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Standing Committees of Council

Chair & Vice-Chair of Council (effective July 1, 2023)

MemberDepartment Start term End term
M. Yousaf, ChairDepartment of Chemistry2024 2025
A. McEachern, Vice Chair (to be Chair in 2025-2026)Department of Chemistry20242025

The Executive Committee meets the first Tuesday of each month (September to May) from 3:00pm – 4:30pm.

The Executive Committee shall normally approve agendas prior to Council meetings and the processes by which matters of importance to the development of the Faculty will arrive on that agenda.

The Committee will seek candidates to serve on Council and its sub committees when vacancies occur. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at Council. The results of the nominations shall be effective the following July 1st, except for the Committee on Examinations and Academic Standards and the Petitions Committee, which shall have their membership changed effective October 1st.

Current Members:
The Executive Committee shall be chaired by the Chair of Council and include the Vice-Chair of Council, the Secretary of Council, and one member elected from each of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics & Astronomy, and Science, Technology and Society/Natural Science, the Dean of the Faculty of Science (ex officio), one student member of Council, and one of the staff members elected to Council.

R. Wang, Dean, Designated
M. Yousaf, Chair of Council (term until 2025)
A. McEachern, Vice-Chair of Council (term until 2025)
E. Hughes, Secretary of Council, Designated
W. Booth, Staff Representative, (term until 2025)
Taline Apelian-Sutor, Undergraduate Student Representative (term until 2025)
M. Vicari, Department of Biology (term until 2026)
C. Caputo, Department of Chemistry (term until 2027)
E. J Janse Van Rensburg, Department of Mathematics & Stats (term until 2025)
E. Hyde, Department of Physics & Astronomy (term until 2025)
VACANT, Department of Science, Technology and Society (term until 2026)

Chair: M. Yousaf
Secretary: T. McFarlane

Normally meet on Tuesdays at 10:30am - 12pm.

The Appeals Committee for the purpose of hearing student appeals shall consist of four elected faculty members from Science units, an Associate Dean (ex officio) and two student members of Council. A quorum shall consist of either (a) two faculty members and one student member or (b) three faculty members.

Current Members:
G. Audette, Associate Dean – Faculty Affairs, Designated
L. Hébert, Department of Chemistry, (term until 2026)
VACANT, Member at Large (term until 2027)
L. Donaldson, Department of Biology (term until 2026)
D. Monaldi, Department of Science, Technology and Society (term until 2026)
M.W. Wong, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, (term until 2026)
S. Tulin, Department of Physics & Astronomy (term until 2025)
Dawood Baig, Undergraduate Student Rep (term until 2025)
Kiana Baniasad, Undergraduate Student Rep (term until 2025)

Chair: TBD

Secretary: Anne Ralph

APPC normally meets the last Thursday of each month (September to April) from 9:00am – 10:30am.

The Academic Policy and Planning Committee examines, formulates, and reviews long-term and short-term academic planning as well as comprehensive policies for the Faculty, including degree and non-degree credit studies.

Current Members:
G. Audette, Associate Dean – Faculty Affairs, Designated
P. Wilson, Head of Bethune College, Designated
M. Xu, Staff Representative, Office of the Dean (term until 2025)
R. Schott, Department of Biology (term until 2026)
R. Fournier, Department of Chemistry (term until 2026)
P. Szeptycki, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (term until 2025)
W. van Wijngaarden, Department of Physics & Astronomy, (term until 2024)
S. Domenikos, Department of Science, Technology and Society (term until 2025)
Seyedeh Lilia Modarresi Saryazdi, Undergraduate Student Representative (term until 2025)

Co-Chair: R. Schott
Co-Chair: R. Fournier

Secretary: Sibonile Siyakatshana

CoTL normally meets every third Thursday of each month (September to May) from 10:00am – 11:30am.

It is the mandate of the Committee on Teaching and Learning to enhance the quality of the student learning experience by providing leadership in promoting and recognizing educational excellence in science and fostering a rich and vibrant teaching and learning community.

Initiatives include the Faculty of Science Excellence in Teaching Awards.

