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At the limits of justice: Women of colour theorize terror

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At the limits of justice: Women of colour theorize terror

The fear and violence that followed the events of September 11, 2001 touched lives all around the world, even in places that few would immediately associate with the global war on terror. In At the Limits of Justice, twenty-nine contributors from six countries explore the proximity of terror in their own lives and in places ranging from Canada and the United States to Jamaica, Palestine/Israel, Australia, Guyana, Chile, Pakistan, and across the African continent.

In this collection, female scholars of colour - including leading theorists on issues of indigeneity, race, and feminism - examine the political, social, and personal repercussions of the war on terror through contributions that range from testimony and poetry to scholarly analysis. Inspired by both the personal and the global impact of this violence within the war on terror, they expose the way in which the war on terror is presented as a distant and foreign issue at the same time that it is deeply present in the lives of women and others all around the world.

About the Author

Kendra-Ann Pitt is an Assistant Professor at York University’s School of Social Work. Her work explores topics of social justice, mental health, critical disability studies, gender and development studies, and feminist theory.
