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Genetic Engineering, Genomics and Proteomics: A Modern Revolution in Biology and Its Applications in Medicine and in Industry

Genetic Engineering, Genomics and Proteomics: A Modern Revolution in Biology and Its Applications in Medicine and in Industry

Genetic Engineering, Genomics and Proteomics: A Modern Revolution in Biology and Its Applications in Medicine and in Industry


Ron Pearlman

Grade Level
Grades 10 to 12
Ron Pearlman

Talk Description:

The focus of this talk will be to provide some background for understanding genetic engineering and its applications. We will begin with a discussion of the scientific basis for what is called genetic engineering. We will then consider some of the applications of the technology focusing on genome and proteome analysis, medical, and commercial application. Finally, we will pose and, time permitting, address some ethical, legal, and social issues arising from the application of genetic engineering recombinant DNA technology, genomics, and proteomics in medicine and industry.