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Children, Childhood & Youth

Prestigious Grant Awarded to Professors Emberly and Reid

Please take a moment to read the following Yfile story that covers the funding that the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada has awarded to Professors Andrea Emberly and Kate Reid for their work with refugee children and youth. Working with Professor Andrew de Quadros from Boston University and Mirna El Sabbagh from […]

Professor van Daalen-Smith is a Provostial Fellowship Recipient

A hearty congratulations to Professor Cheryl van Daalen-Smith, who is a Provostial Fellowship recipient for her important and interdisciplinary work in advancing the priorities of the University Academic Plan. Wonderful news! Please read this full story in Yfile

Every Young Person Counts: Tragedy at the Kamloops Indian Residential School

ARC-CCY Collective StatementJune 11, 2021 We, who are a part of the Anti-Racism Committee in CCY (ARC-CCY), are enraged and grieving the news that surfaced on May 27, 2021 about the 215 bodies of Indigenous children and youth recently found at a former Residential School in Kamloops, British Columbia. Between 1831 and 1996, 139 Residential […]

York to host largest academic conference in Canada on children, youth and performing arts

Professor Abigail Shabtay’s Children, Youth and Performance Conference is featured in today’s issue of yfile. Please visit the following link to learn more about this exciting conference and to register to attend: YFILE This peer-reviewed conference puts performance research to work and examines its effects on the lives of young people. This is the largest […]

Hidden in the shadows: an Artifact of Remembrance

CCY student Kate Moo King-Curtis speaks about an art piece she developed in CCY 3688, Holocaust Literature for Children and Youth, that celebrates the lives of children “hidden in the shadows” during and after WWII.

Fourth-year students present child-centred research during mini conference

Fourth-year students in the Children, Childhood and Youth program, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LAPS), will present their honours research projects on March 29, and April 5 and 6 during a mini research conference online. The projects, supervised by Assistant Professors Anu Sriskandarajah and Abigail Shabtay, and Associate Professor Cheryl Cowdy, showcase a […]

Janet Seow’s book chapter “Black Girls & Dolls: Navigating Race, Class, and Gender in Toronto” has just been published

Janet Seow’s book chapter “Black Girls & Dolls: Navigating Race, Class, and Gender in Toronto” has just been published in the 2021 collection, Deconstructing Dolls: Girlhoods and the Meaning of Play edited by Miriam Forman-Brunell. Deconstructing Dolls pushes the boundaries of doll studies and our understanding of children’s play particularly as it relates to social meanings in the […]

CCY’s annual Chamberlain Lecture, featuring Dr. Valerie Steeves was featured in yfile

CCY’s annual Chamberlain Lecture, featuring Dr. Valerie Steeves (full professor, University of Ottawa), was featured in today’s issue of yfile. March 16, 2021, at 11:30, Dr. Steeves will be speaking about “Talking Toys: Smart Technology Reshapes Childhood.” Please read more about what promises to be a fascinating talk. Read full story on yfile