February 29, 2020 Issue
The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.
If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to lapsrsc@yorku.ca.
In this issue:
Internal Notices
LA&PS Information Session: SSHRC Partnership Development Grant and Partnership Engage Grant
The LA&PS Research Unit is planning to host a Partnership Development Grant and Partnership Engage Grant Information Session for interested faculty members. The session is tentatively scheduled for early April. An official announcement of this session will be made in early March.
LA&PS Information Session: Post-Award Concerns
The Research Unit will hold information sessions to provide LA&PS researchers with the opportunity to discuss post-award concerns and to ask questions one-on-one with our two Research Administrators, Helen Papacharalambous and Pat Ellis. Please contact Helen at helen910@yorku.ca if you plan to attend one of the following sessions:
• March 26, 2020, from 10 to 10:45 am
• April 23, 2020, from 2 to 2:45 pm
Research Commons Information Session: Enhancing the Visibility of your Research for Greater Recognition
This workshop sponsored by the Research Commons will focus on strategies and techniques to increase the discoverability of your scholarship on the web.
Social Sciences & Humanities focus
February 28, 2020
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
519 Kaneff
Research Commons Information Session: Travel & Expense Card and Purchasing Card
The Research Commons is sponsoring sessions about the Travel & Expense Card and Purchasing Card programs at York University. Procurement Services can help you determine if the cards are suitable for your research programs and General Accounting experts will guide you through the reconciliation processes required.
February 27, 2020
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
280N York Lanes
Research Commons: March Programming
In March, the Research Commons will be offering information sessions related to: Royal Society of Canada – Fellowships and Memberships in the College; Ontario’s Early Researcher Award program; NSERC Alliance Grants; Knowledge Mobilization; and New Frontiers in Research. View the calendar for more details.
Internal Grants
VPRI: Large Grant ‘Preliminary Study’ Funding Competition
Deadlines and Value: see VPRI posting
This grant is to support multi-faculty research teams that have evidence of prior collaboration and are ready to launch a specific preliminary research project that would lend strong support to a large-scale Tri-council grant opportunity in Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 by demonstrating feasibility, capability, importance of the endeavour, proof of concept, etc.
LA&PS Global and Community Engagement Collaborative Project Fund
Deadline: March 1, 2020
This fund supports collaborative projects and initiatives that build inclusiveness and diverse forms of community engagement. As our University Academic Plan recognizes, a “spirit of inclusion and empowerment” is a priority for enhancing community engagement within and beyond the university. Commitments to social justice, equity, and inclusion should form the core principles of successful Global & Community Engagement collaborative projects. We welcome applications for up to $5000 per project from LA&PS faculty members (YUFA and CUPE) and registered York student groups. Application form.
LA&PS Travel Grant for Dissemination
Deadline: March 1, 2020
LA&PS offers this grant to offset costs associated with the public dissemination of research, scholarship, or creativity. Eligibility: Full-time YUFA faculty members and senior scholars in LA&PS. In the case of CLAs and SRCs, travel must also occur within the term of the appointment. Applications must be submitted in advance of the presentation. Applications can be found under section #2 on this web page.
Contract Faculty Conference Travel Fund
Deadline: March 1, 2020
To support contract faculty members of the University attending scholarly/professional/artistic conferences. Current application form is available from this page.
Contract Faculty Research Grants Fund
Deadline: March 1, 2020
To encourage individual research and study and to defray research costs incurred by members of the CUPE 3903 bargaining unit in accordance with Article 15.16 of the CUPE 3903 Unit 2 Collective Agreement. Current application form is available from this page.
Mariano A. Elia Research Fund
Deadline: March 1, 2020
To support small-scale research projects where a significant contribution to Italian-Canadian studies will be made and the prestige of the university enhanced. Eligible expenses include research costs and travel to conferences. Application form can be found here. (Expect to be prompted for your Passport York login.)
SSHRC Explore Grant
Deadline: March 31, 2020
To provide support to full-time faculty, professional librarians, and current Postdoctoral Fellows for stand-alone, small-scale projects and for projects that will lead to the development of larger SSHRC applications or other external funding. Application form can be found here. (Expect to be prompted for your Passport York login.)
SSHRC Exchange - KMb Grant
Deadline: March 31, 2020
To provide support to full-time faculty, professional librarians, and current Postdoctoral Fellows for small-scale knowledge mobilization activities such as stakeholder consultations, policy briefs, publication subventions, workshops, etc. Application form can be found here. (Expect to be prompted for your Passport York login.)
