CBC Radio produced a short series that delved into the lives of several students with unique circumstances who are now studying at York University. They all came through a recently launched pilot program housed in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies’ School of Sociology that provides a bridge to university study for youth who have precarious immigration status. Worldwide, this group, often referred to as “dreamers,” is facing an increasingly challenging environment, and education can provide profound new opportunities.
York is the first university in Canada to do this, accepting 10 students with precarious immigration status in the initial period, and currently engaging with 12 more students in 2017/18.
Listen to the CBC podcasts below:
- Episode 1: Canadian 'dreamers' find home at York University -- 7:37
- Episode 2: How Canada deals with 'dreamer' refugees -- 6:26
- Episode 3: Dealing with undocumented migrants in Canada -- 6:42
You can also read CBC's longer story that builds on the journalists earlier work.
Find out more about our bridging options for people with undocumented immigration status.