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Award Opportunities

Below are various awards available in Ontario sorted by the agency deadline.

Select the award name to view its details.

*Anticipated deadline

AwardDescriptionAgency Deadline
Connected Minds MembershipEnvisions a world where breakthroughs in technology promote social health and justice for all, with special focus on Indigenous Peoples in Canada.2025-01-06
Royal Society of Canada Medals and AwardsFor excellence in learning, research and
artistic achievement in the arts, the humanities and the natural and social sciences.
2025-01-10 (FSc)
Crafoord PrizeAwarded annually to outstanding scientists according to a rotating scheme.2025-01-13
Volvo Environment PrizeAwarded for outstanding innovations or scientific discoveries in the environmental field.2025-01-20
YUFA Research Grant FundingFor full-time faculty members in the Faculty of Science.TBA – formerly 2024-02-02
YUFA Junior Faculty Fund (JFF)For junior (untenured as of July 1, 2023) full-time faculty members in the Faculty of Science who are in the probationary/tenured or continuing appointment classifications.TBA – formerly 2024-02-02
Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research AwardFor a fundamental discovery that opens up a new area of biomedical science.2025-02-03
Lasker DeBakey Clinical Medical Research AwardFor a major advance that improves the lives of many thousands of people.2025-02-03
Lasker Koshland Special Achievement Award in Medical ScienceFor research accomplishments and scientific statesmanship that engender the deepest feelings of awe and respect.2025-02-03
Lasker Bloomberg Public Service AwardFor improving the public’s understanding of medical research, public health, or healthcare; playing a major role in the support of policy, legislative, or other initiatives that accelerate progress in medical science or health; providing or generating support for medical science or public health; benefiting the lives of many people through public health practice.2025-02-03
York-Massey FellowshipsProvides for a shared office space and the status of a full Senior Resident of the College.2025-02-07
Louisa Gross Horwitz PrizeHonours a scientific investigator or group of investigators whose contributions to knowledge in fields of biology or biochemistry are deemed worthy of special recognition.2025-02-10
Henry G. Friesen International Prize in Health ResearchAwarded to an individual of international stature who best exemplifies Dr. Henry Friesen’s prescience, organizational creativity and broad impact on health research and health research policy.2025-02-14
Canadian Cancer Society Inclusive Excellence PrizeRecognizes individuals who have made, and are making, valuable contributions to the cancer research ecosystem in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-02-15
Minister of Colleges and Universities' Awards of ExcellenceCelebrate the incredible work of faculty, staff, and graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and innovation during the 2020/2021 school year.TBA – formerly 2024-02-21
Japan PrizeRewards the development of innovative technologies and novel discoveries that promise seminal scientific and technical advances pertaining to the mechanisms of disease; to disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis; and to medical follow-up and monitoring - technologies and discoveries that confer substantial benefits to society by enhancing human health and well-being.2025-02-28
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences FellowshipsBrings together Canada’s top-ranked health and biomedical scientists and scholars to make a positive impact on the urgent health concerns of Canadians.2025-03-03 (FSc)
Community-Based Research Canada AwardsAnnually recognizes excellence in community-based research through a national award program.TBA – formerly 2024-03-05
Balzan PrizesAwarded to scholars, artists and scientists who have distinguished themselves in their fields on an international level.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
Jonas Salk AwardPresented annually to a Canadian scientist, physician or researcher who has made a new and outstanding contribution in science or medicine to prevent, alleviate, or eliminate a physical disability.TBA – formerly 2024-03-22
King Faisal PrizeRecognizes the outstanding works of individuals and institutions in five major categories: Service to Islam, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language and Literature, Medicine, and Science.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
Order of OntarioRewarded to an Ontarian who has shown the highest level of excellence and achievement in any field, and whose impact has left a lasting legacy in the province, in the country, and around the world.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
Flavelle MedalFor meritorious achievement in biological science.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
McLaughlin MedalFor important research of sustained excellence in medical science.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
Breakthrough Prize in Life SciencesHonours transformative advances toward understanding living systems and extending human life.TBA – formerly 2024-04-01
American Association for the Advancement of Science FellowshipRecognizes an AAAS member whose efforts on behalf of the advancement of science or its applications are scientifically or socially distinguished.TBA – formerly 2024-04-17
Research Canada Leadership AwardHonours outstanding Canadian advocates for medical, health, and scientific research.TBA – formerly 2024-04-26*
Taylor PrizeAwarded to an individual or individuals who have made significant contributions to a field of basic or clinical research in one of the Institute's principal areas of research.TBA – formerly 2024-05-01
World Food PrizeAwarded for a specific, exceptionally significant, individual achievement that advances human development with a demonstrable increase in the quantity, quality, availability of, or access to food.TBA – formerly 2024-05-01
Azrieli International Postdoctoral FellowshipSupports 24 international postdoctoral researchers to carry out research in exact sciences, life sciences, humanities, and social sciences at eligible Israeli academic institutions.TBA – formerly 2024-05-09
Top 100 AwardsCanada's most recognized honour for the highest achieving female leaders in business, arts, sports, community, entrepreneurship, not-for-profit ventures, skilled trades, science, service, and philanthropy.TBA – formerly 2024-05-14
York University Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year AwardRecognizes one Postdoctoral Supervisor who has demonstrated exemplary support for postdoctoral scholars at York University.TBA – formerly 2024-06-01*
Killam PrizesAwarded to distinguished Canadian scholars who have been engaged in research in universities, hospitals, research or scientific institutes, or other similar institutions for the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences or engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-06-06
Canadian Medical Hall of FameHonours Canada’s medical heroes, whose work advances health in Canada and the world, fostering future generations of health professionals through the delivery of local and national youth education programs and awards. TBA – formerly 2024-06-10
Eppendorf & Science Prize for NeurobiologyAwarded annually to one young scientist (35 or under) for outstanding neurobiological research based on methods of molecular and cell biology conducted during the past three years.TBA – formerly 2023-06-15
Dorothy Killam FellowshipsSupport early- to mid-career Canadian researchers whose research stands to have significant impact on a national or global scale.TBA – formerly 2024-06-13
L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science AwardsRecognize and support eminent women in science throughout the world. The 2024 awards will recognize achievements in the life and environmental sciences. TBA – formerly 2024-06-30
BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge AwardsRecognize fundamental contributions in a broad array of areas of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation. Disciplines include Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), Biology and Biomedicine, Information and Communication Technologies, Ecology and Conservation Biology, and Climate Change.TBA – formerly 2024-06-30
Kyoto PrizeHonours those who have contributed significantly to the scientific, cultural, and spiritual betterment of mankind. It is presented annually in each of the following three categories: Advanced Technology, Basic Sciences, and Arts and Philosophy.Rolling Deadline
Canada Gairdner Momentum AwardAnnually recognizes two mid-career investigators (typically 10-15 years past their first independent research appointment) working in Canada who, in their last 6 active years, have produced exceptional scientific research contributions with continued potential for impact on human health. TBA – formerly 2024-07-15
Health Research Foundation Medal of HonourRecognizes outstanding individuals whose research or contributions to public policies supportive of research and development in Canada have achieved international recognition, and who have made pivotal contributions to the advancement of knowledge in health sciences and/or therapeutics healthcare.TBA – formerly 2024-07-15
Royal-Mach-Gaensslen PrizeAwarded annually to an outstanding early-career researcher (45 or under) in the field of mental health.TBA – formerly 2024-07-15
Early Researcher AwardHelps promising, recently-appointed Ontario researchers build their research teams in order to improve Ontario’s ability to attract and retain the best and brightest research talent.TBA – formerly 2024-07-25
Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals Award of MeritAwarded annually to distinguished Chinese-Canadians with outstanding professional achievements.TBA – formerly 2024-07-31
Melanie O’Neill Young Investigator Award in Biological ChemistryPresented to a scientist residing in Canada who has made a distinguished contribution to biological chemistry while working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Prix Galien Canada Innovative Product AwardPresented to a drug, 12 to 60 months ago, that has made the most significant overall contribution to patient care in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-02
Gairdner Early Career Investigator AwardUp to five investigators working in the fields of this year’s awards will be chosen to give 10 minute talks during one of the three major symposia of Gairdner Week, to connect with the 2024 laureates and to attend the 2024 Awards Gala on October 24, 2024 (travel and hotel provided).TBA – formerly 2024-08-15
Petro-Canada Emerging Innovator AwardRecognizes, promotes, and supports outstanding and innovative emerging researchers whose work contributes significantly to the training environment of the University and has an impact on society at large.TBA – formerly 2024-08-19
Robbins-Ollivier Award for Excellence in EquityRecognize faculty members with bold and game-changing initiatives that
address inequities in their institution, the research ecosystem, and academia.