Current Members:
Currently, the Committee on Teaching and Learning shall consist of a minimum of two Faculty members from each department, the Associate Dean – Students, one Librarian, one staff member, one undergraduate student, and two graduate students, in addition to other members invited as provided for by the Rules. Graduate students and staff nominees will indicate their interest in serving on the committee in writing to the committee, who will then approve by majority vote.

M. Scheid, Associate Dean – Students, Designated
V. Gotcheva, ITC Director, Office of the Dean, Designated
Y. Su, Teaching Commons Representative, Designated
Madeline Blanco, Undergraduate Student Representative, (term until 2025)
M. Wang, Stacie Science Library, Designated
J. Atallah, Department of Biology, (term until 2026)
L. Adriana Puentes Jacome, Department of Biology, (term until 2026)
T. Mirkovic, Department of Chemistry, (term until 2026)
D. Wilson, Department of Chemistry, (term until 2025)
N. Blinov, Department of Physics & Astronomy, (term until 2025)
C. Boukaré, Department of Physics & Astronomy, (term until 2025)
J. Cao, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, (term until 2025)
VACANT, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, (term until 2027)
C. Rozins, Department of Science, Technology and Society (term until 2027)
D. Hossain, Staff Representative (term until 2025)
Taylor Cosby, Graduate Student Representative (term until 2025)
Sihat Salam, Graduate Student Representative (term until 2025)

Chair: L. Adriana Puentes Jacome

Secretary: Sibonile Siyakatshana

The Curriculum Committee normally meets every third Tuesday of each month (September to August) from 10:00 - 11:30.

In discharging its functions, the Committee shall:

  • Review annually a summary of the notice of intentions filed by units in the Faculty of Science;
  • Receive curricular submissions from departments and divisions for review, and recommendation to Council for approval or other appropriate action, concerning new course proposals, changes to existing courses, changes to program requirements and new programs;
  • Forward proposals to Senate as appropriate;
  • Encourage the development of innovative inter-disciplinary programs;
  • Collaborate with the Committee on Examinations and Academic Standards and the Committee on Teaching and Learning on issues of joint concern.

The Curriculum Committee shall include the Dean and an Associate Dean (ex officio), the Chair or nominee from each teaching Division or Department, three members elected by Council and two student members of Council.

R. Wang, Dean, Designated
Elia Xhindole, Undergraduate Student Representative, (term until 2025)
Tina Barhagh, Undergraduate Student Representative, (term until 2025)
J. Attalah, Department of Biology, (term until 2025)
D. Jackson, Department of Chemistry, (term until 2025)
M.W. Wong, Department of Math & Statistics, (term until 2026)
O. Mermut, Department of Physics & Astronomy, (term until 2025)
R. Metcalfe, Department of Science, Technology and Society (term until 2025)
L. Robertson, Member at Large, (term until 2026)
P. Wilson, Member at Large, (term until 2027)
VACANT, Member at Large, (term until 2027)

Chair: R. Metcalfe

Secretary: T. Reddi

CEAS normally meets every alternate Wednesdays at 1:00 - 3:00 and Thursdays at 1:00pm – 3:00pm.

Recommend to Council policy on awards including scholarships, prestigious awards, and the Dean’s Honour Roll;
Constitute panels comprising at least three voting members, normally including one student, to hear and rule upon cases of alleged breach of the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty;
Report at least annually in the fall to Council on its activities.

Current Members:
The Committee on Examinations and Academic Standards shall consist of an Associate Dean (ex officio), five members elected by Council from each of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics & Astronomy and Science, Technology and Society/Natural Science, and one student member of Council.

M. Scheid, Associate Dean – Students, Designated
A. Hilliker & ALT. VACANT, Department of Biology (term until 2026/2027)
VACANT, Undergraduate Student Representative (term until 2025)
P. Johnson & D. Jackson / ALT T. Mirkovic, Department of Chemistry (term until 2026/2026 respectively)
N.Purzitsky, VACANT / ALT. Y. Gao, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (term until 2025/2025 respectively)
C. Storry & E. Hyde, Department of Physics & Astronomy (term until 2025)
J. Webb & ALT. S. Domenikos, Department of Science, Technology and Society (term until 2026)
Eeram Shaikh, Undergraduate Student Representative (term until 2025)
Ayesha Tahir, Undergraduate Student Representative (term until 2025)

Chair: Arthur Hilliker & T. Mirkovic

Secretary: T. Reddi

The Petitions Committee for the purpose of hearing student petitions shall consist of an Associate Dean (ex officio), six members of Council, and two student members of Council. The Committee may divide the workload by splitting the Committee membership into two panels of four people each. A quorum shall consist of either (a) two faculty voting faculty members and one student member or (b) three voting faculty members. Each panel meets once a month either on Wednesday 2:30-4:00pm or Thursday 2:30-4pm.

