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Deadline for Deferred Standing

Senate legislation states that "Normally requests for deferred standing must be communicated within one week following a missed examination of the last day to submit course work. The period during which the University is officially closed for December holidays is not counted in the determination of deadline days." For circumstances arising after the withdrawal deadline, […]

Deadline for Extension of Deferred Standing

Senate legislation states that "Normally requests for deferred standing must be communicated within one week following a missed examination of the last day to submit course work. The period during which the University is officially closed for December holidays is not counted in the determination of deadline days." For circumstances arising after the withdrawal deadline, […]

What are Extenuating Circumstances?

You may have circumstances that you believe justify waiving the drop deadline. You should be aware, however, that you are expected to assess your academic progress in each of your courses, and the impact that your personal, family, medical, financial, or employment circumstances are having on each course, before the withdrawal deadline. If you could […]

What is a Graded Feedback deadline?

Senate legislation states that by the withdrawal deadline course directors normally must provide graded feedback of 15% of the overall grade for fall, winter or summer term courses, and 30% for "full year" courses. However, there are exceptions, including some upper level courses and courses which run on a compressed schedule. For a full explanation […]

What is a Drop Deadline?

It is the final day to use the enrolment system to drop a course. If you do not want a final grade in a course, then you must use the enrolment system to drop the course on or before the withdrawal deadline date. You are responsible for the accuracy of your enrolment record, and for […]