Is Global Warming Hot Air?
Professor William van Wijngaarden
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Talk Description:
Abstract: There have been increasing shrill warnings over the past 20 years about man’s effect on the climate. These primarily arise due to the combustion of fossil fuels that releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The most recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal”. It has led to record melting of the Arctic ice cap, rising sea levels, ocean acidification as well as changes in precipitation and more severe storms. The preponderance of scientists apparently support this view and strongly encourage drastic action be undertaken to decrease our use of fossil fuels. Indeed, President Obama recently stated “climate change is settled science”. However, some scientists express varying levels of concern about some of these climate change claims. This talk will discuss some of the evidence.
group created Canada’s first Bose Einstein Condensate in 2003 laser cooling Rb atoms to temperatures below 100 nanoKelvin above absolute zero. His group also precisely measured isotope shifts to determine the relative nuclear charge radius of 6,7Li with an uncertainty of a few parts in 10-18 meter. He has over 75 refereed publications and given over 200 conference presentations and invited seminars.
Dr. van Wijngaarden has taught nearly every physics undergraduate and graduate course. His lectures are noted for their meticulous preparation and lucid delivery. He has served in a variety of academic leadership positions including chairing the Faculty of Science and Engineering Council (2005-06) and most recently York’s Senate (2010-13) where he became known for diplomatically diffusing a number of contentious issues.