We want to recognize your academic success and provide a financial boost to those who need it. Awards are also an excellent way too improve your resume.
The Humanities 25th Anniversary Book Prize
Awarded annually to the humanities major graduating with the highest cumulative grade point average of 7.50 or better for all years of study, calculated for all courses credited toward the major.
The Walter Gordon Prize in Canadian Studies
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Course Director for AP/HUMA 1200 9.0 (Contexts of Canadian Culture), to the author of the best paper written in the course or highest standing in the course.
William R. Coleman Prize
Offered to the student who has written the best essay in any humanities or religious studies course at Keele Campus.
Classics Award
Presented annually to a student who has completed at least 60 credits towards an Honours degree in Classics or Classical Studies and who has been judged by the Classical Studies program as most deserving of the award on the basis of academic accomplishment.
Leonard Wolinsky Scholarships*
Given annually to one or more York undergraduate or graduate students for one year's full-time study at an Israeli University. The value of the awards is based on financial need and variable to a maximum of $2,500 in 2010-2011. Preference is given to students enrolled at York in Jewish Studies, especially Jewish Teach Studies.
The Gertrude and Jack Friedman Memorial Award
Given annually to assist a York University student in Jewish Studies, preferably a graduate student, to pursue a program of study and/or research at an Israeli university. In the event that in any year no suitable graduate candidate applies, the award may be given to an outstanding undergraduate in the field of Jewish Studies or Jewish Teacher Education. The value of the award in 2010 will be approximately $900.
The Arnold & Leona Finkler Scholarship***
Given annually to a York student participating in the York University / Bar-Ilan University academic exchange. The value of the award is $500.(Applications for this scholarship must be sent directly to the Canadian Friends of Bar-Ilan).
The Eva Halward Prize
Awarded to the student in Religious Studies who achieves the highest standing in the Religious Studies core course in the previous fall/winter or summer session. No application is required to be eligible for this award.
The Religious Studies Essay Prize Awarded in the Fall term to an outstanding paper submitted for grading in a Religious Studies course in the previous academic year. To enter, submit a copy of the essay (unmarked), along with the name of the professor and the course to the program co-ordinator.
Etty and Joseph Rubinstein Award in Holocaust Studies
The award will be given annually to two undergraduate students enrolled in courses related to the Holocaust or Yiddish language instruction and culture.
Martin Lockshin Award in Jewish Studies
The Martin Lockshin Award in Jewish Studies will be awarded every other year to a graduating student in Jewish studies with the highest combined grade average for the last two undergraduate years. The award will be divided equally among the qualifying candidates.
Michael and Rena Buckstein Award in Jewish Teacher Education
The Michael and Rena Buckstein Award will support one student annually in the Jewish Teacher Education program who has achieved a minimum sessional GPA of 6.00.
Shoshana Kurtz Book Prize
The Shoshana Kurtz Book Prize is donated by the Board of Jewish Education in recognition of Dr. Kurtzs outstanding contribution to Jewish education. The award will be given to a graduating student in the Jewish Teacher Education program based on academic performance and professional promise.
Essay Prize in Canadian Jewish Studies
Donated by the former Toronto Jewish Historical Society and The Toronto Association for Professionals in Jewish Communal Service as a testimonial to the important achievements of those organizations which no longer exist. Awarded to a graduate or undergraduate student for an outstanding essay in Canadian Jewish Studies.
A. C. Silber Award for Holocaust and Eastern European Jewish Studies
Graduate or undergraduate awards are available for study and/or research in the area of Holocaust and Eastern European Jewish Studies.
David and Lois Buckstein Bursary
This bursary is available to students in Jewish Studies.
The Andrea Davis Scholarship in Black Canadian Studies
The scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in the Black Canadian Studies Certificate Program who demonstrates academic excellence in the subject areas covered in the certificate. Students enrolled in both the undergraduate and standalone certificate program are eligible. The successful student will have the highest overall average of all courses taken to fulfill BCS requirements. The Black Canadian Studies Certificate (BCS) studies Black Canada from the perspective of cultural studies, history, literature and music. This certificate is intended to examine the historical, cultural and various expressive productions of people of African descent in the Americas through the lens of Black Canada.
Carleton E. Perrin Book Prize for Excellence in Sciences
Awarded to the most outstanding science student in a humanities course. Candidates are expected to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 7.50 and have a notable appreciation of the humanities.
