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Faculty of Science Teaching Network

We often hear from instructors in FSc that they have questions about certain areas of teaching and learning, but they do not know who to turn to.

This page lists colleagues in the Faculty of Science at York, and the topics they are interested in chatting over coffee, virtually or in-person. It also provides links to resources offered through the Teaching Commons, other York University offices, and other academic sources.

Topic Details Resources Individuals (in alphabetical order by first name)
Teaching Large Classes

Typically classes of more than 100 students

Teaching Large Classes

A Guide to Large Classroom Assessments (York U)


Student group project or longer-term group work

Student guide to groupwork (York U Learning Commons)

Teaching Strategies: Introduction to Groups and Teams

Teamwork (York U)

Technology Enriched Teaching

Using technology to maximize learning

Teaching with Technology

SmART: The Smartphone Accommodation Resource Toolkit (York)

Two-stage tests

Students are asked to complete a test individually and then work in a group to answer a set of questions

Two-stage exam

Two-stage exam teaching guide [PDF]

Writing better assessment questions

Multiple choice questions, open book tests

Is this a trick question? A short guide to writing effective test questions [PDF]

Writing effective test questions

Open Book Exam Toolkit [PDF] (York)

The Teaching Commons also offers consultations and services to support teaching and learning. Please feel free to each out to the Faculty of Science Liaison Yelin Su,

The Libraries have a wealth of resources, facilities and services available to York’s faculty members. See their Faculty/Instructor Support.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ashley Nahornick at or Dr. Tamara Kelly at