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AP/CH 3660 6.0 Modern Chinese Drama: Cao Yu and His Contemporaries (in Chinese)

AP/CH 3660 6.0 Modern Chinese Drama: Cao Yu and His Contemporaries (in Chinese)

Through an analysis of some of the major works by Cao Yu, the most important playwright of his generation, as well as by other artists such as Guo Moruo, Tian Han and Xia Yan, this course offers a picture of the history as well as of the main thematic and formal patterns of modern Chinese drama (Huaju) in the Republican era (1911-1949.) This course deals with topics such as representation, realism, impressionism, metatheatre, gender, modernity, allegory and otherness. Other media such as film and music may also be considered. The goal of this course is to help students develop a critical understanding of modern Chinese drama . Its theoretical approach is intrinsically comparative as the course explores how modern Chinese drama developed its specific features working out the tensions exerted by exogenous dramatic models as well as those created by the persistence of traditional cultural references. This course compares modern Chinese and Western drama and identifies some fundamental issues, topics and lines of development in the field of dramatic literature.

Prerequisite:  Knowledge of Chinese (Mandarin) is expected. All lectures, readings and assignments are in Chinese.
