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A data-driven approach to equitable course outcomes in science

When: Thursday, December 1, 1:30 – 2:30 pm
Where: Lumbers Building (LUM) 306 or via Zoom. Zoom attendees must register at:

Hosted by the Faculty of Science Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Committee on Teaching and Learning

Post-secondary science courses have a role to play in supporting equity and inclusion in STEM. The extent to which our courses have equitable outcomes influences which doors are open or closed, and to whom, and ultimately determines if we can address the need for diverse teams of skilled scientists to devise and implement effective solutions. However, by default, these critical and central STEM courses discourage and under-reward students that do not conform to the norm. The Canadian Consortium of Science Equity Scholars is a new group of educators and researchers dedicated to enhancing equity in post-secondary science at the course level. By examining disaggregated course demographic data, we have pinpointed evidence of inequities of achievement that lead to underrepresentation in the field. Our research aims to change systemic barriers to student success, uncover ways to foster students’ sense of belonging in science, and gather evidence for inclusive teaching practices.

Speaker: Dr. Jaclyn Stewart (Professor of Teaching, Chemistry and Associate Dean Academic, Faculty of Science, UBC)

Jaclyn J. Stewart is a Professor of Teaching in the Department of Chemistry and the Associate Dean Academic in the Faculty of Science at the University of British Columbia. She has an honours B.Sc. degree in chemistry, a M.Sc. in wood  science, and a Ph.D. in educational psychology.  She specializes in teaching general chemistry, organic chemistry, and science communication. Her current research interests include investigating how students learn from feedback and STEM education equity. She has held numerous education leadership positions and was awarded the Chemical Institute of Canada award for Chemical Education earlier in 2022.



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Dec 01 2022


1:30 pm - 2:30 pm


Faculty of Science event


Lumbers Building (LUM) 306


Faculty of Science
416 736 5051
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