To hear student petitions.

Current Members:
M. Scheid, Associate Dean – Students, Designated
Joy Aina, Undergraduate Student Representative, (term until 2025)
Gurleen Kaur, Undergraduate Student Representative, (term until 2025)
R. Fournier, Department of Chemistry, (term until 2025)
C. Jang, Department of Biology, (term until 2025)
D. Liang, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (term until 2025)
S. Jerzak, Department of Physics & Astronomy, (term until 2025)
J. Rogerson, Department of Science, Technology and Society (term until 2025)
S. Morin, Member at Large, (term until 2026)
A. Mills, Member at Large, (term until 2026)

Chair: A. Mills & S. Morin

Secretary: Mostofa Mohiuddin

SRC T & P Committee will normally meet the last Friday of each month from 9:00 am – 11:00 am in LUM 306A.

In addition to the above membership of the committee, Council shall elect an alternate member from each of the Units mandated above. The alternate member shall be the person polling the next highest number of votes to those elected to the committee from each Department. The alternate for the student member shall be selected by the Science Student Caucus from one of its Members-at-Large on an annual basis. An alternate can only vote in the event that existing members are not in attendance.

Current Members:
The Committee on Tenure and Promotions shall consist of one currently tenured member from each of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics & Astronomy and Science, Technology and Society/Natural Science elected by Council, and one student member of Council. No member of the Committee shall be a member of another Tenure and Promotions Committee at any time during their tenure on this committee.

G. Audette, Associate Dean – Faculty Affairs, Designated
M. Bayfield/ ALT. VACANT, Department of Biology (term until 2026/2027 respectively)
A. Orellana/ ALT. S. Krylov, Department of Chemistry (term until 2026/2027 respectively)
Y.Gao / ALT Jianhong Wu, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (term until 2027/2026)
E. Hamm & ALT. D. Lungu, Department of Science, Technology and Society (term until 2026)
C. Bergevin / ALT. M. George, Department of Physics & Astronomy (term until 2025)
Natalie Moussa, Undergraduate Student Representative (term until 2024)

Chair: Chairs for each file are selected at each meeting.

Secretary: Tianna McFarlane

Meetings are scheduled every Third Thursday from 9:30am - 11:00am.

It is the mandate of the Committee to make recommendations and provide advice to Council on policy matters related to research. In addition, the Committee’s functions and responsibilities include:

1. To adjudicate the following Faculty or University competitions/programs and recommend awardees/recipients to the Dean:

▪ Excellence in Research Awards

▪ Junior Faculty Fund and Minor Research Grant

▪ Specific Research Grants (leave and non-leave)

▪ York Research Chair

▪ Others as needed;

2.   To ratify NSERC’s Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) and Dean’s Undergraduate Research Awards (DURA) that are ranked and adjudicated at the departmental level;

3.   To provide advice to the Dean or individual departments on faculty research    related awards, particularly prestigious awards;

4.   To liaise with the Science Librarians on matters related to Library collections and services.

All committee members are required to complete the Unconscious Bias / EDI workshops offered by the Office of the Vice-President Equity, People & Culture.  Additionally, all committee members are required to complete the training modules Bias in Peer Review, produced by the Tri-Agencies, and one of the Sex and Gender training modules, produced by CIHR.  When required, sub-committees can be created or additional colleagues may be invited to participate in the activities of the committee to adjudicate awards and grants should too many regular committee members find themselves in conflict of interest and quorum cannot be reached.

Current Members:
V. Saridakis, Associate Dean – Research & Partnerships, Designated
Kiana Baniasad, Undergraduate Student Representative, (term until 2024)
D. Golemi-Kotra, Department of Biology, (term until 2026)
S. Morin, Department of Chemistry, (term until 2025)
R. Kannan, Department of Physics & Astronomy, (term until 2025)
H. Zhu, Department of Mathematics & Statics, (term until 2026)
H. Mialet, Department of Science, Technology and Society, (term until 2026)
Aysa Tajeri, Graduate Student Representative, (term until 2024)

Chair: TBD
Secretary: Joanne Sequeira

Members meet as needed.

