To prioritize applicants who have few funds available to support or ramp-up research, applicants currently holding more than $10,000 in any combination of internal grants must demonstrate why support is justified.
There are a number of internal funding opportunities available to faculty members both within the LA&PS Research Unit and across the university.
Among the funding offered are start-up research funds, conference travel grants, research events support, support for scholarly journals, book publication funding, and funds for hiring student trainees.
General Research Support
Deadlines: September 15 and January 15
Value: $1,500-3,000
LA&PS full-time faculty members are invited to apply for seed funding to build new research collaborations with scholarly and/or community partners by supporting the specific costs associated with bringing key partners together to explore and develop new research and research funding opportunities. These initiatives must involve at least one LA&PS faculty member working with collaborators, who can be faculty or external community members (locally or globally). The funding is designed to offset costs associated with bringing the collaborators together for a preliminary planning meeting or small-scale workshop.
Seed Grant for Collaborative Research Initiatives - Application Form (DOCX)
Deadlines: October 31 and March 31
Value: Up to $7,000
To provide support to full-time faculty, professional librarians and current Postdoctoral Fellows for stand-alone, small-scale projects and for projects that will lead to the development of larger SSHRC applications or other external funding.
Deadline: October 31 and March 31
Value: Up to $7,000
To provide support to full time faculty, professional librarians, and current Postdoctoral Fellows for small-scale knowledge mobilization activities such as stakeholder consultations, policy briefs, publication subventions, workshops, etc.
Eligibility: Retired faculty / senior scholars are eligible to submit applications for this grant.
Deadlines: November 15 and April 15
Value: Up to $5,000
The adjudicated vehicle through which LA&PS dispenses the YUFA Faculty/Library Research Grant Funding and the YUFA Junior Faculty/Librarian Fund. Funding for research projects, eligible expenses include personnel, research travel, subsistence costs.
Eligibility: Retired faculty / senior scholars are eligible to submit applications for this grant.
Deadlines: October 1 and March 1 (Oct 1st deadline is for research grants only; Mar 1st deadline is for both research grants and release time).
Value: Up to $8,000 for research grants; salary equivalent to one full-course directorship for release time course directorship grants
This fund is intended to encourage individual research and study by defraying research costs. Duration: One year. Contact Charles Bisram in Faculty Relations for a current application form.
Deadline: Rolling
Value: Up to $3,000
The York Indigenous Incentive Grant provides support for the development of research grant applications, related to Indigenous priorities and needs, to external sources as articulated in our Strategic Research Plan (SRP). Its main purpose will be to defray costs associated with applications for standard programs of research (including but not limited to NSERC Discovery, CIHR, SSHRC Connection Grants, SSHRC Insight and Insight Development Grants, and SSHRC Partnership Development Grants). While the scale of initiatives supported may vary according to discipline, all proposals must clearly demonstrate the intended external source of support.
Deadlines: Rolling
Value: Up to $6,000
To defray costs associated with assembling interdisciplinary collaborative teams required for larger-scale initiatives in the quest for external funds.
Deadlines: November 1 and March 1
To support small-scale research projects where a significant contribution to Italian-Canadian studies will be made. Eligible expenses include research costs and travel to conferences.
This opportunity is paused/under review.
The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) has established the LA&PS Black Scholars Research Fund (BSRF) to support innovative research project ideas from qualified eligible applicants who self-identify as Black peoples of African Descent. Projects may be standalone or part of a broader research program.
Projects designed as preliminary research studies intended for development into external research grants (e.g. SSHRC Insight Grant) are encouraged. Projects whose primary purpose is the development of a database or curriculum are not eligible, however enhanced curriculum may be an outcome of a proposed research project.
Applicants must have an eligible affiliation with York University and LA&PS. Application forms must be filled in and submitted to
Deadlines: Two application windows per fiscal year. See guidelines for dates.
Value: Up to $5,000
Annual fund administered by VPRI to support research intensification and research administration functions for faculty members. Applications assessed on first-come basis.
York Research Support Grant Guidelines and Application Form (Passport York Login Required)
All questions should be directed to VPRI at
Deadlines: Rolling (May-April or until funds are expended)
Selection and award letters: within 4-6 weeks of application receipt
Value: $5,000 - $15,000 depending on stream and/or matching funds
GRE supports investigator-led collaborations that have targeted outcomes while also affording York research teams the ability to take risks and the versatility to work with leading universities, industry, government agencies, IGOs and NGOs from across the world. Contact with questions.
Application Form and Guidelines (York International Website)
Research Assistance Support - Funding to Hire Students
Paid opportunities for York undergraduate students to participate in research projects.
Provides on-campus part-time job opportunities for eligible full-time York University students. These jobs are primarily available during the September to April academic session.
