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Best of YU 2022

As we wrap up the year, we highlight our standout moments of positive change in 2022.

Best of YU 10

#10 Enhanced opportunities for undergraduate research and success

Fifty-five students from Science and across the University attended our annual Summer Undergraduate Research Conference to present their summer research projects and network with their peers. The Faculty of Science also established the Earle Nestmann Undergraduate Research Award program, thanks to a generous donation from alumnus Earle Nestmann.

Best of YU 9

#9 New international education experience programs and initiatives

We launched our 2+2/2+3 Undergraduate International Collaboration Education Programs, which allow students from participating institutions to complete their first two years of study at their home university and their last two or three years at York. We also created the York Science Hainan Learning Centre to support some of our international students currently studying online due to COVID-19.

Best of YU 8

#8 Celebrating new and renewed Chair positions

We welcomed and celebrated new and renewed Chair appointments, including Canada Research Chairs (Professors Chris Caputo, Kohitij Kar and Raymond Kwong), York Research Chairs (Professors Jianhong Wu and Jane Heffernan), the Allan I. Carswell Chair for the Public Understanding of Astronomy (Professor Sarah Rugheimer), the Guy Warwick Rogers Chair in Chemistry (Professor Cora Young), and the Mclaughlin Research Chair (Professor John McDermott).

Best of YU

#7 Three Science professors elected to Royal Society of Canada (RSC)

The RSC elected three York Science faculty members: Professor Jianhong Wu, as Fellow, Academy of Science; and Professors Sandra Rehan and Sapna Sharma, as members of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. Recognition by the RSC is the highest honour an individual can achieve in the arts, social sciences and sciences.

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#6 New professors join Faculty of Science ranks

We welcomed new faculty members Charlotte de Araujo, Kohitij Kar, Allysa Lumley, Daniela Monaldi, Gloria Orchard, Balint Radics, Kelly Ramsay, Sarah Rugheimer, and Jennifer van Wijngaarden. By recruiting talented new researchers and teachers like these individuals, we are building science for the future and making York Science a great place to learn and be a researcher.

#5 Launch of Data Science program

The Department of Mathematics & Statistics launched a new Data Science program, starting fall 2023. The program includes streams in areas of practice such as business and health, together with a capstone course where students work on real-world problems for clients.

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#4 Focus on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) for new STS offerings

The Department of Science, Technology & Society (STS) revamped its roster of courses and major and minor options, including two new EDI-focused courses that offer students the opportunity to examine EDI through explorations of past and present issues and controversies in science and technology.

Best of YU 3

#3 New domes installed at Allan I. Carswell Observatory

Two new state-of-the-art, remote-controlled domes were installed at the Allan I. Carswell Astronomical Observatory, replacing the original domes from the 1960s and opening the night sky for better viewing of planets, stars, nebulae and more.

#2 $7.25M for Global South AI4PEP Network

Professor Jude Kong received $7.25 million from the International Development Research Centre to establish the Global South Artificial Intelligence for Pandemic and Epidemic Preparedness and Response (AI4PEP) Network. The five-year project is aimed at ensuring vulnerable and at-risk populations are included in disease outbreak management and policies.

#1 Launch of Community 2022 initiative

We launched our Community 2022 initiative, aimed at helping faculty, staff and students reconnect in person and support the return to a more robust on-campus presence. Community 2022 includes events for social reconnection, initiatives to welcome new community members, supports for in-person teaching, seminars to support researchers, promotion of health and well-being, and improvements to the Faculty’s physical environment.

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