LA&PS Support for Scholarly Journals
Deadline: March 31, 2020
The objective of this fund is to offset costs related to the successful operations of scholarly journals for which LA&PS faculty members hold substantial, on-going senior editorial roles. Find the application form under section 5 on this page of the LAPS website.
York Fellowship at the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies (PIMS)
Deadline: March 31, 2019
The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Canada’s oldest research institute in the Humanities, is an independent, degree offering, post-doctoral institution located at 59 Queen’s Park Crescent East. It is made up of Senior Fellows and Associate Fellows, and each year there is also a group of five post-doctoral ‘Mellon’ Fellows. A five-minute walk from the Robarts Library in the University of Toronto, the Institute has its own impressive library, internationally known, of materials relating to the medieval period. The Institute has close links with the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto as well as the Medieval and Celtic Studies Programmes at St Michael’s College.
Interested individuals are asked to submit a letter outlining their plans for the year and providing their detailed reasons for wishing to be at the Pontifical Institute, as well as an up-to-date curriculum vitae. PIMS will choose one York Fellow for a period of 8 months for the ensuing academic year, and potentially one Visiting Scholar.
Eligibility: The Fellowship is open to full-time YUFA faculty members planning to go on sabbatical or other leave, as well as those taking a reduced teaching load, during 2020-21. Likewise, members of CUPE 3903 Unit 2 are invited to apply but must hold at least one course directorship appointment at York during 2020-21. In rare cases, graduate students manifesting superior academic promise will also be considered for the Fellowship.
Privileges: The Fellowship provides the selected faculty member with office space at the Pontifical Institute for the academic year, access to all public rooms, library privileges at both PIMS and Robarts for the period of the award, membership in the Mellon Fellows seminar group, as well as dining privileges in the St. Michael’s faculty dining room. During the period of Fellowship, the selected faculty member will hold the title of York Fellow of Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies and following the award they will hold the title of Past York Fellow of PIMS.
Visiting Scholars of PIMS – Privileges: Visiting Scholars receive access to a carrel in the PIMS library, access to all public rooms, dining privileges in the St. Michael’s faculty dining room, and Membership in the PIMS Alumni group.
The letter and curriculum vitae should be sent via email to Janet Friskney at friskney@yorku.ca by March 31, 2020. Questions about the PIMS Fellowship should be addressed to James P. Carley at jcarley@yorku.ca.
LA&PS Minor Research Grant
Deadline: April 15, 2020
The adjudicated vehicle through which LA&PS dispenses the YUFA Faculty/Library Research Grant Funding and the YUFA Junior Faculty/Librarian Fund. Funding for research projects; eligible expenses include personnel, research travel, subsistence costs.
For a general listing of internal funding opportunities, visit here.
External Notices
CIHR Webinar for Project Grants
CIHR will be hosting English- and French-language webinars on February 27, 2020 to support participants with the requirements of the funding opportunity “Project Grant – Spring 2020 Competition” and to answer questions about how to apply. Attendees should download and read the presentation available on the registration page prior to the webinar. Registration information can be found here.
CIHR Provides List of Resources about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
On its website, CIHR has posted a page devoted to resources that address the topic of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in research.
CIHR Update on the Canadian Common CV
CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC received the CCV Open Letter on December 2, 2019 requesting the abandonment of the CCV due to concerns over the application’s usability and consequent burden on research funding applications and peer review processes. After considerable discussion internally, the agencies, in collaboration with the CCV Board, prepared a response that was posted on the CIHR website on December 18: https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/51795.html.
The three Councils recognize that the CCV, as currently structured, does not represent a viable long-term solution for the grants management needs of applicants and funders, and we are committed to replacing the CCV through our recently launched Tri-Agency Grants Management Solution (TGMS) initiative that will see the implementation of a new and harmonized grants management system.
The response also confirmed our commitment to make changes and improvements to the CCV user interface. The modernized CCV user interface project will be a short-term project to immediately improve the user experience and alleviate some of the main pain points related to the application’s usability. Specifically, upcoming improvements will include: having an option to use a more intuitive interface with simplified navigation, fewer clicks, and better instructional prompts (note: the current CCV interface can also be used); and being compliant with Web Accessibility Standards and compatible with screen readers, tablets, and other mobile devices.