The Committee shall provide broad review and recommendations to Council via the Academic Policy and Planning Committee of all proposals received from Graduate Programs with respect to New Course Proposals, Course Change Proposals, Minor Changes to Program/Graduate Diploma Academic Requirements, Major Modifications to Program/Graduate Diploma Academic Requirements, New Graduate Fields, New Graduate Diplomas and New Graduate Degree Programs. 

The Graduate Program Committee shall consist of:

  • Associate Dean – Research & Graduate Education (ex officio)
  • Graduate Program Director (or designate who must be a member of the graduate program) of each Graduate Program in the Faculty of Science
  • One graduate student member from any Graduate Program within the Faculty of Science
  • One full-time faculty member from the Faculty of Health or Lassonde School of Engineering who is appointed to teach in any FSc graduate program
  • A member at large with knowledge of graduate programming, and experience with curriculum approvals at the Faculty-level.

Current Members:

The Chair of the Committee is selected by the voting members of the Committee for a one-year term.
V. Saridakis, Associate Dean - Research & Graduate Education, ex officio
J. Paluzzi, Department of Biology (term until 2026)
R. Hili, Department of Chemistry (term until 2026)
A. Muzzin, Department of Physics & Astronomy (term until 2026)
P. Ingram, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (term until 2026)
VACANT, Member from Faculty of Health OR Lassonde
D. Golemi-Kotra, Member at Large (term until 2026)
Joe Tran, Graduate Student Representative (term until 2025)

Chair: Ryan Hili
Secretary: Joanna Sequeira

Graduate Curriculum Toolkit

Minor Modifications

Governance Process for Minor Changes to Existing Graduate Programs

  1. Department-level committee
  2. Graduate Committee
  3. Faculty Council
  4. Academic Standards, Curriculum, and Pedagogy Committee (ASCP)

Governance Process for New Course Proposals, Changes to Existing Courses and Retired Courses

  1. Department-level committee
  2. FGS (for information, not formal approval)
  3. Graduate Committee
  4. Faculty Council

Minor modifications are curriculum proposals dealing with courses or less substantive changes to existing degree programs or certificates. There are two types of minor modifications: (1) detailed minor modification, and (2) standard minor modification. A detailed minor modification is a modification to a program or degree option that does not rise to the level of a major modification but the modification may have a broad impact, require consultation across units/groups, and/or include substantial changes to an existing program option established through a major modification (e.g., minor, graduate specialization, option, certificate, or WIL option). A standard minor modification is a modification to a program or degree option that does not rise to the level of a major modification or a detailed minor modification and that can be handled at the Faculty-level.

New Course Proposals, Course Expiries, and Change to Existing Course proposals are acknowledged by FGS before being reviewed by the Graduate Education Committee. Once approved at Graduate Education Committee, course-based proposals are placed on the consent agenda of Faculty Council for final approval. Minor Change to Existing Degree or Certificate proposals are reviewed by the Faculty's Graduate Education Committee and are included as items for action (i.e. requiring a motion and a vote) on the regular agenda of Faculty Council before proceeding to Senate.

Minor modifications forms:

* Please note that Change to Existing Program proposals may require a curriculum map, as outlined by the York University Quality Assurance Procedures.

New Programs

Governance Process for New Programs and Program Closures

  1. Dean and VPA sign Notice of Intent
  2. Unit-level approval of full proposal
  3. Graduate Education Committee
  4. Academic Policy & Planning Committee (APPC in FSc)
  5. Faculty Council
  6. Academic Standards, Curriculum & Pedagogy Committee (ASCP)
  7. Academic Policy, Planning & Research Committee (APPRC)
  8. Senate
  9. Quality Council (PDF)

Major modifications involve substantial changes to existing programs due to curricular renewal, program restructuring, program mergers and proposals for new programs.

Program Closure The protocol for a program closure includes the closure of degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Examples of reasons for program closures include:

  • low enrolment
  • changes in academic programs
  • poor program quality whether articulated in cyclical reviews or determined solely by the institution.

