Community engagement is at the heart of LA&PS, and the Global & Community Engagement (GCE) Office exists to support it. Are you a student, staff or faculty member who has a collaborative project or initiative that builds inclusiveness, supports community engagement or meaningfully interacts with external and York community members, locally or globally?
Find out more about the available opportunities – you may be eligible for funding through the Global & Community Engagement Office.

GCE Events & Outreach Fund
Get up to $1,500 to help with a community engagement event or outreach activity that builds inclusiveness, whether local, national or international. Both LA&PS students and faculty members are welcome to apply.

GCE Collaborative Project Fund
Supporting projects that are committed to social justice, equity and inclusion – and engage external and University community members – this fund offers up to $5,000 for LA&PS faculty and registered York student groups.

Anti-Black Racism Initiatives Fund
Acknowledging and challenging anti-Black racism, this LA&PS fund supports student and faculty events, programs and initiatives that promote a more inclusive learning, teaching and working environment within our community. All are welcome to apply.