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Faculty of Science Teaching Network

We often hear from instructors in FSc that they have questions about certain areas of teaching and learning, but they do not know who to turn to.

This page lists colleagues in the Faculty of Science at York, and the topics they are interested in chatting over coffee, virtually or in-person. It also provides links to resources offered through the Teaching Commons, other York University offices, and other academic sources.

Topic Details Resources Individuals (in alphabetical order by first name)
Experiential Learning

Learning through reflected doing

Experiential Education Faculty of Science (York)

Experiential Education Resources and Projects (York)

Introduction to experimental education: Online module (Access this module via this open enrolment eClass course) (York)

Experiential Education (York)

Field or lab experiences

Activities completed outside of the university classroom

First year experience

Onboarding, support systems, first year experience programs

First Year Experience Toolkit (York)

Your First Year of Study (York)

Flipped classroom

Students' complete readings at home, and work on live problem-solving during class

The Flipped Classroom (York)

Teaching online and remotely (York University Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LAPS)) (York)

Inclusive Teaching

Teaching in a way that respects the diversity of students

Guide to Inclusive Teaching at Columbia University [PDF]

Accommodations Implementation Guide(York)

Student Accessibility Services Faculty Resource Guide (York)

Information Literacy

Ability to identify, find, and evaluate information effectively

Information Literacy and your Courses (York)

Information Literacy (York)

Learning Outcomes

A statement of the knowledge, skills and abilities individual students should possess upon completion of a learning experience

Learning Outcomes (York)

Faculty Council Undergraduate Curriculum Resources (York)

Blended and Online Learning (BOLD) Institute – Plan content (York)

Constructive alignment [PDF] (York)

Writing Learning Outcomes (York)

Peer Review

Peer editing, peer feedback

Peer Feedback Guide [PDF] (York)

Peer Assessment (York)

Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Research

Research that examines pedagogy and teaching practices

Scholarly teaching and scholarship of teaching and learning (York)

A model for engaged teaching at York University: Moving towards research-informed practice [PDF] (York)

Student Engagement Strategies

A Framework for Engaged Teaching at York University [PDF] (York)

Blended and Online Learning (BOLD) Institute - Engage students with the content (York)

The Teaching Commons also offers consultations and services to support teaching and learning. Please feel free to each out to the Faculty of Science Liaison Yelin Su,

The Libraries have a wealth of resources, facilities and services available to York’s faculty members. See their Faculty/Instructor Support.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ashley Nahornick at or Dr. Tamara Kelly at