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Handel K. Wright

Transnationalism and cultural studies

This book asks what ‘transnationalism’ might mean for Cultural Studies as an intellectual project shaped in vastly differing circumstances across the world. With contributions from scholars with experience of cultural life and the work of education in various regions, countries and locales - from francophone Africa, Eastern Europe and the Middle East to Hawaii, Jamaica, […]

The Promised Land? History and Historiography of Black Experience in Chatham-Kent's Settlements and Beyond

Eschewing the often romanticized Underground Railroad narrative that portrays southern Ontario as the welcoming destination of Blacks fleeing from slavery, The Promised Land reveals the Chatham-Kent area as a crucial settlement site for an early Black presence in Canada. The contributors present the everyday lives and professional activities of individuals and families in these communities […]

The Dialectics of African Education and Western Discourses: Appropriation, Ambivalence and Alternatives

The six academics and contributors to the issue are AIi Abdi (originally from Somalia and currently associate professor of education at the University of Alberta), Nombuso Dlamini (originally from South Africa and currently associate professor of education at the University of Windsor), Constantine Ngara (originally from Zimbabwe and currently a doctoral candidate in education at […]

Precarious international multicultural education: Hegemony, dissent and rising alternatives

Multiculturalism and multicultural education are at a paradoxical moment. There is work that continues as if the multicultural hegemony was still intact and on the other hand work articulated as if multiculturalism was decidedly passe. The essays in this collection will be of considerable interest to academics, policy makers and students of both multiculturalism and […]