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OHTN Breaking New Ground Grant

Opportunity NameBreaking New Ground Grant
AgencyOntario HIV Treatment Network
Value$50,000 – $150,000/year
Indirect CostsIneligible
DurationUp to 2 years

Letter of Intent (LOI)

Letter of Intent (LOI) due to FSc RO at for full review08-29-2024
LOI and fully signed ORS checklist due to FSc RO at for mandatory review09-06-2024
LOI and fully signed ORS checklist due at ORS for mandatory review09-11-2024, by 9:00AM
LOI due at agency 09-13-2024, by 12:00PM

Full application

Application due to FSc RO at for full review10-16-2024
Application and fully signed ORS checklist due to FSc RO at for mandatory review10-23-2024
Final application and fully signed ORS checklist due at ORS for mandatory review10-28-2024, by 9:00AM
Application due at agency 10-30-2024, by 12:00PM

Project funding for innovative, high-reward projects that will break new ground and build evidence and programs to dramatically improve the prevention, treatment, and care cascade in Ontario. This funding stream supports the piloting, evaluation, or scale up of HIV interventions.

OHTN will support data, evidence sharing, and impact initiative that will drive change in one or more of the following areas of learning: 

Rapid Learning Areas 

  1. Effective PrEP scale-up in Ontario 
  2. Population-focused prevention and health promotion 
  3. HIV testing 
  4. Linkage, adherence, and retention in care 
  5. Clinical care standards and capacity 
  6. Integration of services 
  7. Mental health and well-being of people living with and at risk of HIV (including stigma reduction) 

Populations Most Affected by HIV 

  1. People living with HIV 
  2. Men who have sex with men 
  3. People who use drugs 
  4. African, Caribbean and Black communities 
  5. Indigenous communities 
  6. Women* 

Women* = Cis and Trans women, including African, Caribbean and black women, women who use drugs, Indigenous women, and other women who face systemic and social inequities, are more likely to be exposed to HIV through a sexual or drug using partner.


Teams must have a documented history of working with people living with HIV, clinicians, community-based organizations, policy makers, and researchers in a collaborative and culturally respectful manner.

The Nominated Principal Applicant must:

  • Hold a primary appointment at an appropriate host organization in Ontario. Eligible institutions include university faculties and departments, research institutes and hospitals, and HIV agencies.
  • Have primary employment and residence in Ontario.

How to Apply

York University researchers are reminded that all applications for external research funding, including Letters of Intent, must be reviewed and approved by the Office of Research Services before they are submitted to the granting agency.  For internal approval, the application must be accompanied by a completed ORS Checklist, which requires the Dean’s signature.  Please send the complete application, with the finalized budget and a completed ORS checklist to, five days prior to agency deadline.

ORS is accepting electronic applications – the process is outlined here.

For specific questions, please contact FSc Research Services at