May 31, 2020 Issue
The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.
If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to
In this issue:
Internal Notices
LA&PS Information Session: SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant and SSHRC Partnership Development Grant
June 3, 2020
10 am – 12 pm
This session will feature an overview of the SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant and SSHRC Partnership Development Grant programs, guidance on strategies for developing competitive proposals, and include a panel discussion with faculty members who have participated in successful PEG and/or PDG review committees, or who have submitted a successful PEG and/or PDG application. In addition, the session will outline additional resources that the LA&PS Dean’s Office has developed facilitate applications for these opportunities.
Please RSVP to Chris Hendershot ( The session will be conducted via Zoom. The link to the meeting will be provided upon RSVP.
Research Commons: Mock Reviews of Major Tri-Council Grants
These sessions will give participants a “behind-the-scenes” view of how peer reviews are conducted during Tri-Council review panels by distinguished faculty members.
CIHR Project Grant
May 25, 2020
1 – 3 pm
Register here. Join by Zoom:
SSHRC Insight Grant Mock Review
May 27, 2020
12:30 - 2:30 pm
Register here. Join by Zoom:
NSERC Discovery Grant Mock Review
May 28, 2020
2:30 - 4:30 pm
Register here. Join by Zoom:
MobilizeYU Online Version
The Knowledge Mobilization Unit is pleased to announce a new 8-week self-directed online version of its MobilizeYU course! The course will take place from June 22 to August 14 using a private online platform and is free for all York faculty, graduate students and staff.
Participants will learn about knowledge mobilization planning, effective ways to share academic research with society and how to measure and communicate the impacts of their research.
Knowledge Mobilization Unit staff, along with guest speakers will be covering topics such as, Knowledge Mobilization Planning; Clear Language Writing and Design; Impact and Evaluation; and Building Partnerships. To learn more, please visit here.
Submission of External Grants through Office of Research Services
Given the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, ORS is now accepting electronic submission of research applications. A description of the submission process, and the two versions of the ORS checklist, can be found on this page. Please submit ORS Checklists and research applications to
Internal Grants
Innovation York and NRC-IRAP's Artificial Intelligence Industry Partnership Fund
Deadline: June 15, 2020 by 4 pm EST
Value: Up to $12,000 per selected research project (no funding to industry partners; no funding required of industry partners)
Duration: 2 to 4 months
Innovation York and the National Research Council of Canada’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) are offering a fifth round of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Partnership Fund program to support artificial intelligence (AI) collaborative research projects for industry and York University researchers.
SSHRC Exchange – Conference Grant Program
Deadline: August 4, 2020
To provide assistance for attendance at national and international scholarly conferences for which the applicant is giving a paper, making a poster presentation, or featured at a solo or 2-person opening of an exhibition, a principal screening, premier performance of dance, theatre or musical production. Application can be found here (expect to be prompted for your Passport York login).
For a general listing of internal funding opportunities, visit here.
External Notices
Canada Council Cancels Killam Fellowship Competition
The Canada Council advises on its website that the current competition for the 2021 Killam Research Fellowships is cancelled. The competition originally had a deadline of June 1, 2020.
SSHRC Connection Grant Webinars
SSHRC will be offering webinars on the Connection Grant in May.
• English: May 20, 2019, 1:30 - 3:30 pm ET
Webex Link (click). Event #: 710 734 194; Event password: CG2020webinar
• French: May 21, 2019, 11 am – 1 pm ET
Webex Link (click). Event #: 717 713 850; Event password: SC2020webinaire
SSHRC Insight Grant: Change of Deadline in Fall 2020
SSHRC has announced that the deadline for the Insight Grant this fall will be October 1, 2020.
SSHRC’s Plan for Communicating Results
Due to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, SSHRC has put in place a new process to communicate results to applicants. This includes a new platform: the SSHRC Extranet for Applicants. This secure site will allow applicants to access the results of their SSHRC funding applications. Applicants will receive, via email, in the coming weeks, information on how to activate their account on the site. Once the result documents have been uploaded, applicants will receive a subsequent email inviting them to view the results. Should you have any queries regarding this message, please contact SSHRC’s Programs Planning and Operations Division: PPOD-DPOP@SSHRC-CRSH.GC.CA.
