Develop your knowledge and skills in applying NMR spectroscopy for an industrial setting.
Offered through the Faculty of Science at York University, the NMR Spectroscopy for Industry course provides a solid understanding of the basic principles of NMR spectroscopy and presents a broad range of possible applications of the technique in the chemical and biochemical business environment.
After completing this course, you will be able to identify important applications of this technique and to successfully process and analyze raw NMR data to understand a sample’s composition or chemical structure. During the course you will work through practical examples that will be presented in a convenient format and can be retained and archived for future use to retrieve and reinforce the data analysis.
Feb 26 - April 30, meeting every Wednesday at 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Hybrid: Classes will take place
in-person, on the York University Keele Campus, with the option of joining via Zoom.
What you will learn
This course will prepare you to:
- Understand the basic theory behind NMR spectroscopy
- Identify the atomic nuclei observable by NMR spectroscopy
- Understand the difference between different magnetic field strengths
- Understand the information available from a one-dimensional (1D) experiment
- Understand how to properly process a 1D experiment to get specific sample information
- Understand how to obtain Quantitative NMR information from a 1D experiment
- Understand how to analyze a mixture of components in an NMR sample
- Understand how to use two-dimensional (2D) to confirm or identify chemical structure
- Understand diffusion NMR spectroscopy
- Understand the coupling of the techniques Liquid Chromatography – NMR – Mass spectrometry (LC/NMR/MS)
Program benefits
After completing the course, you will have the knowledge and practical skills to successfully apply NMR Spectroscopy in industrial work environments, such as in the areas of fine chemicals, synthetic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemical production, environmental analytics, chemical analysis, biological sample analysis, petrochemicals, renewable energy, holistic drug manufacturing, and more.
After successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion and a digital badge for your professional profile. The digital badge is issued through Credly, a leading digital credential platform. Upon completion of the course, your achievement will populate within the credential section of your Credly account and you will be able to share this digital badge to your eCV and LinkedIn account. Access the micro-credential page on Credly.