Department of Humanities Retirees' Bursary
Intended to help an undergraduate student majoring in one of the following degree programs: Latin & Caribbean Studies; Science and Technology; Classical Studies; Religious Studies; East Asian Studies; Humanities or European Studies. The recipient must have completed between 30 and 60 credits with a cumulative GPA of 6.00 or higher and be registered in a minimum of 18 credits for the current academic year; must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, an Ontario resident and demonstrate financial need.
Vanier College Convocation Prize
Presented annually to a Vanier College student who graduates summa cum laude, has made an outstanding contribution to the life of the College and the University, and has received the highest grade point average in Classics or Classical Studies.
Canadian Friends of Tel Aviv University OSOTF Scholarships**
This incorporates the Berdie and Irvin Cohen Award, the Vera Dolly Denty Award, the Marnie Kimelman Award, and the Louis Manpel Award.
Given annually to one or more York graduate or undergraduate students in any area of study for full-time study at Tel Aviv University. The value of the awards is based on financial need and variable to a maximum of $5,000 for a year of graduate study, $5,000 for a year of undergraduate study, and $1000 for summer study. For one semester of study, the maximum is half the full year sum. A maximum of $5,000 will be available for disbursement in 2010-2011. Eligibility for these scholarships is limited to Ontario residents, and financial need must be demonstrated.
Silber/Frieberg OSOTF Scholarships***
Given annually for the support of one or more graduate or undergraduate students for full-time study or research in Israel on the subject of the Holocaust. The maximum award for a full-year is $10,000, for a semester, $5,000, and for a summer, $1,000. In 2010-2011 the maximum sum available will be $10,000.
The Becky Lee Religion and Gender Essay Prize
Awarded in the Fall term to an outstanding paper on the subject of Religion and Gender submitted for grading in a Religious Studies course in the previous academic year. To enter, submit a copy of the essay (unmarked), along with the name of the professor and the course to the program co-ordinator.
Molly Eisenberg Memorial Award in Judaic Studies
The Molly Eisenberg Memorial Award in Judaic Studies is donated by Herbie Eisenberg and Sons and Studies Unlimited. This prize will be awarded annually to a student who has completed one year in the Judaic Studies program and who exhibits talent in his/her chosen discipline and demonstrates financial need.
Helen & Louis Eisenstat Jewish Teacher Education Award
The Helen and Louis Eisenstat Jewish Teacher Education Award will be given to one or two students each year in the Jewish Teacher Education program in the Faculty of Education and affiliated with the Centre for Jewish Studies. The Student(s) must demonstrate financial need and academic merit.
Hy and Helen Bergel Prize for Excellence in Classical Jewish Studies
Given annually to a student who excels in Biblical and Rabbinic studies, i.e. humanities courses 2810, 3810, Hebrew courses 3320, 3330, 3370 and any course deemed to be acceptable by the Centre for Jewish Studies Awards Committee.
Abraham Isaac Silver Scholarship
Awarded bi-annually to a York student specializing in, or interested in, the field of Judaic studies, who wishes to further their studies at an institution of higher learning in Israel.
Israel Mida and Family Award in Jewish Studies
The Israel Mida and Family Award will be awarded annually to one or more graduate or undergraduate students. Preference will be given to undergraduate students pursuing a BA in Jewish Studies.
Benarroch-Hazan Sephardi Studies Award
This scholarship was donated by Mr. Georges Benarroch, and will be awarded annually to one or more students.
Joseph and Jack Bitton Award in Sephari Studies
The Joseph and Jack Bitton Award will be given annually to a student in Sephardi studies who demonstrates academic merit.
Evelyn Gollin Bursary for a student in Jewish Studies
This bursary will be given annually to a student in Jewish Studies. The Evelyn Gollin Bursary is established in memory of Evelyn Gollin, a member of the Toronto Jewish Community. She held academia in high regard, and valued Jewish education and culture.
Dr. Percy and Bernice Singer Award
This award is given annually to undergraduate or graduate students in Jewish studies with preference given to those who are enrolled in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science at York or involved in the Sport and Recreation program.
The William Kilbourn Award
Awarded annually to a humanities major who has completed at least four humanities courses and is entering their final year of study with the highest grade point average. Required cumulative grade point average of at least 7.0 in humanities courses and a cumulative overall grade point average of 7.0.