Other Funding Supports and Initiatives
Deadline: March 31
Value: Maximum request $3,000
The objective of this fund is to offset costs related to the successful operations of scholarly journals for which LA&PS faculty members hold substantial, on-going senior editorial roles.
LA&PS Support for Scholarly Journals - Application Form (DOCX)
Deadline: Rolling
Value: Awards will normally fall between $1,000 and $2,500.
LA&PS Faculty Members (YUFA and CUPE 3903 Unit 2, or retired YUFA) and post-doctoral visitors affiliated with LA&PS programs or faculty members, are welcome to apply to the fund in support of events they are organizing/co-organizing either on or off campus. Post-doctoral visitors may only apply if the proposed event will occur within the period of the visitorship. Graduate students and Post-doctoral fellows interested in research event support should apply to the Graduate and Post-doctoral Research Events Fund.
Priority given to grants leveraged for matching support on external grant applications (e.g., SSHRC Connection Grant). Requests leveraged to support an external grant will be approved as conditional on the success of the external application.
Deadlines: Rolling
Value: Approximately $500-$1,500
The new York Indigenous Events Funding provides support for scholarly events or outreach activities that address Indigenous priorities and needs, strengthens York’s Indigenous research culture and builds the profile and reputation of sound Indigenous-focused research at York University.
Deadline: Rolling
Value: Maximum request: $1000
YUFA faculty (full-time, Senior Scholars, and retired faculty) or visiting professors associated with the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies are invited to apply to this program if the scholarly book publisher with which they are publishing a work requires a subvention in order to offset the costs of production, or if the publisher has made them responsible for absorbing the costs of hiring an indexer.
Book Publication Subvention Program - Application Form (DOCX)
For more information, please contact
Deadlines: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1.
If a deadline falls on a holiday or a weekend the deadline will move to the day after the holiday or weekend.
Please submit a completed application no later than 6 weeks before the event is scheduled to take place.
Value: Approximately $500-$1,500
The Office of the VPRI offers funding to support events that strengthen the research culture and build the profile and reputation of research at York University. VPRI is also accepting applications for outreach and engagement activities that connect academic researchers and students with non-academic audiences (industry, governments, community and non-profit organizations, schools, the public). These funds will be capped at $1,000 with 20 awards available each year evenly spread over four competitions/year.
Conference Travel Support
Deadlines: August 1, November 1 and March 1
Value: $500-750
LA&PS offers this grant to offset costs associated with the public dissemination of research, scholarship, or creativity. Eligibility: Full-time YUFA faculty members and senior scholars in LA&PS. In the case of CLAs and SRCs, travel must also occur within the term of the appointment. Applications must be submitted in advance of the presentation.
LA&PS Travel Grant for Dissemination - Application Form (PDF)
Deadlines: February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1
Value: Generally, up to a minimum APEX or Charter Class airfare.
To provide assistance for attendance at national and international scholarly conferences for which the applicant is giving a paper, making a poster presentation, or featured at a solo or 2 person opening of an exhibition, a principal screening, premier performance of dance, theatre or musical production.
Deadlines: March 1, June 1 and October 1
Value: Up to $2,000
To support contract faculty members who are giving papers; have been asked to give commentaries or to chair sessions; or are attending conferences. Eligible expenses include travel, registration, accommodation and subsistence. Duration: No more than one grant per year. Contact Charles Bisram in Faculty Relations for a current application form.
Unit Conference Travel Fund (YUFA) - Deadlines: Please contact your Department Chair / School Director
Funds for conference travel administered within each academic unit. Eligibility: YUFA faculty members (tenure-stream, CLA, SRC, etc. but excluding visiting professors) or those designated Senior Scholars may apply to their units for funding to travel to conferences. Travel must occur in the fiscal year of the award (May 1 and April 30). To apply for funds, please use the YUFA Conference Travel Application Form and follow any additional unit-level processes as required.
Teaching Supports, Course Releases & Fellowships
Internal process for LA&PS faculty members who are intending to prepare external grant applications and who would like to request course release support as part of the Faculty’s commitments.
Deadline: November 15
Fellowships are intended to provide recipients with the opportunity to develop innovative teaching and learning projects or to enhance their own teaching skills. Eligibility: Full-time faculty in tenure-stream appointments.
Deadline: November 15
Value: Up to $2,500 (Individuals); up to $5,000 (Groups)
Funds are available to support projects which have the potential to make significant curricular or methodological contributions to teaching and learning at York, or which enable faculty to enhance their own teaching skills. Eligibility: All members of the YUFA bargaining unit.
Deadline: January 15
A Leave Fellowship Fund (Article 19.30 of the YUFA Collective Agreement) is available to provide peer-adjudicated additional grants of up to 10% of academic base salary to sabbaticants.
Deadline: November 15
Provides opportunities for tenured or tenure stream faculty and continuing appointment employees to take Educational Leaves for approved plans of study.