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HRM student tells Globe + Mail how to achieve work-study balance and cut student debt


The Globe and Mail features career advice among other editorial content in their Report on Business. On June 2, they featured Human Resource Management student Eleisha Akin, who is working two jobs during the summer, one in her field of study, with the goal of working in HR and being financially sound.

The article quotes Ms. Akin, saying “Being a student, you really just have to watch every penny and really try to save what you can because if you save now, you’re going to be better off in the future for when you graduate."

“You really have to know yourself,” she says. “You have to know how much you can handle because if you think, ‘Oh, I can take five shifts a week,’ and then you have a full course load, you might not be able to handle that.”

Read the full article in the Globe and Mail.