TBA – formerly 2024-08-26 (FSc)
Lewis S. Rosenstiel AwardAwarded to scientists for recent discoveries of particular originality and importance to basic medical research.TBA – formerly 2024-08-31
Steacie PrizePresented annually to a young scientist or engineer (40 or under) for outstanding scientific research carried out in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-31
Wiley Prize in Biomedical SciencesRecognizes breakthrough research in pure or applied life science research that is distinguished by its excellence, originality, and impact on our understanding of biological systems and processes.TBA – formerly 2024-08-31
Governor General’s Innovation AwardsRecognize and celebrate outstanding Canadian trailblazers and creators who contribute to the country’s success.TBA – formerly 2024-09-06 (FSc deadline)
Sloan Research FellowshipsRecognize and reward outstanding early-career faculty who have the potential to revolutionize their fields of study in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field.TBA – formerly 2024-09-15
Guggenheim FellowshipsIntended for mid-career individuals who have demonstrated exceptional capacity in any field of knowledge.TBA – formerly 2024-09-17
Banting Medal for Scientific Achievement AwardAwarded annually to honour highly meritorious career achievement in the field of diabetes research.TBA – formerly 2024-09-20
Stockholm Water PrizeRecognizes people and organizations who have made outstanding contributions to the sustainable use and protection of the world’s water resources.TBA – formerly 2024-09-30
Edgar D. Tillyer AwardPresented to an individual who has performed distinguished work in the field of vision, including (but not limited to) the optics, physiology, anatomy or psychology of the visual system.TBA – formerly 2024-10-01
Michael S. Feld Biophotonics AwardRecognizes individuals for their innovative and influential contributions to the field of biophotonics, regardless of their career stage. TBA – formerly 2024-10-01
John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health AwardRecognizes the world’s leading researchers who have used rational, scientifically based research to improve the wellbeing of those facing health inequalities worldwide.TBA – formerly 2024-10-01
Canada Gairdner International AwardsAwarded to outstanding biomedical scientists who have made original contributions to medicine resulting in an increased understanding of human biology and disease.TBA – formerly 2024-10-01
Arthur B. McDonald FellowshipsRecognize early stage academic researchers in the natural sciences and/or engineering and support them to enhance their research capacity, so that they can become leaders in their field and inspire others.TBA – formerly 2024-10-09 (FSc)
King Charles III Coronation MedalRecognizes individuals' outstanding contributions to their communities in the areas of service, the environment and sustainability, and Canada's diversity.TBA – formerly 2024-10-25 (VPRI)
VPRI Commercialization FellowshipTo support the research commercialization process by providing strategic, short-term funding to assist in the development of commercially viable projects.TBA – formerly 2023-10-31
Liber Ero Post-Doctoral FellowshipSeeks to support early-career scientists to conduct and communicate world-class research that informs conservation and management issues relevant to Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-11-01
Warren Alpert Foundation PrizeRecognizes and honours one or more scientists, physicians and researchers whose scientific achievements have led to the prevention, cure or treatment of human diseases or disorders, and/or whose research constitutes a seminal scientific finding that holds great promise of ultimately changing our understanding of or ability to treat disease.TBA – formerly 2024-11-08
Fyssen Foundation International Scientific PrizeGiven annually to a scientist who has conducted distinguished research in the areas supported by the foundation such as ethology, palaeontology, archaeology, anthropology, psychology, epistemology, logic, and the neurosciences.TBA – formerly 2024-11-08
York University President’s Emerging Research Leadership AwardRecognizes two full-time faculty members within 10 years of their first academic appointment, who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to one or more aspects of the York community’s intellectual life.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
York University President's Research Impact AwardRecognizes full-time, active faculty members whose body of research or scholarship has translated into a notable impact on communities, individuals, public policies or practice beyond academia, or translated successfully into impactful commercial or other applications, while significantly and positively contributing to the University’s research culture and reputation.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
York University President’s Research Excellence AwardRecognizes senior established, full-time, active Professors with distinguished scholarly achievements, who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to the York community’s intellectual life.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
NSERC Awards for Science PromotionFocus on individuals and groups who are inspirational in the way they promote science to the general public.TBA – formerly 2024-11-15
Traditional Fulbright Scholar AwardDesigned to enable emerging and established Canadian scholars, post-doctoral researchers and experienced professionals to conduct research, teach, or undertake a combination of both activities for one semester or a full academic year at any university or research centre of their choice in the United States.TBA – formerly 2024-11-15
Faculty of Science Annual Research and Mentorship AwardsTo acknowledge the extraordinary research achievements and dedication to mentoring graduate student trainees in the Faculty of Science (FSc).TBA – formerly 2024-11-18
Brockhouse Canada PrizeRecognizes outstanding Canadian teams of researchers from different disciplines who came together to engage in research drawing on their combined knowledge and skills, and produced a record of excellent achievements in the natural sciences and engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold MedalAwarded annually to an individual whose body of work, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences or engineering, has demonstrated persistent excellence and influence.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
John C. Polanyi AwardGiven to an individual or team whose research, conducted in Canada, has led to a recent outstanding advance in any NSERC-supported field of the natural sciences or engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Donna Strickland PrizeAwarded annually to an individual or team whose outstanding research has led to exceptional benefits for Canadian society, the environment and/or the economy.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Albert Einstein World Award for ScienceRecognizes scientists whose scientific and technological achievements have brought progress to science and benefit to mankind. Consideration will be given to individuals or institutions in one of the Life Sciences, such as Neuroscience, Earth Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine or Chemistry; or in one of the Natural Sciences such as Physics, Mathematics or Astronomy.TBA – formerly 2024-11-29
John Charles Polanyi PrizesAwarded annually to up to five outstanding researchers or scholars who are in the early stages of their careers at Ontario universities. They are available in the areas of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Economic Science.TBA – formerly 2024-12-02
NRC Luise and Gerhard Herzberg Postdoctoral FellowshipAwarded every year to a recent PhD graduate who identifies as a woman and who has demonstrated research excellence.TBA – formerly 2024-12-01
NSERC Synergy AwardsRecognizes partnerships in natural sciences and engineering research and development between universities and Canadian industry.TBA – formerly 2024-12-06
College of New Scholars, Artists and ScientistsMembers include Canadians and Permanent Residents who, at an early stage in their career, have demonstrated a high level of achievement.TBA – formerly 2024-12-13
Fellowship of Royal Society of CanadaRecognizes distinguished Canadians from all branches of learning who have made remarkable contributions in the arts, the humanities, and the sciences, as well as in Canadian public life.TBA – formerly 2024-12-13
CIHR-IPPH Trailblazer Award in Population and Public Health ResearchRecognizes the exemplary efforts and activities of exceptional Canadian researchers at different career stages who have created a highly influential body of work that has had a substantial impact on the field of population and public health research.TBA – formerly 2024-12-09 (FSc)
Gruber International Neuroscience PrizeHonours scientists for major discoveries that have advanced the understanding of the nervous system.TBA – formerly 2024-12-15
Gruber International Genetics PrizePresented to a leading scientist, or up to three, in recognition of groundbreaking contributions to any realm of genetics research.TBA – formerly 2024-12-15

AwardDescriptionAgency Deadline
Royal Society of Canada Medals and AwardsFor excellence in learning, research and
artistic achievement in the arts, the humanities and the natural and social sciences.
