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AP/KOR 1000 6.0 Elementary Modern Standard Korean

AP/KOR 1000 6.0 Elementary Modern Standard Korean

This course provides students with the fundamentals of modern standard Korean in basic conversational & grammatical patterns, assuming that the students have no or little previous background knowledge of Korean. The objective of the course is to equip students with basic spoken and written communicative skills in the interpersonal mode in most essential daily life situations.
The course starts with the sounds of spoken Korean, the writing system Hangul, and greetings, and proceeds to basic communication, fundamentals of grammar, and elementary reading skills for simple sentences. Students will learn how to communicate about everyday activities, time, numbers, and location and as well as how to combine simple ideas in various ways. Students will also learn to communicate past experiences and future plans and needs, and to express personal preferences, interests, and concerns.
KOR1000 is offered in either face-to-face and/or online mode. For the face-to-face class, each class is divided into two parts: one hour of lectures and one hour of practice sections. Lectures will include explanations of conversational patterns in grammatical and pragmatic terms. Practice sections will provide the students with opportunities to practice in communicative situations with various tasks and activities. For the online mode, all the class activities including lecture, activities, quizzes will be performed online.
