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Senator Anne Cools to deliver lecture in upcoming McLaughlin Lunch Talk

Senator Anne Cools to deliver lecture in upcoming McLaughlin Lunch Talk


The McLaughlin College Lunch Talk Series will continue with a presentation by Senator Anne Cools on Wednesday, March 15.

Senator Anne Cools

The talk, titled “Ninth Floor,” will examine the infamous Sir George Williams sit-in. It takes place at 11:30am, and again at 6:30pm, in the Senior Common Room, 140 McLaughlin College.

It started quietly when a group of Caribbean students, strangers in a cold new land, began to suspect their professor of racism. It ended in the most explosive student uprising Canada had ever known. Over four decades later, Ninth Floor reopens the file on the infamous Sir George Williams sit-in – a watershed moment in Canadian race relations and one of the most contested episodes in the nation’s history. Can we make peace with the past? What lessons have we learned? What really happened up there on the ninth floor?

Senator Anne Cools is a member of the Canadian Senate. Born in Barbados, she became a Senator in 1984, the first Caribbean-Canadian to be appointed to Canada’s upper house. She is the dean and the longest-serving member of Canada’s Senate and is the first female black senator in North America.

Everyone is welcome to attend, and light refreshments will be provided.

RSVP to Vicky Carnevale at if you will be attending. For further information, call 416-736-5128.

This event is hosted by the Office of the Master, McLaughlin College.

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