In order to achieve this, the next phase of targeted stakeholder consultations will focus on validating the final design of the modernized CCV user interface. These will take place this month. Invitations were sent to individuals (including UDEC members) with an interest in CCV developments at the end of December. User acceptance testing (UAT) is planned for February 2020, with a launch of the modernized CCV user interface in March 2020. Information about the modernized CCV user interface will be available online in the coming weeks. For questions and/or for more information on the CCV modernized user interface project, please email CCV Support at support@ccv-cvc.ca.
External Grants and Fellowships
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant
• Submission to ORS for technical review: March 2, 2020
• Submission to agency: March 16, 2020
Value: $7,000 to $25,000
Duration: 1 year
These grants provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector. The small-scale, stakeholder-driven partnerships supported through Partnership Engage Grants are meant to respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors. In addressing an organization-specific need, challenge and/or opportunity, these partnerships let non-academic organizations and post-secondary researchers access each other’s unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities on topics of mutual interest.
To access an application form and full instructions, log into your SSHRC account.
SSHRC Connection Grant
• Submission to ORS for technical review: April 17, 2020
• Submission to agency: May 1, 2020
Value: $7000 to $25,000 for events, and up to $50,000 for other outreach activities; higher amounts for outreach activities may be considered if well justified
Duration: 1 year
These grants support workshops, colloquiums, conferences, forums, summer institutes, or other events or outreach activities. To access an application form and full instructions, log into your SSHRC account. In most cases, the appropriate application to select is “Connection – Individual.”
Horizon 2020 Migration Call
• Submission to ORS for technical review: February 27, 2020
• Mandatory Submission to ORS for budget review and to secure institutional signature: March 10, 2020, at noon
• Agency deadline: March 12, 2020 by 8:00 pm (eastern time) by email to partnerships@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca
Value: $75K - $200K
Duration: Up to 3 years
SSHRC has launched a Call for Proposals for Canadian researchers interested in participating in the Horizon 2020 Migration Call. This Call will support Canadian researchers’ engagement with European research consortia funded through the Horizon 2020 research platform of the European Union (EU). This is the second round of this SSHRC funding opportunity, aligned with Horizon 2020’s Societal Challenge 6: Europe in a changing world—Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies.
The opportunity is designed to foster a greater understanding of Europe, provide solutions, and support inclusive, innovative and reflective European societies in a context of unprecedented transformations and growing global interdependencies. Researchers applying for SSHRC support are responsible for initiating contact with eligible EU researchers and teams to form a consortium, participating in proposal development, and carrying out the proposed research.
For general information on international co-operation and participation, consult the H2020 Online Manual. For detailed information about participating on an EU research team, visit the EU H2020 website.
Note 1: The latest deadline to submit the applications to ORS is 12noon Tuesday, March 10th to allow ORS sufficient time to review the budget and to allow applicants to make any necessary changes before sending the documents to their UK counterpart to attach to the final application for submission to the agency.
Note 2: All applicants are required to complete and sign a Terms and Conditions form, and submit a hard copy to ORS by 12noon on Tuesday, March 10 in order for ORS to secure institutional signature and return the form to the applicant for submission to SSHRC.
New Frontiers 2020 Horizon Global Platform Competition
• Registration to agency: 2 weeks after the Horizon 2020 application deadline for an eligible call to which an application you were part of was submitted
• Application to ORS for technical review: 10 working days prior to agency submission
• Application to agency: 1 month after results from Horizon 2020 call are communicated to the project team
Value: Up to $125,000 per year (including indirect costs)
Overhead: 25%
Duration: Up to 4 years
The New Frontiers in Research Fund 2020 Horizon Global Platform Competition, International stream, is now open. The objective of the International stream is to support international research collaborations and position Canada and Canadian researchers as strategic partners at the international level. This is achieved through two mechanisms. The first mechanism involves joint calls with international agencies on topics of international relevance. The second mechanism funds the participation of Canadian researchers on international research projects supported by major global platforms.
The NFRF 2020 Horizon Global Platform competition falls under the second mechanism by providing funding for Canadian researchers who are partners on successful projects funded through eligible calls under Horizon 2020. It is expected that the Canadian researcher or research team will be an integral part of the larger Horizon 2020 research team that was awarded a grant.
To apply for an NFRF 2020 Horizon Global Platform grant, Canadian participants on eligible Horizon 2020 calls must submit their registration form by February 27, 2020, or within two weeks of the Horizon 2020 deadline for their call, whichever is later. This is a mandatory step in the application process. If the Horizon 2020 application is successful, the Canadian researcher will then have one month to submit an application to the New Frontiers in Research Fund.
CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grants
• ORS Deadline for technical review: March 3, 2020
• Agency Deadline: March 17, 2020
Value: varies by institute participating
Duration: 1 year
The Planning and Dissemination Grants are intended to provide support for planning and/or dissemination activities consistent with the mandate of CIHR and relevant to CIHR Institutes and Initiatives. This funding opportunity is not intended to support the direct cost of research (e.g., pilot projects, feasibility studies or operating grants), principal and co-investigator salaries or research equipment. Primary research or primary data collection will not be supported through this funding opportunity.
CIHR Funding Opportunities
The Office of Research Services (ORS) recently updated the spreadsheet of funding opportunities available through CIHR. Due to the large volume of RFAs, ORS has created a simplified Excel spreadsheet that will make it easier for researchers to locate the funding call that is most appropriate to their research area.
View the spreadsheet. You will be required to enter your Passport York user ID and password for YU Link to gain access to the spreadsheet. If the link below does not take you directly to Passport York, please copy and paste the link into your web browser.
NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE)
• Internal NOI: March 16, 2020
• LOI to agency: May 1, 2020
• Full application to agency (by invitation only): September 22, 2020
Value: $1.65 million
Duration: 6 years
CREATE initiatives provide a value-added experience to the university training environment that includes the development of professional skills among students and postdoctoral fellows that complement their qualifications and technical skills, with a focus on providing an enriched training experience for graduate students.
The CREATE program has permitted York University a yearly quota of 4 LOIs, and only those researchers selected by York can submit LOIs. For more information and to schedule a consultation, please contact Maheen Hasan, Strategic and Institutional Research Specialist, in the Office of Research Services at mhasan@yorku.ca.
Please note that there are multiple internal and agency deadlines for this competition. For a full list of deadlines, and access to the iNOI form, please consult the ORS posting. (You will be prompted for your Passport York login before you can view this page.)
Ontario Genomics Industry Challenge 2020: Healthy Lives, Healthy Economy, Healthy Planet through Genomics
• Stage 1 Intent to Apply (screening calls with OG): February 13 – March 9, 2020
• Submission of application to ORS: February 24, 2020
• Stage 2 submission of application to agency (by invitation only): March 9, 2020 by 9am
• Stage 3 pitch: March 20, 2020
Value: Up to $25K/project. (Each project must be matched with a minimum of $25K contribution from the industry [cash and in-kind acceptable], to a total project size of $50K or more.)
Duration: 1 year
This program provides funding for novel and innovative projects designed to solve pressing challenges and address industry opportunities through the application of genomics-based solutions across key sectors of the Ontario economy with the intent to drive economic growth, improve quality of life and Ontario’s global leadership.
This intent of this Open Call is for genomics and engineering biology innovators to solve industry and other end-user identified challenges within and across agriculture and agri-food, human health, industrial biotechnology and natural resources and the environment in one or more of the following five areas: Sustainable Food and Biomaterials Production; Rapid Genomic Diagnostics in Healthcare, Food Safety & Agriculture, and the Environment; Biomanufacturing and Scale Up from the Lab to the Factory; Roadmaps for Reducing Red Tape, Regulatory Burden or other Barriers; or New Paradigms for Rare Disease Treatment.
Rice Library Research Travel Grant
Deadline: March 1, 2020
Value: Up to $2000 USD
The Center for Communal Studies at the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville, IN, annually invites applications for a Research Travel Grant to fund research at the Communal Studies Collection at USI's David L. Rice Library. The Communal Studies Collection's rich archival materials hold the largest and most unique collection of printed materials by contemporary communal groups as well as information on over 600 historic and contemporary communal societies, utopias and intentional communities. A complete listing of communities can be found on the Rice Library website. Strengths include materials on the Harmonists and Owenites who settled nearby New Harmony, Indiana, but the breadth of the collections covers American communalism more broadly. Applicants may be graduate students or established scholars in the United States or abroad from any discipline that involves the study of communalism (such as history, English, anthropology, economics, sociology, etc.).
The grant will fund research up to $2,000 to be used by June 30 of the subsequent year. All applications must include a letter detailing the project and its significance to communal studies, a proposed budget and a vita. The winner of this Research Travel Grant is announced annually in June 2020. Please send materials as email attachments to Casey Harison, Director of the Center for Communal Studies at charison@usi.edu.
