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CCY 4900 6.0 CCY Work-Focused Placement Course

CCY 4900 6.0 CCY Work-Focused Placement Course

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AP/CCY 4900 6.00

CCY Work-Focused Placement Course

This course provides hands-on, Work-Focused EE opportunities in the form of placements to fourth-year CCY students. Students complete part-time, supervised placements with an organization/employer that helps them gain relevant work experience and meet the learning outcomes of the CCY Program. Students complete course work and placement hours at the same time. The course takes 140 hours over 2 terms, with an average of 5 hours/week.

This course builds on the foundational theoretical knowledge about Children, Childhood & Youth Studies acquired in CCY 1999 and 2999, as well as the applied research skills developed in CCY 3999 and 3998. The course facilitates the opportunity for students to reflect on the challenges and benefits of working with child- and youth-centered non-profit and community organizations.

In this course students participate in a high-impact learning opportunity; engage in a course-based placement with community partners; combine theoretical learning with applied skills; and are placed with a group that works with and advocates for the unique and diverse cultures and lived experiences of children and youth. In the classroom, students learn skills about resume building and cover-letter writing, outreach, interviewing best practices, and reflection writing. Students complete course work, readings, and placement hours at the same time to allow the Course Director greater oversight over their experiences and to connect practical with theoretical knowledge concurrently. Students will check in with the Course Director about their experiences on a frequent basis. They will also complete regular reflections about their placements, and prepare a final report and poster presentation for their colleagues, other students in CCY Studies, and ideally the wider University community about their experiences. 
