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Randal Schnoor Op-ed in Toronto Star on teaching Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Canada

Randal Schnoor Op-ed in Toronto Star on teaching Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Canada

Prof. Randal Schnoor, who teaches in Religious Studies and Jewish Studies, contributed an op. ed. to the December 23 edition of The Toronto Star based on reflections teaching his new course Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Canada (HUMA 3835). The editorial, entitled “Bringing Jews and Muslims together at York University,” includes some feedback from his students on how Prof. Schnoor skillfully brought a classroom of students from diverse backgrounds together to discuss difficult topics. Schnoor finishes the editorial with, “I do not claim to have achieved world peace in the classroom but bringing Jews and Muslims together in genuine dialogue is one small initiative that can help move us to where we need to go.” The editorial can be accessed HERE.