Increasing Knowledge on Plastic Pollution Initiative
• Submission to ORS: March 6, 2020
• Submission to agency: March 20, 2020 by 11:59 pm EST
Value: Up to $200K per year
Overhead: 20%
Duration: 2 years
Climate Change Canada in collaboration with Health Canada recently issued a Call for Proposals for the Increasing Knowledge on Plastic Pollution Initiative. The objectives of this funding opportunity are: to address knowledge gaps related to the potential human health effects and ecotoxicology of plastics in Canada; to increase capacity, leverage collaborative partnerships and generate knowledge in support of Canada’s Plastics Science Agenda with a particular focus on research gaps identified in the Draft Science Assessment of Plastic Pollution; and to expand understanding of the effects of plastic pollution on human health and the environment.
Canada Council: Research and Creation
Deadline: April 8, 2020
Research and Creation funding supports the initial stages of the creative process. Canadian artists, artistic groups and arts organizations can apply to develop and make creative works. Grants provide support for creative research, creation and project development.
Eligibility to apply to this component is determined by the validated profile created in the portal. A link to program guidelines can be found here.
Genome Canada: Large Scale Applied Research Project (LSARP)
Deadlines: Multiple; see ORS posting
Value: $1M to $3M
Duration: Up to 4 years (Funding Proviso: The contribution from Genome Canada must be between $1 million and $4 million, and the amount of co-funding from eligible sources must be at least equal to the Genome Canada contribution.)
Genome Canada has launched a Request for Applications for the 2020 Large Scale Applied Research Project Competition “Genomic Solutions for Natural Resources and the Environment.” This funding opportunity aims to support applied research projects focused on using genomic approaches to address challenges and opportunities of importance to Canada’s natural resources and environment sectors, including interactions between natural resources and the environment, thereby contributing to the Canadian bioeconomy, a healthy environment and the well-being of Canadians. Successful projects will include research into the implications of genomics in society, historically referred to as research into GE3LS (genomics and its ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social aspects), either as the major focus of the project or as an integrated component that is shaped by, and helps shape, the overall project.
Note: The SIRI Unit in the Office of Research Services, in collaboration with the corresponding Faculty Research Office, will be supporting the development of applications selected to go forward to Genome Canada. Diana Frasca (dfrasca@yorku.ca), Strategic and Institutional Research Initiatives Specialist, will be available to assist your office and your faculty members with any questions regarding the internal and external application processes.
Note: All researchers should notify both their Faculty and Diana Frasca (dfrasca@yorku.ca) as soon as possible about their intention to apply. Doing so will both streamline the process of securing Faculty-level support for the partnership and ensure that researchers receive adequate support in application preparation.
Strategic Innovation Fund
• Statement of Interest to ORS: 10 working days prior to submission to agency
• Statement of Interest to agency: continuous intake
• Submission to ORS: 10 working days prior to submission to agency
• Submission to agency (by invitation only): continuous intake
Value: Minimum of $10M
The Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada recently announced a Call for Applications through a new stream of the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF): Stream 5: National Ecosystems. This stream is focused on supporting national ecosystems. It is designed to foster business-led collaboration between multiple organizations, including SMEs, academic and research institutions, larger corporations and incubators/accelerators in order to accelerate commercialization in areas with demonstrated Canadian advantage to build Canadian ecosystems. Therefore, the lead applicant must be the for-profit or non-profit partner; York University may not be the lead applicant.
Note: If you and your partners are thinking of submitting a SIF Stream 5 application, please let Innovation York know by contacting Sarah Howe, Director of Innovation York at showe@yorku.ca.
2020 Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) Collaboration on Sex Differences in Autism
Deadlines: Multiple; see ORS posting
Value of Award: Up to $8M, including 20% indirect costs
Award Period: Up to 4 years
SFARI’s mission is to improve the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) by funding innovative research of the highest quality and relevance. It is soliciting applications to investigate sex differences in autism. SFARI Collaborations are a new funding mechanism that will provide substantive and stable funding support to multidisciplinary teams of investigators tackling critical issues in the autism research field. A proposal must address how the impact of a given Collaboration will be greater than the sum of what would be possible through awards to individual laboratories.
The SIRI Unit in the Office of Research Services, in collaboration with the corresponding Faculty Research Office, will be supporting the development of applications selected to go forward to Genome Canada. Diana Frasca (dfrasca@yorku.ca), Strategic and Institutional Research Initiatives Specialist, will be available to assist your office and your faculty members with any questions regarding the internal and external application processes.
Please Note: All researchers should notify both their Faculty and Diana Frasca (dfrasca@yorku.ca) as soon as possible about their intention to apply. Doing so will both streamline the process of securing Faculty-level support for the partnership and ensure that researchers receive adequate support in application preparation.