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Faculty Publications

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Horizon, Sea, Sound: Caribbean and African Women’s Cultural Critiques of Nation

Horizon, Sea, Sound performs ‘the hard work of thinking and caring Blackness.’ It illuminates livable futures in the hurt and raw of the now, and it demonstrates the continuing importance of forging respectful and generative relations among oppressed peoples. In rigorous and heart-quickening analyses of diverse art forms throughout the Americas, Andrea A. Davis enacts the borderless transformational power of Black women’s art, thought, and social struggle.”

David Chariandy
Author of Brother

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Virtual Menageries: Animals as Mediators in Network Cultures book cover

Jody Berland

Jody Berland, Virtual Menageries: Animals as Mediators in Network Cultures. From cat videos to corporate logos, digital screens and spaces ...

Something Other than Lifedeath-Catalyst: S.D. Chrostowska book cover

David Cecchetto

Cecchetto, David, ed. Something Other than Lifedeath—Catalyst: S.D. Chrostowska. Victoria/Seattle: Noxious Sector Press, 2018. 132 pp. With contributions by Louis ...

Jewish Family: Identity and Self-Formation at Home book cover

Randal F. Schnoor

Alex Pomson and Randal F. Schnoor. Jewish Family: Identity and Self-Formation at Home. The Modern Jewish Experience. Bloomington, IN: Indiana ...

Immanent Frames: Postsecular Cinema between Malick and von Trier book cover

Mark Cauchi

John Caruana and Mark Cauchi, eds. Immanent Frames: Postsecular Cinema between Malick and von Trier. New York, SUNY Press, 2018.

Political Uses of Utopia New Marxist, Anarchist, and Radical Democratic Perspectives book cover

S.D. Chrostowska

S. D. Chrostowska and James D. Ingram, Political Uses of Utopia New Marxist, Anarchist, and Radical Democratic Perspectives. New York: Columbia ...

Fakes, Forgeries, and Fictions: Writing Ancient and Modern Christian Apocrypha book cover

Tony Burke

Tony Burke, ed. Fakes, Forgeries, and Fictions: Writing Ancient and Modern Christian Apocrypha. Proceedings of the 2015 York University Christian ...

Tony Burke book cover

Tony Burke

Tony Burke. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas in the Syriac Tradition: A Critical Edition and English Translation. Gorgias Eastern Christian ...

Science Museums in Transition book cover

Bernard Lightman

Bernard Lightman, Science Museums in Transition, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017.

The Anatomy of Myth: The Art of Interpretation from the Presocratics to the Church Fathers

Michael Herren

Michael Herren. The Anatomy of Myth: The Art of Interpretation from the Presocratics to the Church Fathers. New York: Oxford ...

The Act of Documenting: Documentary Film in the 21st Century book cover

Gail Vanstone

Brian Winston, Gail Vanstone, Wang Chi, The Act of Documenting: Documentary Film in the 21st Century, Bloomsbury Press, 2017.

Ludic Dreaming: How To Listen Away From Contemporary Technoculture book cover

David Cecchetto

David Cecchetto, Marc Couroux, Ted Hiebert, and Eldritch Priest (The Occulture). Ludic Dreaming: How To Listen Away From Contemporary Technoculture. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. 160 pages.

I like me, I like myself book cover

Andrea Emberly

New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures book cover

Tony Burke

Tony Burke and Brent Landau, eds. New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2016.

A Companion to the History of Science book cover

Bernard Lightman

Bernard Lightman, A Companion to the History of Science, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2016.

Atlantic Childhoods in Global Contexts book cover

David Trotman

A. Diptee and David V. Trotman (eds.) Atlantic Childhoods in Global Contexts, (Routledge, 2016)

Phono-Fictions and Other Felt Thoughts book cover

David Cecchetto

Phono-Fictions and Other Felt Thoughts (Catalyst: Eldritch Priest), David Cecchetto, ed. USA: Noxious Sector Press (Catalyst Book Series), 2016. 221 pages.