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AP/HUMA 2430 9.0 The Asian Canadian Experience

AP/HUMA 2430 9.0 The Asian Canadian Experience

In recent years, the experience of Asian Americans has become an important area of scholarship in ethnic and cultural studies. Drawing on a wide variety of sources and genres – oral history, literature, memoir, poetry, drama, film, etc. – this course examines the historical and contemporary Asian Canadian experience, both as lived reality and as constructed in works of the imagination.
Invited participation of Asian Canadians involved in the arts constitutes an integral part of the course as the issues that have emerged as central to writers and other artists from that community such as the trope of "silence", and themes related to ethnic, gender, and other forms of identity will be highlighted throughout the year.
Course Credit Exclusion: None. Prior to Fall 2009: AS/HUMA 2430 9.0
