Rhonda Lenton, vice-president academic and provost, issues the following announcement to the York University community:

Lucy Fromowitz
I am pleased to inform members of the York University community of the appointment of Ms. Lucy Fromowitz as Vice-Provost Students; her appointment will take effect July 1, 2017.
We are delighted that Ms. Fromowitz will be returning to York University after an absence of 16 years; some members of the York community may recall that she held several positions here at York from 1978 to 2001, including Director of Alumni Affairs and Director of Admissions. She is also a York alumna, holding a BA in English and an LLM from Osgoode Hall Law School.
From 2001 to 2007, she held the position of Vice-President, Student and Community Engagement at Centennial College, where she provided leadership in relation to a broad range of student and community services and contributed to strategic planning for the division and the College. She undertook a restructuring of the division to better meet the needs of a diverse student population. She also held responsibility for community outreach (including providing opportunities for under-served populations), strategic enrolment planning, student support and success strategy, and internationalization strategy.
In her most recent position as Assistant Vice-President, Student Life at the University of Toronto since 2008, Ms. Fromowitz has led the creation of a new division of Student Life, with 14 departments, the development of a unified vision and strategy for the division, and the realignment of responsibilities to support institutional goals. She spearheaded the implementation of university-wide programs to enrich student life, enhance student navigation, and remove barriers to full participation; and established and implemented a cohesive strategy for programs and services to support student learning and development within a learning outcomes framework.
We are very pleased that Ms. Fromowitz will be bringing these outstanding experiences, qualifications and skills to York University as our next Vice-Provost Students. She will provide key leadership in advancing our institutional priorities around the enhancement of student engagement, experience, and success - including the coordination of advising and student services and supports and the promotion of communications with undergraduate and graduate students - and strategic enrolment planning and recruitment. She will also collaborate with colleagues across the University to promote a safe and healthy campus environment for all community members.
I look forward to welcoming Ms. Fromowitz back to York University and to working closely with her and colleagues in the Division of Students and across the University in the coming years to continue to advance our academic priorities.