2025-01-10 (FSc)
Robert A. Welch AwardFosters and encourages basic chemical research and recognizes the value of chemical research contributions for the benefit of humankind.2025-01-31
YUFA Research Grant FundingFor full-time faculty members in the Faculty of Science.TBA – formerly 2024-02-02
YUFA Junior Faculty Fund (JFF)For junior (untenured as of July 1, 2023) full-time faculty members in the Faculty of Science who are in the probationary/tenured or continuing appointment classifications.TBA – formerly 2024-02-02
York-Massey FellowshipsProvides for a shared office space and the status of a full Senior Resident of the College.2025-02-07
IUPAC-SOLVAY International Award for Young ChemistsPresented to outstanding Ph.D. theses in the general area of the chemical sciences, as described in a 1000-word essay.2025-02-15
Minister of Colleges and Universities' Awards of ExcellenceCelebrate the incredible work of faculty, staff, and graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and innovation during the 2020/2021 school year.TBA – formerly 2024-02-21
Copley MedalAwarded for sustained, outstanding achievements in any field of science. In 2023, the Copley Medal will be awarded for the physical sciences.2025-02-21
Japan PrizeAwarded to breakthroughs in the creation, innovation or dissemination of science and technology in the fields of Resources, Energy, Environment, and Social Infrastructure, thereby contributing significantly to solving social issues and improving sustainability in our society.2025-02-28
Community-Based Research Canada AwardsAnnually recognizes excellence in community-based research through a national award program.TBA – formerly 2024-03-05
Balzan PrizesAwarded to scholars, artists and scientists who have distinguished themselves in their fields on an international level.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
King Faisal PrizeRecognizes the outstanding works of individuals and institutions in five major categories: Service to Islam, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language and Literature, Medicine, and Science.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
Order of OntarioRewarded to an Ontarian who has shown the highest level of excellence and achievement in any field, and whose impact has left a lasting legacy in the province, in the country, and around the world.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
Rutherford Memorial MedalsFor outstanding research in physics and in chemistry.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
American Association for the Advancement of Science FellowshipRecognizes an AAAS member whose efforts on behalf of the advancement of science or its applications are scientifically or socially distinguished.TBA – formerly 2024-04-17
Azrieli International Postdoctoral FellowshipSupports 24 international postdoctoral researchers to carry out research in exact sciences, life sciences, humanities, and social sciences at eligible Israeli academic institutions.TBA – formerly 2024-05-09
Top 100 AwardsCanada's most recognized honour for the highest achieving female leaders in business, arts, sports, community, entrepreneurship, not-for-profit ventures, skilled trades, science, service, and philanthropy.TBA – formerly 2024-05-14
York University Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year AwardRecognizes one Postdoctoral Supervisor who has demonstrated exemplary support for postdoctoral scholars at York University.TBA – formerly 2024-06-01*
Killam PrizesAwarded to distinguished Canadian scholars who have been engaged in research in universities, hospitals, research or scientific institutes, or other similar institutions for the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences or engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-06-06
Dorothy Killam FellowshipsSupport early- to mid-career Canadian researchers whose research stands to have significant impact on a national or global scale.TBA – formerly 2024-06-13
L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science AwardsRecognize and support eminent women in science throughout the world. The 2024 awards will recognize achievements in the life and environmental sciences.TBA – formerly 2024-06-30
BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge AwardsRecognize fundamental contributions in a broad array of areas of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation. Disciplines include Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), Biology and Biomedicine, Information and Communication Technologies, Ecology and Conservation Biology, and Climate Change.TBA – formerly 2024-06-30
Kyoto PrizeHonours those who have contributed significantly to the scientific, cultural, and spiritual betterment of mankind. It is presented annually in each of the following three categories: Advanced Technology, Basic Sciences, and Arts and Philosophy.Rolling Deadline
Cottrell Scholar AwardHonours and helps to develop outstanding teacher-scholars who are recognized by their scientific communities for the quality and innovation of their research programs and their academic leadership skills in chemistry, physics, or astronomy.TBA – formerly 2024-07-01
Early Researcher AwardHelps promising, recently-appointed Ontario researchers build their research teams in order to improve Ontario’s ability to attract and retain the best and brightest research talent.TBA – formerly 2024-07-25
Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals Award of MeritAwarded annually to distinguished Chinese-Canadians with outstanding professional achievements.TBA – formerly 2024-07-31
Alfred Bader AwardPresented as a mark of distinction and recognition for excellence in research in organic chemistry by a scientist who is currently working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Award for Research Excellence in Materials ChemistryPresented to a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who has made an outstanding contribution to materials chemistry while working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Bernard Belleau AwardPresented to a scientist residing in Canada who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of medicinal chemistry through research involving biochemical or organic chemical mechanisms.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Clara Benson AwardPresented to recognize a woman who has made a distinguished contribution to chemistry while working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
E. W. R. Steacie AwardPresented to a scientist who has made a distinguished contribution to chemistry while working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Fred Beamish AwardRecognizes an individual who demonstrates innovation in research in the field of analytical chemistry, where the research is anticipated to have significant potential for practical applications.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
John C. Polanyi AwardPresented for excellence by a scientist carrying out research in Canada in physical, theoretical, or computational chemistry or chemical physics.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Keith Fagnou AwardPresented to a scientist residing in Canada who has made a distinguished contribution to organic chemistry while working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Keith Laidler AwardRecognizes outstanding early-career contributions to physical chemistry, for research carried out in Canada, by a scientist residing in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Melanie O’Neill Young Investigator Award in Biological ChemistryPresented to a scientist residing in Canada who has made a distinguished contribution to biological chemistry while working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
R. U. Lemieux AwardPresented to an organic chemist who has made a distinguished contribution to any area of organic chemistry and who is currently working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Ricardo Aroca AwardPresented to a scientist residing in Canada who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of analytical chemistry while working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Rio Tinto AwardPresented to a scientist who has made a distinguishing contribution to the fields of inorganic chemistry or electrochemistry while working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Strem Chemicals Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic ChemistryPresented to a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who has made an outstanding contribution to inorganic chemistry, demonstrating exceptional promise, while working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Lectureship AwardPresented to a scientist who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of biological or medicinal chemistry within the past five years of the initial nomination deadline date while working in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Macromolecular Science and Engineering AwardPresented to an individual who has made a distinguished contribution to macromolecular science or engineering while residing in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Tom Ziegler AwardPresented to a scientist residing in Canada who has made an outstanding early-career contribution to theoretical and/or computational chemistry.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
W. A. E. McBryde MedalPresented to a young scientist working in Canada who has made a significant achievement in pure or applied analytical chemistry.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Prix Galien Canada Innovative Product AwardPresented to a drug, 12 to 60 months ago, that has made the most significant overall contribution to patient care in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-02
Petro-Canada Emerging Innovator AwardRecognizes, promotes, and supports outstanding and innovative emerging researchers whose work contributes significantly to the training environment of the University and has an impact on society at large.TBA – formerly 2024-08-19
Robbins-Ollivier Award for Excellence in EquityRecognize faculty members with bold and game-changing initiatives that
address inequities in their institution, the research ecosystem, and academia.