NSERC Project Opportunities Related to COVID-19 Pandemic
NSERC now has listed on its website challenges and questions submitted by industry, not-for-profit and public sector organizations. NSERC encourages university faculty to visit this page and review the opportunities.
NSERC Updated its FAQs on the Discovery Grant Extension
Faculty members holding NSERC Discovery Grants may wish to review the agency’s updated frequently asked questions in relation to the Discovery Grant Extension. Please visit this page on the NSERC website.
Tri-Council and COVID-19 Updates
The Tri-Council agencies have each established dedicated webpages for COVID-19 updates: SSHRC; NSERC; and CIHR.
RBS Offers Free Digital Programming
Rare Book School (RBS) is now offering a varied series of free digital programs focused on bibliography and the history of the book. These programs will focus on the study of textual artifacts and their crucial role in shaping understandings of cultural heritage and informing humanistic research. The offerings include five series: a Course-Related Content Series offered by RBS faculty members that will be available to students who were enrolled at RBS this summer in some cases and, in others, open to wider audiences; a Panel Discussion Series, featuring RBS faculty members and colleagues from the broader book community; a Young Book Lovers Series, designed to engage K-12 audiences as well as others new to the book; a Lecture Series, building off of RBS’s traditional programming; and a BiblioVideo Series, highlighting pedagogy and research with textual artifacts. Visit the RBS website for more details.
External Grants and Fellowships
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant
• Submission to ORS for technical review: June 1, 2020
• Submission to agency: June 15, 2020
Value: $7,000 to $25,000
Duration: 1 year
These grants provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector. The small-scale, stakeholder-driven partnerships supported through Partnership Engage Grants are meant to respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors. In addressing an organization-specific need, challenge and/or opportunity, these partnerships let non-academic organizations and post-secondary researchers access each other’s unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities on topics of mutual interest.
To access an application form and full instructions, log into your SSHRC account.
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants – COVID-19 Special Initiative
• Submission to ORS for technical review: June 1, 2020
• Submission to agency: June 15, 2020
Value: $7,000 to $25,000
Duration: 1 year
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges globally. While much needed focus to date has been on developing and testing effective countermeasures to control the spread of the virus, examining the longer-term impacts of the pandemic—and the ensuing economic slowdown—on individuals, businesses and communities is just as important.
Through the June 15, 2020 and September 15, 2020 rounds of its Partnership Engage Grant competitions, SSHRC will invest up to $1.5 million in special initiative funding to COVID-19 related projects.
Note: SSHRC recently updated the eligibility section of this competition to allow researchers who have already submitted a PEG application in 2020 to be able to apply to the PEG COVID-19 Special Initiative.
SSHRC Connection Grant
• Submission to ORS for technical review: July 17, 2020
• Submission to agency: July 31, 2020 (due to holiday Monday)
Value: $7000 to $25,000 for events, and up to $50,000 for other outreach activities; higher amounts for outreach activities may be considered if well justified
Duration: 1 year
These grants support workshops, colloquiums, conferences, forums, summer institutes, or other events or outreach activities. To access an application form and full instructions, log into your SSHRC account. In most cases, the appropriate application to select is “Connection – Individual.”
CIHR Funding Opportunities
The Office of Research Services (ORS) recently updated the spreadsheet of funding opportunities available through CIHR. Due to the large volume of RFAs, ORS has created a simplified Excel spreadsheet that will make it easier for researchers to locate the funding call that is most appropriate to their research area.
View the spreadsheet. You will be required to enter your Passport York user ID and password for YU Link to gain access to the spreadsheet. If the link below does not take you directly to Passport York, please copy and paste the link into your web browser.
NSERC Alliance COVID-19 Grants
Deadlines: See ORS posting
Value: Up to $50K from NSERC. (Cash contributions from partner organizations are not required.)
Duration: 1 year
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, NSERC announced that it will provide funding to stimulate collaborations between academic researchers and the public and not-for-profit sectors, and industry to address pandemic-related research and technical challenges. Science, technology and engineering topics within NSERC’s mandate, directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic, are appropriate for these applications. Teams can be multidisciplinary; however, the major focus should not be medical or clinical research.
