We’re taking you back in time as long-time members of our community share with us their fondest memories from their York University journey. This is LA&PS Through the Ages.
Magy Baket, a Student Success and Academic Advisor, began her career at York University in 2005. She’s a LA&PS alumna who has helped students achieve their goals over her years here.
When did you first join the York University community and what was your role?
I was a bilingual in-house registration assistant in the Miles S. Nadal Management Centre at the Schulich School of Business.
What sparked your interest in working at York University?
While pursuing my Psychology degree at York, I knew that I wanted to build a career in helping people and began exploring different options. My true interest in working with students in higher education was sparked by my work-study position in the Department of Chemistry. It gave me the confidence and skills that I needed for my career, while also providing me with the opportunity to be mentored by colleagues who’ve shaped my experiences that led me here today.
How has your role helped you make a positive change in the York University community?
I love being an academic advisor and genuinely care about the success of York students. It’s important for me to connect with students to give them a sense of belonging and the confidence to set and achieve their personal and academic goals. Each student interaction I have, whether it’s in person or virtual, is unique. As an advisor, I recognize that students require different tools, referrals and resources to make informed decisions and have a positive university experience.
I feel fortunate to be a part of the LA&PS advising community. In the Department of Economics, we are a team of three academic advisors due to the University services moving online, we are constantly looking for ways to maintain connections and engage students studying remotely. We have been supporting them by offering virtual drop-in advising via the QLESS service, weekly Economics webinars and new student information group sessions to welcome and support them. We are also working on a few initiatives and outreach campaigns to connect with students periodically throughout the academic year.

What has been the most memorable moment of your York University journey?
I have a lot of history at York and it’s difficult to narrow it down to one memorable moment. My most memorable personal moment is meeting my husband on the first day of my first year at York! My most memorable professional moment, is my nomination for the 2016 Voice of York Award by my Graduate Program Director, Professor. Gino Lavoie. Being nominated for this award was incredibly humbling and rewarding. I take pride in working at York and I am grateful that my passion and commitment to the students are reflected in my daily work.
How have you seen the University evolve since beginning your career here?
Over the past 15 years, I have witnessed many great developments on our campus such as the development of new buildings that promote research and are home to new programs and Faculties. I experienced the merger of the Faculty of Arts and Atkinson into becoming the faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the largest faculty at York. Another major change that I’m lucky enough to witness is the expansion and development of student services focusing on enhancing student success and experience. York as a community is always evolving. Over the last few months, it has been amazing to see how we as a community came together to transition from in-person to online learning and services and continue to build strong, positive relationships across the entire University.