TBA – formerly 2024-08-26 (FSc deadline)
Steacie PrizePresented annually to a young scientist or engineer (40 or under) for outstanding scientific research carried out in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-31
Governor General’s Innovation AwardsRecognize and celebrate outstanding Canadian trailblazers and creators who contribute to the country’s success.TBA – formerly 2024-09-06 (FSc deadline)
CCUCC Chemistry Doctoral AwardAwarded to recognize outstanding achievement and potential in research by a graduate student who has fulfilled all of the requirements for a PhD degree for graduation from a Canadian university in the 12‐month period preceding the nomination deadline.TBA – formerly 2024-09-06
Sloan Research FellowshipsRecognize and reward outstanding early-career faculty who have the potential to revolutionize their fields of study in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field.TBA – formerly 2024-09-15
Guggenheim FellowshipsIntended for mid-career individuals who have demonstrated exceptional capacity in any field of knowledge.TBA – formerly 2024-09-17
Stockholm Water PrizeRecognizes people and organizations who have made outstanding contributions to the sustainable use and protection of the world’s water resources.TBA – formerly 2024-09-30
Ellis R. Lippincott AwardPresented to an individual who has made significant contributions to vibrational spectroscopy as judged by their influence on other scientists.TBA – formerly 2024-10-01
Arthur B. McDonald FellowshipsRecognize early stage academic researchers in the natural sciences and/or engineering and support them to enhance their research capacity, so that they can become leaders in their field and inspire others.TBA – formerly 2024-10-09 (FSc)
King Charles III Coronation MedalRecognizes individuals' outstanding contributions to their communities in the areas of service, the environment and sustainability, and Canada's diversity.TBA – formerly 2024-10-25 (VPRI)
VPRI Commercialization FellowshipTo support the research commercialization process by providing strategic, short-term funding to assist in the development of commercially viable projects.TBA – formerly 2023-10-31
Priestley MedalRecognizes distinguished services to chemistry.TBA – formerly 2024-11-01
York University President’s Emerging Research Leadership AwardRecognizes two full-time faculty members within 10 years of their first academic appointment, who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to one or more aspects of the York community’s intellectual life.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
York University President's Research Impact AwardRecognizes full-time, active faculty members whose body of research or scholarship has translated into a notable impact on communities, individuals, public policies or practice beyond academia, or translated successfully into impactful commercial or other applications, while significantly and positively contributing to the University’s research culture and reputation.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
York University President’s Research Excellence AwardRecognizes senior established, full-time, active Professors with distinguished scholarly achievements, who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to the York community’s intellectual life.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
Traditional Fulbright Scholar AwardDesigned to enable emerging and established Canadian scholars, post-doctoral researchers and experienced professionals to conduct research, teach, or undertake a combination of both activities for one semester or a full academic year at any university or research centre of their choice in the United States.TBA – formerly 2024-11-15
NSERC Awards for Science PromotionFocus on individuals and groups who are inspirational in the way they promote science to the general public.TBA – formerly 2024-11-15
Faculty of Science Annual Research and Mentorship AwardsTo acknowledge the extraordinary research achievements and dedication to mentoring graduate student trainees in the Faculty of Science (FSc).TBA – formerly 2024-11-18
Brockhouse Canada PrizeRecognizes outstanding Canadian teams of researchers from different disciplines who came together to engage in research drawing on their combined knowledge and skills, and produced a record of excellent achievements in the natural sciences and engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold MedalAwarded annually to an individual whose body of work, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences or engineering, has demonstrated persistent excellence and influence.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
John C. Polanyi AwardGiven to an individual or team whose research, conducted in Canada, has led to a recent outstanding advance in any NSERC-supported field of the natural sciences or engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Donna Strickland PrizeAwarded annually to an individual or team whose outstanding research has led to exceptional benefits for Canadian society, the environment and/or the economy.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Albert Einstein World Award for ScienceRecognizes scientists whose scientific and technological achievements have brought progress to science and benefit to mankind. Consideration will be given to individuals or institutions in one of the Life Sciences, such as Neuroscience, Earth Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine or Chemistry; or in one of the Natural Sciences such as Physics, Mathematics or Astronomy.TBA – formerly 2024-11-29
NRC Luise and Gerhard Herzberg Postdoctoral FellowshipAwarded every year to a recent PhD graduate who identifies as a woman and who has demonstrated research excellence.TBA – formerly 2024-12-01
John Charles Polanyi PrizesAwarded annually to up to five outstanding researchers or scholars who are in the early stages of their careers at Ontario universities. They are available in the areas of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Economic Science.TBA – formerly 2024-12-02
NSERC Synergy AwardsRecognizes partnerships in natural sciences and engineering research and development between universities and Canadian industry.TBA – formerly 2024-12-06
Fellowship of Royal Society of CanadaRecognizes distinguished Canadians from all branches of learning who have made remarkable contributions in the arts, the humanities, and the sciences, as well as in Canadian public life.TBA – formerly 2024-12-13
College of New Scholars, Artists and ScientistsMembers include Canadians and Permanent Residents who, at an early stage in their career, have demonstrated a high level of achievement.TBA – formerly 2024-12-13
AwardDescriptionAgency Deadline
Royal Society of Canada Medals and AwardsFor excellence in learning, research and
artistic achievement in the arts, the humanities and the natural and social sciences.
2025-01-10 (FSc)
Cecil Graham Doctoral Dissertation AwardRecognizes and publicizes an outstanding PhD thesis in Applied Mathematics accepted at a Canadian University during the calendar year prior to the year of the award2025-01-31
CAIMS-SCMAI Research PrizeRecognizes innovative and exceptional research contributions in applied or industrial mathematics.2025-01-31
CAIMS/PIMS Early Career AwardRecognizes exceptional research in any branch of applied mathematics, interpreted broadly.2025-01-31
CAIMS-Fields Industrial Mathematics PrizeAwarded to a researcher in recognition of exceptional research in any branch of industrial mathematics, interpreted broadly.2025-01-31
Arthur Beaumont Distinguished Service AwardHonours members of CAIMS/SCMAI for outstanding service to the society or to Applied Mathematics in Canada.2025-01-31
YUFA Research Grant FundingFor full-time faculty members in the Faculty of Science.TBA – formerly 2024-02-02
YUFA Junior Faculty Fund (JFF)For junior (untenured as of July 1, 2023) full-time faculty members in the Faculty of Science who are in the probationary/tenured or continuing appointment classifications.TBA – formerly 2024-02-02
York-Massey FellowshipsProvides for a shared office space and the status of a full Senior Resident of the College.2025-02-07
Minister of Colleges and Universities' Awards of ExcellenceCelebrate the incredible work of faculty, staff, and graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and innovation during the 2020/2021 school year.TBA – formerly 2024-02-21
Community-Based Research Canada AwardsAnnually recognizes excellence in community-based research through a national award program.TBA – formerly 2024-03-05
Balzan PrizesAwarded to scholars, artists and scientists who have distinguished themselves in their fields on an international level.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
King Faisal PrizeRecognizes the outstanding works of individuals and institutions in five major categories: Service to Islam, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language and Literature, Medicine, and Science.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
Order of OntarioRewarded to an Ontarian who has shown the highest level of excellence and achievement in any field, and whose impact has left a lasting legacy in the province, in the country, and around the world.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
Henry Marshall Tory MedalFor outstanding research in any branch of astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, physics, or an allied science.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31*
John L. Synge AwardTo acknowledge outstanding research in any of the branches of the mathematical sciences.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31*
Breakthrough Prize in MathematicsAwarded annually to a person for significant contributions to mathematics.TBA – formerly 2024-04-01
American Association for the Advancement of Science FellowshipRecognizes an AAAS member whose efforts on behalf of the advancement of science or its applications are scientifically or socially distinguished.TBA – formerly 2024-04-17
Nokia Bell Labs PrizeRecognizes game-changing innovations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.TBA – formerly 2024-04-19*
Azrieli International Postdoctoral FellowshipSupports 24 international postdoctoral researchers to carry out research in exact sciences, life sciences, humanities, and social sciences at eligible Israeli academic institutions.TBA – formerly 2024-05-09
Top 100 AwardsCanada's most recognized honour for the highest achieving female leaders in business, arts, sports, community, entrepreneurship, not-for-profit ventures, skilled trades, science, service, and philanthropy.TBA – formerly 2024-05-14
Frank and Brennie Morgan PrizeAwarded annually for outstanding research in mathematics by an undergraduate student (or students having submitted joint work).TBA – formerly 2024-05-31
York University Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year AwardRecognizes one Postdoctoral Supervisor who has demonstrated exemplary support for postdoctoral scholars at York University.TBA – formerly 2024-06-01*
Killam PrizesAwarded to distinguished Canadian scholars who have been engaged in research in universities, hospitals, research or scientific institutes, or other similar institutions for the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences or engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-06-06
Dorothy Killam FellowshipsSupport early- to mid-career Canadian researchers whose research stands to have significant impact on a national or global scale.TBA – formerly 2024-06-13
BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge AwardsRecognize fundamental contributions in a broad array of areas of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation. Disciplines include Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), Biology and Biomedicine, Information and Communication Technologies, Ecology and Conservation Biology, and Climate Change.TBA – formerly 2024-06-30
Kyoto PrizeHonours those who have contributed significantly to the scientific, cultural, and spiritual betterment of mankind. It is presented annually in each of the following three categories: Advanced Technology, Basic Sciences, and Arts and Philosophy.Rolling Deadline
Early Researcher AwardHelps promising, recently-appointed Ontario researchers build their research teams in order to improve Ontario’s ability to attract and retain the best and brightest research talent.TBA – formerly 2024-07-25
Ivo & Renata Babuška PrizeAwarded every two years in recognition of high-quality interdisciplinary work that targets any aspect of modeling and numerical solution of a specific engineering or scientific application, including mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, algorithms, and validation.TBA – formerly 2024-07-31
James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific ComputingAwarded every four years to one individual for research in, or other contributions to, numerical analysis and scientific computing during the six years preceding the award year. TBA – formerly 2024-07-31
Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals Award of MeritAwarded annually to distinguished Chinese-Canadians with outstanding professional achievements.TBA – formerly 2024-07-31*
Petro-Canada Emerging Innovator AwardRecognizes, promotes, and supports outstanding and innovative emerging researchers whose work contributes significantly to the training environment of the University and has an impact on society at large.TBA – formerly 2024-08-19
Robbins-Ollivier Award for Excellence in EquityRecognize faculty members with bold and game-changing initiatives that
address inequities in their institution, the research ecosystem, and academia.
