario resident.
Stanley Fefferman Prize in Creative Writing
Submission-based award.
This award is presented to the student producing the best final class portfolio in an introductory creative writing course.

Looking for more?
The Faculty of LA&PS also provides a number of scholarships, awards and bursaries. Fill our your Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) Application today.