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Pathway to Professional School

York Science Offers an Ideal Environment to Reach Your Potential

  • Smaller class sizes (particularly in upper years)
  • Personal contact with professors
  • Interactive laboratories
  • Tutorials and seminars that develop critical skills
  • Prerequisite courses required by professional schools
  • Pre-Professional student clubs
  • Flexibility to structure courses to suit your interests and goals
  • Pre-Professional academic advising
  • Extensive student services including professional school information sessions, time management workshops, study habit training and mock interviews
  • Volunteer and paid positions in research labs
  • Numerous and diverse extracurricular activities

Choosing Your Program

Admission to Canadian professional schools requires high marks and completion of prerequisite courses. Many programs require strong scores on admission tests such as the MCAT or Dental Admission Test (DAT). While a science degree is not required, many prerequisite courses are in science and tests such as the MCAT or DAT require a solid background in science.

Your choice of major should be something that genuinely interests you. This is your best strategy for achieving excellent grades, as you will do your best work in a field that appeals to you. Should you decide not to pursue a particular profession, your program choice will lead to many other career opportunities of interest to you. 

We Are Dedicated to Helping You Choose a Path That Best Suits You

Courses required to prepare for health professional schools can be included in any Science program at York, however, many students choose to major in Biochemistry, Biology, Biomedical Science, Biophysics or Chemistry. The following table identifies typical course structures with courses required by health professional schools indicated with a red star. Your personal course selection will be made with your Academic Advisor based on your strengths, interests and goals.

Typical course structures with courses required by health professional schools indicated with a red star.

Pre-Health Professional

“I’d heard awesome things about York’s Faculty of Science so it was an easy YES when I received admission!  In addition to being able to conduct exciting research with passionate professors, the staff’s continuous support also helped me make sure I completed the prerequisites needed for my medical school application, as well as for my degree.”

Rahul, Biomedical Science Graduate
Currently studying medicine at UBC’s
Faculty of Medicine