Department of Humanities Award of Achievement
Intended to a deserving third year York undergraduate with a declared major in humanities. This award is renewable for one additional year assuming successful achievement of academic requirements. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and demonstrate financial need.
Hebrew University Scholarship*
Given annually to a York student for one year's full-time study at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. The value of the award is tuition and room.
Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University OSOTF Scholarships**
Given annually to one or more York graduate or undergraduate students in any area of study for full-time study at Hebrew University. The value of the awards is based on financial need and variable to a maximum of $25, 000 for a year of graduate study, $18, 000 for a year of undergraduate study, and $2,500 for summer study. For one semester, the maximum is half the full year sum. Eligibility for these scholarships is limited to Ontario residents, and financial need must be demonstrated.
Berek and Regina Gertner OSOTF Bursary in Holocaust Studies**
Given annually to a graduate or undergraduate student who has demonstrated interest in Holocaust studies by virtue of course work or research projects. The award may be used for study in Israel. It is based on financial need, and its value is variable to a maximum of $1200 in 2010-2011.
The Bar-Ilan University Scholarship***
Given annually to a York student enrolling in the new one-year-abroad program at Bar Ilan University. The value of this award is $1000.
Esther Sarick OSOTF Bursaries in Jewish Studies and the Arts**
Given annually for the support of graduate and undergraduate students in Israel. The usual amount of the award is $500. The maximum sum available in 2010 will be $5000. York undergraduate students in Israel register and pay tuition to their host university. Credits may be counted towards the York degree. Graduate students must make appropriate arrangements with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Fleischer Awards at the Centre for Jewish Studies
The Fleischer Awards at the Centre for Jewish Studies have been created by a generous donation from the Willie and Mildred Fleischer Charitable Foundation. These awards will annually support three outstanding students. The first award will go to a student in the Jewish Teacher Education program - priority will be given to students in their entering year. The second award will be granted to a graduate student in the Jewish Studies program. The third award will be given to a student enrolled in the BA in Jewish Studies who demonstrates academic merit and financial need.
Alyce Orzy Award in Jewish Teacher Education
The Alyce Orzy Award in Jewish Teacher Education is given in memory of a prominent leader of the Kitchener and Toronto Jewish communities. Given annually to a student in the Jewish Teacher Education program demonstrating financial need and high academic achievement. Preference will be given to students from communities outside Toronto.
The Klein-Rosmarin Award in Jewish Teacher Education
The Klein-Rosmarin Award in Jewish Teacher Education has been established by two families, Eli Klein and Miriam Erlichman, and Ian and Pam Rosmai. The award will support one student annually in the Jewish Teacher Education program.
Metro Toronto Lodge B'Nai Brith Scholarship in Canadian Jewish Studies
This prize is awarded for the best essay in the area of Canadian Jewish studies submitted in any course at York. The prize is given to the student with the best essay in the area of Canadian Jewish studies submitted in any course at York. Essays to be submitted by course.
Joseph Zbili Memorial Prize in Hebrew
This book prize, established in memory of Joseph Zbili, coordinator of Hebrew studies, will be awarded annually to an outstanding student in an advanced Hebrew course (3000 or 4000 level).
Tom and Mary Beck Jewish Studies Award
This award is given annually on the basis of achievement and demonstrated financial need to one or more graduate or undergraduate students enrolled in at least one Jewish Studies course.
Benarroch - Hazan Essay Prize in Sephardic Studies
Awarded annually for an outstanding essay(s) on a Sephardic topic written in any course. The prize is given in honour of the Benarroch and Hazan families.
Andrea Davis Writing Prize in Black Canadian Studies
The prize will benefit undergraduate students enrolled in the Black Canadian Studies Certificate Program who are taking the course "Cultures of Resistance In The Americas: The African American Experience (HUMA 1300)". This is a foundational course in the BCS Certificate program that addresses the ways in which diasporic Black peoples have responded to and resisted their enslaved and subordinated status in the Americas. The best essays in this course will be nominated for the prize.
* For these scholarships, preference is given to students currently enrolled at York in Jewish Studies - especially Jewish Teacher Education.
** Eligibility for these scholarships is limited to Ontario residents, and financial need must be demonstrated.
*** For these scholarships, apply directly to Bar Ilan.

Looking for more?
The Faculty of LA&PS also provides a number of scholarships, awards and bursaries. Fill our your Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) Application today.