Please visit the Program Closure page for further details.

Major Modification to Existing Programs

Governance Process for Change to Existing Programs

  1. Dean and VPA sign Notice of Intent
  2. Unit-level approval of full proposal
  3. Graduate Education Committee
  4. Academic Policy & Planning Committee (APPC in FSc)
  5. Faculty Council
  6. Academic Standards, Curriculum & Pedagogy Committee (ASCP)
  7. Academic Policy, Planning & Research Committee (APPRC)
  8. Senate

Major modifications to existing programs typically involve at least one of the following:

  • Significant changes to program requirements
  • Merger of two or more programs.
  • Significant changes to the learning outcomes of an existing program
  • Significant changes to the faculty complement delivering an existing program
  • Change to the essential resources of a program that impair its delivery.

Please visit the Major Modification: Templates and Guidelines page for further details.

Proposal Timelines/Deadlines

Curriculum proposals must receive Senate approval by April 30 in order to be published in the Faculty of Graduate Studies Calendar for that upcoming academic year. Graduate Program Directors and Graduate Diploma Coordinators will be contacted by FGS in the winter term to confirm Calendar copy. Requested changes outside of the Calendar timeline will be assessed for feasibility where possible.

If you are unsure whether a proposed change constitutes a major or minor modification, please contact the Associate Dean – Student Affairs, Michael Scheid, for additional clarification. In ambiguous cases, the York University Quality Assurance Protocol stipulates that the Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic decides which template and process proponents should use.

Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month from 2:30pm - 4:00pm in LUM 306A.

It is the mandate of the Committee to provide broad review and leadership to Council on matters of Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity with respect to tenure and promotions, hiring and retention of members form EDI groups, approaches to address Gender Bias in the workplace, research engaging equity recognized groups, recognition of workload and service contributions of EDI members, and EDI experiences in teaching and learning.

G. Audette, Associate Dean - Faculty (ex officio)
V. Saridakis, Associate Dean, Research and Partnerships (ex officio)
T. McFarlane, Dean's Office Staff, Designated
Sophia Luzskov, Undergraduate Student Representative (term until 2025)
Coral Hillel, Graduate Student / Post Doc Representative (term until 2025)
Gaelle Nsamba Luabeya, Graduate Student / Post Doc Representative (term until 2025)
D. Golemi-Kotra, Department of Biology (term until 2027)
C. Young, Department of Chemistry (term until 2026)
P. Scholz, Department of Physics & Astronomy (term until 2026)
A. Woldegerima & ALT A. Lumley, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (term until 2025 respectively)
V. Pavri, Department of Science & Technological Studies (term until 2024)

Co-Chairs: Coral Hillel & Gaelle Nsamba Luabeya.
Secretary: T. McFarlane

Senate usually meets on the fourth Thursday of each month (September – June) from 3:00 pm – 5:00pm in the Senate Chambers, Room N940, Ross Building.

As per Senate website:

R. Wang, Dean, Designated
G. Audette, Associate Dean, Member at Large
E. Hamm, Science, Technology & Society (term until 2027)
J. Elwick, Member at Large, Science, Technology & Society (term until 2025)
EJ Janse van Rensburg, Member at Large, Mathematics & Statistics (term until 2025)
T. Kelly, Member at Large, Biology (term until 2027)
T. Kubiseski, Member at Biology (term until 2026)
V. Saridakis, Member at Large, Biology (term until 2027)
R. Metcalfe, Natural Science, Director, Designated
J. van Wijngaarden, Chair, Department of Chemistry (term until 2027)
M. Haslam, Chair, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (term until 2026)
T. Kirchner, Chair, Department of Science, Physics & Astronomy (term until 2027)
Yuna (Aria) Hwang, Undergraduate Student Representative, (term until 2025)
Shon Lazarev, Undergraduate Student Representative, (term until 2025)

Senate Executive: T. Kelly, Department of Biology, (term until 2027)
Academic Policy, Planning and Research Committee: G. Monette, (term until 2026)
Senate Tenure & Promotion: P. Wilson, (term until 2027)
Sub-Committee on Honorary Degrees & Ceremonials: VACANT, (term until 2024)