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International Student Awards

We want to recognize your academic success and provide a financial boost to those who need it. Not just a source of extra funds – scholarships, awards and bursaries are a great way to enhance your resume and university transcript, demonstrating your hard work and dedication to your studies. 

We are pleased to offer additional awards, scholarships and bursaries to qualified international students in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS). To be eligible to apply, you will need to fill our your Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) Application.

Future Students

The LA&PS International Student Entrance Scholarship will be automatically awarded to international students entering the Faculty with top academic standing of 90% or higher. Eligible candidates with a Grade Point Average (GPA) between 90% to 94.9% will receive $2,000; candidates with a GPA of 95% or higher will receive $3,000.

Note: There is no application required and this award is a one-time only at the point of admission.

International Undergraduate Leadership Scholarships

Are you a high school student that demonstrates leadership through community service or excellence in sports or the arts? This international student scholarship is available to students who have applied for an undergraduate program in the Faculty of LA&PS.

Fifty (50) of these scholarships are awarded each year, valued at $10,000 per year. The scholarship is renewable for an additional three years of full-time undergraduate study if you maintain high academic standing (B GPA) each year, which would bring the total funding to $40,000 over four years.

Note: Scholarship values are subject to change.

LA&PS applicants will automatically be considered for this award if they apply for the President’s international scholarship of Excellence.


  • Must be an international student who requires a permit to study in Canada.
  • High school applicants only. No previous college or university experience allowed.
  • You must first apply to study for an undergraduate LA&PS program starting Fall 2024 and submit your application to the university no later than February 1, 2024.
  • You MUST submit the scholarship application by February 15, 2024.
  • Minimum academic standing of “B+” average grade required.
  • Community service, art or sport achievement or other individual achievement required.
  • 1 Letter of recommendation from your high school teacher or school counsellor is required.

Note: You do not need an offer of admission to apply, only the 9-digit York reference number, which you will receive within 5 business days of applying to York. The scholarship is not open to students applying for a Certificate Program.

Current Students

The Outstanding International Student Leadership & Volunteer Award honours international students in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies for exceptional contribution to an undergraduate student association in the Faculty and/or in other areas of the York community (internally and/or externally). It recognizes outstanding achievement in upholding the vision of building strong and inclusive communities at the local, national and international level.  This award honours international students who have distinguished themselves in the areas of volunteer contributions, service and/or leadership. 

One award valued at $300. 

Eligibility: Student must be an undergraduate LA&PS major and an international student, paying international fees.

Application Process: Students may self-nominate, or be nominated by members of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies community. Each nomination should include a letter outlining the candidate’s contributions to a student association and/or involvement in the York community.  A reference letter by a faculty member is required, as well as a copy of the candidate’s CV.

PLEASE NOTE: Students must be an undergraduate LA&PS major and an international student or non-status student, paying international fees or domestic fees.

LA&PS recognizes the value and diversity brought about by our international student population.  This award will be issued annually to the highest sessional Grade Point Average (GPA), based on a course load of at least 30 credits in each for first, second, third and fourth-year international students in the Faculty of LA&PS.  

No application required.

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The LA&PS Emergency Bursary Fund is positioned to help students who are experiencing financial need due to exceptional or unexpected circumstances. In such, the fund is not positioned to help with major, ongoing expenses and is not sufficient for covering tuition fees.

Typically, the maximum for this bursary is $1000.00, with $1000 typically only being given in extreme circumstances.

To be considered for funding, applicants must demonstrate financial need and fill out the Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) Application for the current session.

Eligible students must:

  • be in the Faculty of LA&PS
  • be an international (study permit) student, paying international fees
  • experience financial difficulty through unforeseen circumstances
  • be in your second year or above
  • be registered and pursuing an undergraduate degree
  • be enrolled in courses at the time of application
  • have already applied to the York International Student Bursary.

Note: Due to limited funds, this bursary will not fund a student’s entire financial need.

Note: Both full and part-time students who meet the above criteria are eligible to apply.  You may only apply once to this bursary during your academic career at York University.

To Apply: Complete the online LA&PS International Student Emergency Bursary Application Form.

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Looking for more?

The Faculty of LA&PS also provides a number of scholarships, awards and bursaries. Fill our your Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) Application today.