NSERC: Upcoming Notices of Intent to Apply
NOI Deadline: August 4, 2020, 8:00 pm ET
Researchers who intend to apply for a Discovery Grant, Subatomic Physics Discovery, Major Resources Support, or Category 2 or 3 Research Tools and Instruments in the 2021 competition must submit a Notification of Intent to Apply (NOI) by the deadline date of August 4, 2020, 8:00 p.m. (ET). NSERC will not accept any NOI after the deadline. In addition, NOIs do not need to come through ORS but should be submitted directly to NSERC.
Discovery Grant NOI now available in Research Portal.
Subatomic Physics NOI now available in the Research Portal.
Note: NSERC is working on a new format for hosting webinars to further assist researchers with the application process. Communication will be sent to the research community once the process and dates are finalized.
Covid-19 and Youth Homelessness Prevention
• Submission to ORS: Monday, May 25, 2020 - final application and fully signed ORS Checklist due at ORS by 9:00 am
• Submission to Agency: Monday, May 25, 2020 by 12pm EDT
Value: Up to $40K
Duration: 1 year
The Making the Shift Youth Homelessness Social Innovation Lab has released a targeted call for proposals addressing the implications of COVID-19 on youth homelessness prevention. Proposed projects should generate knowledge that will inform our current response to the pandemic, the recovery phase, and the future of our response to youth homelessness, and in particular the necessity of making the shift to prevention.
Mitacs Globalink Research Internship
• ORS deadline for technical review: May 27, 2020
• Agency deadline: June 10, 2020, at 1 pm PT
Duration: 12 weeks
Mitacs is now accepting faculty submissions for its Summer 2021 Global Research Internship (GRI). GRI pairs faculty in Canada with international undergrads for 12-week research projects from May to October.
Note: Mitacs recognizes that due to the pandemic and the uncertainties it has created, you may be operating with limited ability to plan future research projects. If you feel that you cannot submit a GRI proposal at this time due to the pandemic, please reach out to Mitacs at:
Mitacs Accelerate: Special Call for Small Business Enterprises
• Submission to ORS for full technical review: June 23, 2020
• Submission to ORS for required basic review: June 29, 2020
• Submission to Agency: July 1, 2020
Value: Mitacs will pay $11,250 and the SME is responsible $3,750+HST.
Duration: 4-6 months, projects must begin by August 31, 2020
Mitacs recently announced a call to boost funding for Small Business Enterprises (SMEs) operating in all research areas. This opportunity connects companies with the vast research expertise within Canada's universities for a short-term research project for companies with less than 500 full-time employees. Through the vehicle of its Accelerate program, Mitacs will contribute a greater portion than normally offered through the program for research projects with a graduate student/postdoctoral intern.
If you are interested in applying to this competition, please contact Rachel Sung, Mitacs Business Development Specialist at
Post-docs should contact Kim McIntyre, Post-doctoral Services Coordinator, at once they have approval from Mitacs to submit an application.
Workplace NL 2020 Research Initiatives Program
Deadlines: See ORS posting
Value: Up to $150K, with 20% overhead
Duration: 12 months
To promote and provide funding for workplace health and safety research to inform innovative, practical, and easy-to-implement solutions that support the prevention of workplace injuries and illnesses or support re-integration into the workplace, post-injury. Applications will be accepted for the following research topics: workplace safely culture; workplace violence prevention; fall prevention; occupational disease and exposure; serious injuries; prevention of musculoskeletal injuries; mental health issues; and other topics.
Fulbright: Awards for Canadian Scholars
• Submission to ORS for technical review: October 30, 2020
• Submission to Agency: November 15, 2020
The Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program operates on the principle of reciprocal exchange and provides the opportunity for outstanding Canadian scholars to lecture and/or conduct research in the United States.
Traditional Awards: US$12,500 for one semester (4 months). These awards are field open and can be taken up at any university, think tank, or government agency in the United States.
Research Chairs Program: The award values range from US$25,000 to US$50,000 and from four to nine months.
Additional opportunities open to Canadian scholars, with alternative/rolling deadlines can be found on this page of the Fulbright Canada website.