TBA – formerly 2024-08-26 (FSc)
Steacie PrizePresented annually to a young scientist or engineer (40 or under) for outstanding scientific research carried out in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-31
Abel PrizeRecognizes outstanding scientific work in the field of mathematics, including mathematical aspects of computer science, mathematical physics, probability, numerical analysis and scientific computing, statistics, and also applications of mathematics in the sciences.TBA – formerly 2024-09-01
Governor General’s Innovation AwardsRecognize and celebrate outstanding Canadian trailblazers and creators who contribute to the country’s success.TBA – formerly 2024-09-06 (FSc deadline)
Sloan Research FellowshipsRecognize and reward outstanding early-career faculty who have the potential to revolutionize their fields of study in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field.TBA – formerly 2024-09-15
AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky LectureAwarded annually to highlight significant contributions of women to applied or computational mathematics.TBA – formerly 2024-09-15
Guggenheim FellowshipsIntended for mid-career individuals who have demonstrated exceptional capacity in any field of knowledge.TBA – formerly 2024-09-17
Ruth I. Michler Memorial PrizeAwarded annually to a woman recently promoted to Associate Professor or an equivalent position in the mathematical sciences.TBA – 2024-10-01
Dénes König PrizeAwarded for outstanding research by an individual in their early career, based on publication in peer-reviewed journals.TBA – 2024-10-15
George Pólya Prize in CombinatoricsAwarded every four years for a notable application of combinatorial theory.TBA – 2024-10-15
Germund Dahlquist PrizeAwarded every two years to one individual for original contributions to numerical solution of differential equations and numerical methods for scientific computing.TBA – 2024-10-15
Jerald L. Ericksen PrizeMay recognize either a formulation that enables the novel application of mathematical ideas or a formulation that raises new questions in mathematics. The prize is awarded for research completed in the fifteen years preceding the award date.TBA – 2024-10-15
Ralph E. Kleinman PrizeAwarded every two years to one individual for outstanding research or other contributions that bridge the gap between mathematics and applications. Work that uses high-level mathematics and/or invents new mathematical tools to solve applied problems from engineering, science, and technology is particularly appropriate.TBA – 2024-10-15
W. T. and Idalia Reid PrizeAwarded annually to one individual for research in, or other contributions to, the broadly defined areas of differential equations and control theory.TBA – 2024-10-15
King Charles III Coronation MedalRecognizes individuals' outstanding contributions to their communities in the areas of service, the environment and sustainability, and Canada's diversity.TBA – 2024-10-25 (VPRI)
VPRI Commercialization FellowshipTo support the research commercialization process by providing strategic, short-term funding to assist in the development of commercially viable projects.TBA – formerly 2023-10-31
CRM-Fields-PIMS PrizeRecognizes exceptional achievement in the mathematical sciences.TBA – formerly 2024-11-01
York University President’s Emerging Research Leadership AwardRecognizes two full-time faculty members within 10 years of their first academic appointment, who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to one or more aspects of the York community’s intellectual life.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
York University President's Research Impact AwardRecognizes full-time, active faculty members whose body of research or scholarship has translated into a notable impact on communities, individuals, public policies or practice beyond academia, or translated successfully into impactful commercial or other applications, while significantly and positively contributing to the University’s research culture and reputation.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
York University President’s Research Excellence AwardRecognizes senior established, full-time, active Professors with distinguished scholarly achievements, who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to the York community’s intellectual life.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
NSERC Awards for Science PromotionFocus on individuals and groups who are inspirational in the way they promote science to the general public.TBA – formerly 2024-11-15
Traditional Fulbright Scholar AwardDesigned to enable emerging and established Canadian scholars, post-doctoral researchers and experienced professionals to conduct research, teach, or undertake a combination of both activities for one semester or a full academic year at any university or research centre of their choice in the United States.TBA – formerly 2024-11-15
Faculty of Science Annual Research and Mentorship AwardsTo acknowledge the extraordinary research achievements and dedication to mentoring graduate student trainees in the Faculty of Science (FSc).TBA – formerly 2024-11-18
Albert Einstein World Award for ScienceRecognizes scientists whose scientific and technological achievements have brought progress to science and benefit to mankind. Consideration will be given to individuals or institutions in one of the Life Sciences, such as Neuroscience, Earth Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine or Chemistry; or in one of the Natural Sciences such as Physics, Mathematics or Astronomy.TBA – formerly 2024-11-29
Tweedie New Researcher AwardProvides funds for travel to present the “Tweedie New Researcher Invited Lecture” at the IMS New Researchers Conference.TBA – formerly 2024-12-01
College of New Scholars, Artists and ScientistsMembers include Canadians and Permanent Residents who, at an early stage in their career, have demonstrated a high level of achievement.TBA – formerly 2024-12-13
Fellowship of Royal Society of CanadaRecognizes distinguished Canadians from all branches of learning who have made remarkable contributions in the arts, the humanities, and the sciences, as well as in Canadian public life.TBA – formerly 2024-12-13
AwardDescriptionAgency Deadline
Royal Society of Canada Medals and AwardsFor excellence in learning, research and
artistic achievement in the arts, the humanities and the natural and social sciences.
