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School of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies

Sexuality Studies

Core: Courses with SXST code; Non-Core: All courses without SXST code (e.g., GWST, SOSC, ANTH, etc.) For more information, please visit the Courses website and LA&PS Academic Advising.

Gender & Women’s Studies

For more information, please visit the Courses website and LA&PS Academic Advising.

Graduate Program Gender, Feminist & Women’s Studies

One of the primary goals of this program is to develop and use a feminist analytical perspective to the study of women and gender as they intersect with sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, ability and age.

Humanities, Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies, Anthropology, Undeclared Majors

Department of AnthropologyDepartment of HumanitiesSchool of Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies Black Canadian StudiesChildren, Childhood & YouthClassical StudiesCulture & ExpressionEast Asian StudiesHellenic StudiesHumanitiesIndigenous StudiesIndividualized StudiesJewish StudiesReligious Studies Gender & Women’s StudiesSexuality StudiesBridging Program for WomenLGBTQ Bridging Program

LA&PS Co-op Program

Test-drive a career and get hands-on experience in your chosen field! The LA&PS Co-op Program offers paid, short-term employment for up to 20 months. As a Co-op student, you will complete two work terms, rotating between study and work terms. Regardless of the academic program you are pursuing, co-ops provide an opportunity to gain valuable […]

Cross-Campus Capstone Classroom (C4)

Come together and join upper-level students from across York to work together in multi-disciplinary teams to solve real-world challenges. Challenges are posed by organizations from both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors.

Work/Study Program

The Work/Study Program at York is an excellent way for undergraduate students to gain a paid, work-integratred learning experience on campus.

Certificate in Sexuality Studies

The Sexuality Studies certificate offers interdisciplinary training in sexuality studies to York students, professionals, activists and community leaders. The certificate provides those who are interested in doing (or who currently do) sexuality studies work, activism and/or community outreach with theoretical and applied knowledge along with university credentials.

Certificate in Gender & Women’s Studies

Designed for students with no previous exposure to women’s studies, this certificate offers a survey into issues and themes in the field. The program invites you to explore the lives and experiences of women, historically and cross-culturally, and to critically examine the social, political and economic institutions shaping women’s lives.