Award Name | Early Researcher Award |
Agency | Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science |
Value | Up to $100,000 (Must be matched by an additional $50,000 from the researcher's institution. In addition, up to $40,000 will be provided to the researcher’s Faculty by the Ministry for indirect costs.) |
Duration | 5 years |
Advise of intent to apply | ASAP An FSc Research Officer will be assigned to your file and an initial meeting scheduled. |
Filled out iNOI form due to | 06-07-2024 |
Faculties submit Internal Notice of Intent to ORS | 06-17-2024 Submit to the SIRI team, Faculty research officers should complete the outreach to referees on behalf of the applicants, with a copy to See application form and full call guidance for letter instructions. |
Three (3) signed letters of reference due to ORS | 07-08-2024 Electronic letters of reference are recommended. Letters must be sent directly to York’s Office of Research Services (ORS) at Letters should be received by ORS by Monday, July 8 to allow sufficient time to finalize applications. |
Complete application due to ORS | 07-15-2024 |
Agency deadline (SIRI submits) | 07-25-2024, by 5:00PM |
The Early Researcher Award (ERA) program helps promising, recently-appointed Ontario researchers build their research teams of undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, research assistants, associates, and technicians. The goal of the program is to improve Ontario’s ability to attract and retain the best and brightest research talent. The Early Researcher Awards is open to all disciplines.
Applicants are required to undertake annual youth outreach activities that primarily target high-school, middle school and elementary school students. Up to 1% (equivalent to $1,000) of the funding provided by the government may be used for eligible expenses for developing and delivering youth outreach activities, including consumable supplies (e.g., materials for crafts, lab supplies). Funding provided by the institution and/or partner organization may not be used for youth outreach. Activities associated with youth outreach are to be undertaken during each year of the project.
The ERA program is open on a competitive basis to researchers who:
- are full-time faculty or principal investigators who, at the application deadline, are based at an eligible institution (see detailed guidelines);
- have started their academic career on or after January 1, 2018; and
- have completed their first Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree, Medical Doctor or terminal degree on or after January 1, 2013.
These timelines may be extended in the case of eligible career interruptions:
- Section 9d of the application allows the applicant to provide the review panel with details on interruptions or delays. Failure to provide information will result in the application being deemed ineligible.
- Industry positions, research associate positions and post-doctoral fellowships are not considered eligible interruptions.
- Continued education, required training (e.g. medical training and fellowships), and parental leave are considered eligible interruptions, but must be clearly described in section 9d of the application. Specific dates are required. Failure to provide information will result in the application being deemed ineligible. Extension of eligibility is calculated at a 1:1 replacement (i.e., 300 days of leaves extends eligibility by only 300 days).
Note: Section 9d of the application should also be used to clearly explain, where applicable, how any previously held positions should NOT be considered as independent academic research appointments for the purposes of eligibility.
Required Materials
Completed Applications with the following documents are due to ORS via email to
- One copy of the ERA application form only in a PDF document (with appendices properly linked).
- A PDF copy of the completed Mitigating Economic and Geopolitical Risk Checklist and Risk Attestation form.
- Faculty memo confirming the commitment of matched funds and indicating the source of those funds.
- A completed ORS checklist with appropriate Faculty signatures.
Evaluation Process
Applications will be evaluated based on four weighted criteria:
- Excellence of the Researcher (40%)
- Quality of the Research (30%)
- Development of Research Talent (20%)
- Strategic Value to Ontario (10%)
The applications will be ranked as exceptional, excellent, very strong, strong, moderate, or insufficient on these four weighted criteria.
How to Apply
Faculties will lead the development of nominations, and as such applicants are encouraged to contact their Faculty Research Offices regarding application support. The Strategic and Institutional Research Initiatives (SIRI) Unit at ORS will coordinate submission of the Full Applications, receive reference letters, and secure any required institutional signatures.
As well, to help support the nomination development process, SIRI and Research Commons will coordinate a mentorship program that engages previous York-based ERA and Premier’s Research Excellence Award recipients. However, mentorship will only be provided on a demand basis at the request of the Faculty, and should target high potential applicants. If applicants are interested in utilizing this support, Faculty Research Offices should contact SIRI at to initiate the process.
Finally, please note that all nominations should be directed through Faculties, not Organized Research Units (ORUs), given the Award’s focus on graduate student support. However, ORUs are asked to ensure that their membership is made aware of the Award and to encourage interested members to pursue the opportunity, if applicable.
If you have any questions, please contact Abby Vogus, SIRI Specialist, at Please refrain from writing directly to the Ministry as they request ORS to coordinate questions and will re-direct questions to ORS.