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Transforming Child Welfare: Interdisciplinary Practices, Field Education, and Research

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Transforming Child Welfare: Interdisciplinary Practices, Field Education, and Research

Canada has among the highest rate of children in foster care in the developed world—a national tragedy that has its roots in poverty, residential schooling, and other forms of colonialism.

Tackling the “wicked” and intransigent problems of child abuse and neglect, as well as FASD, encountered by social workers, educators, health care workers, and others, Transforming Child Welfare turns a close eye on systemic issues within the child welfare system. Reflecting on previous strengths, and integrating research evidence with practical experience, the contributors to this volume provide professionals with best practice solutions that can be applied in different contexts.

About the Author

Daniel Kikulwe is an Assistant Professor in York University’s Department of Social Work. He teaches and researches in social services and child welfare system reform.

Other publications from this author include:
