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LA&PS Professor Audrey Laurin-Lamothe awarded SSHRC Connection Grant for The Great Transition

LA&PS Professor Audrey Laurin-Lamothe was awarded a SSHRC Connection Grant for a project titled “La Grande transition: Raviver les solidarités postcapitalistes.”  The Great Transition collective is calling on all those interested in building a fairer future to propose activities for the fifth edition of its international conference. The event aims to foster reflection on ways […]

Book by Professor Stephen Brooke selected by The Conversation for Top 5 Best Non-fiction Books of 2024

 Professor Stephen Brooke’s (Department of History) book London, 1984: Conflict and Change in the Radical City has been selected by The Conversation as one of its top 5 best non-fiction books of 2024.     London, 1984 explores a pivotal year in London’s history, when the reforms enacted by Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government began to profoundly reshape the life […]

LA&PS Assistant Professor Duygu Gulseren discusses employee mental health and preventing burnout in The Globe and Mail

Duygu Gulseren, an assistant professor at the School of Human Resources Management, and the chair of the Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Health, has contributed her expertise in a recent article that appeared in The Globe and Mail. The article discusses “quiet thriving” in the workplace, describing tactics employees can use to improve their […]