2025-01-10 (FSc)
YUFA Research Grant FundingFor full-time faculty members in the Faculty of Science.TBA – formerly 2024-02-02
YUFA Junior Faculty Fund (JFF)For junior (untenured as of July 1, 2023) full-time faculty members in the Faculty of Science who are in the probationary/tenured or continuing appointment classifications.TBA – formerly 2024-02-02
York-Massey FellowshipsProvides for a shared office space and the status of a full Senior Resident of the College.2025-02-07
Minister of Colleges and Universities' Awards of ExcellenceCelebrate the incredible work of faculty, staff, and graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and innovation during the 2020/2021 school year.TBA – formerly 2024-02-21
Community-Based Research Canada AwardsAnnually recognizes excellence in community-based research through a national award program.TBA – formerly 2024-03-05
Balzan PrizesAwarded to scholars, artists and scientists who have distinguished themselves in their fields on an international level.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
King Faisal PrizeRecognizes the outstanding works of individuals and institutions in five major categories: Service to Islam, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language and Literature, Medicine, and Science.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
Order of OntarioRewarded to an Ontarian who has shown the highest level of excellence and achievement in any field, and whose impact has left a lasting legacy in the province, in the country, and around the world.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
Henry Marshall Tory MedalFor outstanding research in any branch of astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, physics, or an allied science.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
Bancroft AwardFor instruction and research in the science of geology.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
Michael P. Païdoussis Medal
For recognition of an individual who has made outstanding contributions to research, education and leadership in applied mechanics.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
Rutherford Memorial MedalsFor outstanding research in physics and in chemistry.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
Miroslaw Romanowski MedalFor scientific work relating to environmental problems.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
Willet G. Miller MedalFor outstanding research in earth sciences and ocean & atmospheric sciences.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental PhysicsRecognizes theoretical, mathematical, and experimental physicists who have made profound contributions to human knowledge.TBA – formerly 2024-04-01
American Association for the Advancement of Science FellowshipRecognizes an AAAS member whose efforts on behalf of the advancement of science or its applications are scientifically or socially distinguished.TBA – formerly 2024-04-17
Azrieli International Postdoctoral FellowshipSupports 24 international postdoctoral researchers to carry out research in exact sciences, life sciences, humanities, and social sciences at eligible Israeli academic institutions.TBA – formerly 2024-05-09
Top 100 AwardsCanada's most recognized honour for the highest achieving female leaders in business, arts, sports, community, entrepreneurship, not-for-profit ventures, skilled trades, science, service, and philanthropy.TBA – formerly 2024-05-14
York University Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year AwardRecognizes one Postdoctoral Supervisor who has demonstrated exemplary support for postdoctoral scholars at York University.TBA – formerly 2024-06-01*
Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser ScienceRecognizes outstanding contributions to basic research which uses lasers to advance our knowledge of the fundamental physical properties of materials and their interaction with light.TBA – formerly 2024-06-03
W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle PhysicsRecognizes and encourages outstanding achievements in experimental particle physics.TBA – formerly 2024-06-03
Killam PrizesAwarded to distinguished Canadian scholars who have been engaged in research in universities, hospitals, research or scientific institutes, or other similar institutions for the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences or engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-06-06
Arthur B. McDonald FellowshipsRecognize early stage academic researchers in the natural sciences and/or engineering and support them to enhance their research capacity, so that they can become leaders in their field and inspire others.TBA – formerly 2024-06-07*
Dorothy Killam FellowshipsSupport early- to mid-career Canadian researchers whose research stands to have significant impact on a national or global scale.TBA – formerly 2024-06-13
L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science AwardsRecognize and support eminent women in science throughout the world. The 2024 awards will recognize achievements in the life sciences.TBA – formerly 2024-06-30
BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge AwardsRecognize fundamental contributions in a broad array of areas of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation. Disciplines include Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), Biology and Biomedicine, Information and Communication Technologies, Ecology and Conservation Biology, and Climate Change.TBA – formerly 2024-06-30
Herbert Walther AwardPresented for distinguished contributions in quantum optics and atomic physics as well as leadership in the international scientific community.TBA – formerly 2024-06-30
Kyoto PrizeHonours those who have contributed significantly to the scientific, cultural, and spiritual betterment of mankind. It is presented annually in each of the following three categories: Advanced Technology, Basic Sciences, and Arts and Philosophy.Rolling Deadline
Cottrell Scholar AwardHonours and helps to develop outstanding teacher-scholars who are recognized by their scientific communities for the quality and innovation of their research programs and their academic leadership skills in chemistry, physics, or astronomy.TBA – formerly 2024-07-01
Early Researcher AwardHelps promising, recently-appointed Ontario researchers build their research teams in order to improve Ontario’s ability to attract and retain the best and brightest research talent.TBA – formerly 2024-07-25
Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals Award of MeritAwarded annually to distinguished Chinese-Canadians with outstanding professional achievements.TBA – formerly 2024-07-31
John Tyndall AwardPresented for outstanding contributions in any area of optical-fiber technology, including optical fibers themselves, the optical components used in fiber systems, as well as transmission systems and networks using fibers. TBA – formerly 2024-08-10
Petro-Canada Emerging Innovator AwardRecognizes, promotes, and supports outstanding and innovative emerging researchers whose work contributes significantly to the training environment of the University and has an impact on society at large.TBA – formerly 2024-08-19
Robbins-Ollivier Award for Excellence in EquityRecognize faculty members with bold and game-changing initiatives that
address inequities in their institution, the research ecosystem, and academia.
TBA – formerly 2024-08-26 (FSc deadline)
Steacie PrizePresented annually to a young scientist or engineer (40 or under) for outstanding scientific research carried out in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-31
Abel PrizeRecognizes outstanding scientific work in the field of mathematics, including mathematical aspects of computer science, mathematical physics, probability, numerical analysis and scientific computing, statistics, and also applications of mathematics in the sciences.TBA – formerly 2023-09-01
Governor General’s Innovation AwardsRecognize and celebrate outstanding Canadian trailblazers and creators who contribute to the country’s success.TBA – formerly 2024-09-06 (FSc deadline)
Sloan Research FellowshipsRecognize and reward outstanding early-career faculty who have the potential to revolutionize their fields of study in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field.TBA – formerly 2024-09-15
Guggenheim FellowshipsIntended for mid-career individuals who have demonstrated exceptional capacity in any field of knowledge.TBA – formerly 2023-09-21
C.E.K. Mees MedalRecognizes an original use of optics across multiple fields.TBA – 2024-10-01
Charles Hard Townes MedalPresented for outstanding experimental or theoretical work, discovery or invention in the field of quantum electronics.TBA – 2024-10-01
Frederic Ives Medal / Jarus W. Quinn PrizeRecognizes overall distinction in optics; the highest award of the Society.TBA – 2024-10-01
Kevin P. Thompson Optical Design Innovator AwardPresented for significant contributions to lens design, optical engineering, or metrology by an individual as evidenced by one or more of the following: innovative and rigorous research; optical system design with a foundation in aberration theory; development of advanced metrology capabilities; product development; patents; or publications.TBA – 2024-10-01
Nick Holonyak Jr. AwardPresented to an individual who has made significant contributions to optics based on semiconductor-based optical devices and materials, including basic science and technological applications.TBA – 2024-10-01
Michael S. Feld Biophotonics AwardRecognizes individuals for their innovative and influential contributions to the field of biophotonics, regardless of their career stage. TBA – 2024-10-01
Max Born AwardPresented to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to physical optics, theoretical or experimental.TBA – 2024-10-01
R. W. Wood PrizeRecognizes an outstanding discovery, scientific or technical achievement, or invention in the field of optics.TBA – 2024-10-01
David Richardson MedalRecognizes those who have made significant contributions to optical engineering, primarily in the commercial and industrial sector.TBA – 2024-10-01
Edwin H. Land MedalRecognizes pioneering work empowered by scientific research to create inventions, technologies, and products.TBA – 2024-10-01
Emmett N. Leith MedalRecognizes seminal contributions to the field of optical information processing.TBA – 2024-10-01
Esther Hoffman Beller MedalPresented for outstanding contributions to education in optical science and engineering.TBA – 2024-10-01
Joseph Fraunhofer Award / Robert M. Burley PrizeRecognizes significant research accomplishments in the field of optical engineering.TBA – 2024-10-01
Sang Soo Lee AwardRecognizes outstanding leadership in founding or growing an optics and photonics community.TBA – 2024-10-01
William F. Meggers AwardPresented for outstanding work in spectroscopy.TBA – 2024-10-01
Arthur B. McDonald FellowshipsRecognize early stage academic researchers in the natural sciences and/or engineering and support them to enhance their research capacity, so that they can become leaders in their field and inspire others.TBA – formerly 2024-10-09 (FSc)
King Charles III Coronation MedalRecognizes individuals' outstanding contributions to their communities in the areas of service, the environment and sustainability, and Canada's diversity.TBA – formerly 2024-10-25 (VPRI)
VPRI Commercialization FellowshipTo support the research commercialization process by providing strategic, short-term funding to assist in the development of commercially viable projects.TBA – formerly 2023-10-31
York University President’s Emerging Research Leadership AwardRecognizes two full-time faculty members within 10 years of their first academic appointment, who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to one or more aspects of the York community’s intellectual life.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
York University President's Research Impact AwardRecognizes full-time, active faculty members whose body of research or scholarship has translated into a notable impact on communities, individuals, public policies or practice beyond academia, or translated successfully into impactful commercial or other applications, while significantly and positively contributing to the University’s research culture and reputation.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
York University President’s Research Excellence AwardRecognizes senior established, full-time, active Professors with distinguished scholarly achievements, who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to the York community’s intellectual life.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
NSERC Awards for Science PromotionFocus on individuals and groups who are inspirational in the way they promote science to the general public.TBA – formerly 2024-11-15
Traditional Fulbright Scholar AwardDesigned to enable emerging and established Canadian scholars, post-doctoral researchers and experienced professionals to conduct research, teach, or undertake a combination of both activities for one semester or a full academic year at any university or research centre of their choice in the United States.TBA – formerly 2024-11-15
Faculty of Science Annual Research and Mentorship AwardsTo acknowledge the extraordinary research achievements and dedication to mentoring graduate student trainees in the Faculty of Science (FSc).TBA – formerly 2024-11-18
Brockhouse Canada PrizeRecognizes outstanding Canadian teams of researchers from different disciplines who came together to engage in research drawing on their combined knowledge and skills, and produced a record of excellent achievements in the natural sciences and engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold MedalAwarded annually to an individual whose body of work, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences or engineering, has demonstrated persistent excellence and influence.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
John C. Polanyi AwardGiven to an individual or team whose research, conducted in Canada, has led to a recent outstanding advance in any NSERC-supported field of the natural sciences or engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Donna Strickland PrizeAwarded annually to an individual or team whose outstanding research has led to exceptional benefits for Canadian society, the environment and/or the economy.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Albert Einstein World Award for ScienceRecognizes scientists whose scientific and technological achievements have brought progress to science and benefit to mankind. Consideration will be given to individuals or institutions in one of the Life Sciences, such as Neuroscience, Earth Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine or Chemistry; or in one of the Natural Sciences such as Physics, Mathematics or Astronomy.TBA – formerly 2024-11-29
NRC Luise and Gerhard Herzberg Postdoctoral FellowshipAwarded every year to a recent PhD graduate who identifies as a woman and who has demonstrated research excellence.TBA – formerly 2024-12-01
John Charles Polanyi PrizesAwarded annually to up to five outstanding researchers or scholars who are in the early stages of their careers at Ontario universities. They are available in the areas of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Economic Science.TBA – formerly 2024-12-02
NSERC Synergy AwardsRecognizes partnerships in natural sciences and engineering research and development between universities and Canadian industry.TBA – formerly 2024-12-06
College of New Scholars, Artists and ScientistsMembers include Canadians and Permanent Residents who, at an early stage in their career, have demonstrated a high level of achievement.TBA – formerly 2024-12-13
Fellowship of Royal Society of CanadaRecognizes distinguished Canadians from all branches of learning who have made remarkable contributions in the arts, the humanities, and the sciences, as well as in Canadian public life.TBA – formerly 2024-12-13
Gruber International Cosmology PrizeHonours a leading cosmologist, astronomer, astrophysicist or scientific philosopher for theoretical, analytical, conceptual or observational discoveries leading to fundamental advances in our understanding of the universe.TBA – formerly 2024-12-15
Copley MedalAwarded for sustained, outstanding achievements in any field of science. In 2023, the Copley Medal will be awarded for the physical sciences. TBA – formerly 2024-02-23
Japan PrizeAwarded to breakthroughs in the creation, innovation or dissemination of science and technology in the fields of Resources, Energy, Environment, and Social Infrastructure, thereby contributing significantly to solving social issues and improving sustainability in our society.TBA – formerly 2024-02-29
AwardDescriptionAgency Deadline
Royal Society of Canada Medals and AwardsFor excellence in learning, research and
artistic achievement in the arts, the humanities and the natural and social sciences.
2025-01-10 (FSc)
Connected Minds MembershipEnvisions a world where breakthroughs in technology promote social health and justice for all, with special focus on Indigenous Peoples in Canada.2025-01-06
YUFA Research Grant FundingFor full-time faculty members in the Faculty of Science.TBA – formerly 2024-02-02
YUFA Junior Faculty Fund (JFF)For junior (untenured as of July 1, 2023) full-time faculty members in the Faculty of Science who are in the probationary/tenured or continuing appointment classifications.TBA – formerly 2024-02-02
York-Massey FellowshipsProvides for a shared office space and the status of a full Senior Resident of the College.2025-02-07
Minister of Colleges and Universities' Awards of ExcellenceCelebrate the incredible work of faculty, staff, and graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and innovation during the 2020/2021 school year.TBA – formerly 2024-02-21
Japan PrizeAwarded to breakthroughs in the creation, innovation or dissemination of science and technology in the fields of Resources, Energy, Environment, and Social Infrastructure, thereby contributing significantly to solving social issues and improving sustainability in our society.2025-02-28
Community-Based Research Canada AwardsAnnually recognizes excellence in community-based research through a national award program.TBA – formerly 2024-03-05
Balzan PrizesAwarded to scholars, artists and scientists who have distinguished themselves in their fields on an international level.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
King Faisal PrizeRecognizes the outstanding works of individuals and institutions in five major categories: Service to Islam, Islamic Studies, Arabic Language and Literature, Medicine, and Science.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
Order of OntarioRewarded to an Ontarian who has shown the highest level of excellence and achievement in any field, and whose impact has left a lasting legacy in the province, in the country, and around the world.TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
Ursula Franklin Award in Gender StudiesFor contributions to furthering our understanding of issues concerning gender.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
Innis-Gérin MedalFor a distinguished and sustained contribution to the literature of the social sciences.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
J.B. Tyrrell Historical MedalFor outstanding work in the history of Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
Lorne Pierce MedalFor an achievement in critical or imaginative literature.TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
Yvan Allaire MedalFor recognition of an outstanding contribution in governance of public and private organizations. TBA – formerly 2024-03-15
Bower AwardFor individuals who have made significant contributions to understanding the unique properties of soft matter or to the development of applications utilizing soft matter. TBA – formerly 2024-03-31
SSHRC Impact AwardsDesigned to build on and sustain Canada’s research-based knowledge culture in all research areas of the social sciences and humanities.TBA – formerly 2024-04-01
Russ PrizeAwarded for a specific achievement or for a series of achievements in bioengineering.TBA – formerly 2024-04-01
American Association for the Advancement of Science FellowshipRecognizes an AAAS member whose efforts on behalf of the advancement of science or its applications are scientifically or socially distinguished.TBA – formerly 2024-04-17
Nokia Bell Labs PrizeRecognizes game-changing innovations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.TBA – formerly 2024-04-19*
Azrieli International Postdoctoral FellowshipSupports 24 international postdoctoral researchers to carry out research in exact sciences, life sciences, humanities, and social sciences at eligible Israeli academic institutions.TBA – formerly 2024-05-09
Top 100 AwardsCanada's most recognized honour for the highest achieving female leaders in business, arts, sports, community, entrepreneurship, not-for-profit ventures, skilled trades, science, service, and philanthropy.TBA – formerly 2024-05-14
Sony Women in Technology AwardRecognizes and celebrates the remarkable women spearheading advancements in technology, driving positive change for society and the planet.TBA – formerly 2024-05-31
York University Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year AwardRecognizes one Postdoctoral Supervisor who has demonstrated exemplary support for postdoctoral scholars at York University.TBA – formerly 2024-06-01*
Killam PrizesAwarded to distinguished Canadian scholars who have been engaged in research in universities, hospitals, research or scientific institutes, or other similar institutions for the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences or engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-06-06
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Medal of HonorPresented when a candidate is identified as having made a particular contribution that forms a clearly exceptional addition to the science and technology of concern to IEEE.TBA – formerly 2024-06-15
Dorothy Killam FellowshipsSupport early- to mid-career Canadian researchers whose research stands to have significant impact on a national or global scale.TBA – formerly 2024-06-13
BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge AwardsRecognize fundamental contributions in a broad array of areas of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation. Disciplines include Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), Biology and Biomedicine, Information and Communication Technologies, Ecology and Conservation Biology, and Climate Change.TBA – formerly 2024-06-30
Kyoto PrizeHonours those who have contributed significantly to the scientific, cultural, and spiritual betterment of mankind. It is presented annually in each of the following three categories: Advanced Technology, Basic Sciences, and Arts and Philosophy.Rolling Deadline
Early Researcher AwardHelps promising, recently-appointed Ontario researchers build their research teams in order to improve Ontario’s ability to attract and retain the best and brightest research talent.TBA – formerly 2024-07-25
SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering Best Paper Prize (SIAG/CSE Best Paper Prize)Awarded every two years to the author(s) of the best paper, as determined by the prize committee, on the development and use of mathematical and computational tools and methods for solving problems that may arise in broad areas of science, engineering, technology, and society.TBA – formerly 2024-07-31
SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering Early Career Prize (SIAG/CSE Early Career Prize)Awarded every two years to one post-Ph.D. early career researcher in the field of computational science and engineering for outstanding, influential, and potentially long-lasting contributions to the field within seven years of receiving the Ph.D. or equivalent degree as of January 1 of the award year.TBA – formerly 2024-07-31
SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and EngineeringAwarded every two years by SIAM and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in the area of computational science to one individual or a group of individuals in recognition of outstanding contributions to the development and use of mathematical and computational tools and methods for the solution of science and engineering problems.TBA – formerly 2024-07-31
Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals Award of MeritAwarded annually to distinguished Chinese-Canadians with outstanding professional achievements.TBA – formerly 2024-07-31
Macromolecular Science and Engineering AwardPresented to an individual who has made a distinguished contribution to macromolecular science or engineering while residing in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-01
Douglas R. Colton Medal for Research ExcellenceRecognizes substantive contribution to some aspect of microsystems or nanotechnology, including microelectronics, photonics, optoelectronics, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), microfluidics, nanomaterials, and embedded software.TBA – formerly 2024-08-25
Petro-Canada Emerging Innovator AwardRecognizes, promotes, and supports outstanding and innovative emerging researchers whose work contributes significantly to the training environment of the University and has an impact on society at large.TBA – formerly 2024-08-19
Robbins-Ollivier Award for Excellence in EquityRecognize faculty members with bold and game-changing initiatives that
address inequities in their institution, the research ecosystem, and academia.
TBA – formerly 2024-08-26 (FSc deadline)
Steacie PrizePresented annually to a young scientist or engineer (40 or under) for outstanding scientific research carried out in Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-08-31
Abel PrizeRecognizes outstanding scientific work in the field of mathematics, including mathematical aspects of computer science, mathematical physics, probability, numerical analysis and scientific computing, statistics, and also applications of mathematics in the sciences.TBA – formerly 2024-09-01
Governor General’s Innovation AwardsRecognize and celebrate outstanding Canadian trailblazers and creators who contribute to the country’s success.TBA – formerly 2024-09-06 (FSc deadline)
Sloan Research FellowshipsRecognize and reward outstanding early-career faculty who have the potential to revolutionize their fields of study in chemistry, computer science, Earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, or a related field.TBA – formerly 2024-09-15
Guggenheim FellowshipsIntended for mid-career individuals who have demonstrated exceptional capacity in any field of knowledge.TBA – formerly 2024-09-17
Nick Holonyak Jr. AwardPresented to an individual who has made significant contributions to optics based on semiconductor-based optical devices and materials, including basic science and technological applications.TBA – formerly 2024-10-01
Charles Hard Townes MedalPresented for outstanding experimental or theoretical work, discovery or invention in the field of quantum electronics.TBA – formerly 2024-10-01
Edwin H. Land MedalRecognizes pioneering work empowered by scientific research to create inventions, technologies, and products.TBA – formerly 2024-10-01
Molson PrizesAwarded annually to distinguished individuals for contributions to the cultural and intellectual heritage of Canada in the social sciences and humanities.TBA – formerly 2024-10-01
Arthur B. McDonald FellowshipsRecognize early stage academic researchers in the natural sciences and/or engineering and support them to enhance their research capacity, so that they can become leaders in their field and inspire others.TBA – formerly 2024-10-09 (FSc)
King Charles III Coronation MedalRecognizes individuals' outstanding contributions to their communities in the areas of service, the environment and sustainability, and Canada's diversity.TBA – formerly 2024-10-25 (VPRI)
ACM Doctoral Dissertation AwardRecognizes superior research and writing from doctoral candidates in computer science and engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-10-31
VPRI Commercialization FellowshipTo support the research commercialization process by providing strategic, short-term funding to assist in the development of commercially viable projects.TBA – formerly 2023-10-31
Liber Ero Post-Doctoral FellowshipSeeks to support early-career scientists to conduct and communicate world-class research that informs conservation and management issues relevant to Canada.TBA – formerly 2024-11-01
Traditional Fulbright Scholar AwardDesigned to enable emerging and established Canadian scholars, post-doctoral researchers and experienced professionals to conduct research, teach, or undertake a combination of both activities for one semester or a full academic year at any university or research centre of their choice in the United States.TBA – formerly 2024-11-15
NSERC Awards for Science PromotionFocus on individuals and groups who are inspirational in the way they promote science to the general public.TBA – formerly 2024-11-15
York University President’s Emerging Research Leadership AwardRecognizes two full-time faculty members within 10 years of their first academic appointment, who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to one or more aspects of the York community’s intellectual life.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
York University President's Research Impact AwardRecognizes full-time, active faculty members whose body of research or scholarship has translated into a notable impact on communities, individuals, public policies or practice beyond academia, or translated successfully into impactful commercial or other applications, while significantly and positively contributing to the University’s research culture and reputation.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
York University President’s Research Excellence AwardRecognizes senior established, full-time, active Professors with distinguished scholarly achievements, who have had a notable impact on their field(s) and made a significant contribution to advancing the University’s international reputation for research excellence while significantly and positively contributing to the York community’s intellectual life.TBA – formerly 2024-11-13
Faculty of Science Annual Research and Mentorship AwardsTo acknowledge the extraordinary research achievements and dedication to mentoring graduate student trainees in the Faculty of Science (FSc).TBA – formerly 2024-11-18
Brockhouse Canada PrizeRecognizes outstanding Canadian teams of researchers from different disciplines who came together to engage in research drawing on their combined knowledge and skills, and produced a record of excellent achievements in the natural sciences and engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold MedalAwarded annually to an individual whose body of work, conducted in Canada in the natural sciences or engineering, has demonstrated persistent excellence and influence.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
John C. Polanyi AwardGiven to an individual or team whose research, conducted in Canada, has led to a recent outstanding advance in any NSERC-supported field of the natural sciences or engineering.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Donna Strickland PrizeAwarded annually to an individual or team whose outstanding research has led to exceptional benefits for Canadian society, the environment and/or the economy.TBA – formerly 2024-11-28
Albert Einstein World Award for ScienceRecognizes scientists whose scientific and technological achievements have brought progress to science and benefit to mankind. Consideration will be given to individuals or institutions in one of the Life Sciences, such as Neuroscience, Earth Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine or Chemistry; or in one of the Natural Sciences such as Physics, Mathematics or Astronomy.TBA – formerly 2024-11-29
Bank of Canada Governor's AwardEncourages and fosters excellence in research that relates to the Bank’s core functions of monetary policy, the financial system, currency and funds management.TBA – formerly 2024-11-29
NRC Luise and Gerhard Herzberg Postdoctoral FellowshipAwarded every year to a recent PhD graduate who identifies as a woman and who has demonstrated research excellence.TBA – formerly 2024-12-02
NSERC Synergy AwardsRecognizes partnerships in natural sciences and engineering research and development between universities and Canadian industry.TBA – formerly 2024-12-06
Fellowship of Royal Society of CanadaRecognizes distinguished Canadians from all branches of learning who have made remarkable contributions in the arts, the humanities, and the sciences, as well as in Canadian public life.TBA – formerly 2024-12-13
College of New Scholars, Artists and ScientistsMembers include Canadians and Permanent Residents who, at an early stage in their career, have demonstrated a high level of achievement.TBA – formerly 2024-12-13
ACM A.M. Turning AwardPresented annually to an individual who has made lasting contributions of a technical nature to the computing community.TBA – formerly 2024-12-15
ACM Athena Lecturer AwardCelebrates women researchers who have made fundamental contributions to Computer Science.TBA – formerly 2024-12-15
ACM Distinguished Service AwardRecognizes outstanding service contributions to the computing community as a whole.TBA – formerly 2024-12-15
ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice AwardHonours specific theoretical accomplishments that have had a significant and demonstrable effect on the practice of computing.TBA – formerly 2024-12-15
ACM Prize in ComputingRecognizes an early to mid-career fundamental, innovative contribution in computing that exemplifies the greatest achievements in the discipline through its depth and impact.TBA – formerly 2024-12-15
ACM-AAAI Allen Newell AwardPresented to an individual selected for career contributions that have breadth within computer science, or that bridge computer science and other disciplines.TBA – formerly 2024-12-15