November 8, 2016 Issue
The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.
If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to
In this issue:
Internal Notices
Director, Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean
Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Director of the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC), York University, for a term of five years, to begin July 1, 2017. Deadline for applications: Nov. 30, 2016. More details.
Director, York Centre for Asian Research
Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Director of the York Centre for Asian Research, for a term of five years (negotiable), to begin July 1, 2017. Deadline for applications: Nov. 30, 2016. More details.
Internal Grants
LA&PS Minor Research Grant
Deadline: Nov. 15, 2016
The adjudicated vehicle through which LA&PS dispenses the YUFA Faculty/Library Research Grant Funding and the YUFA Junior Faculty/Librarian Fund. Funding for research projects. Eligible expenses include: personnel, research travel, subsistence costs. More details.
YUFA Release-Time Teaching Fellowship
Deadline: Nov. 15, 2016
These fellowships are intended to provide recipients with the opportunity to develop innovative teaching and learning projects or to enhance their own teaching skills (as opposed to disciplinary competence), when such development or enhancement could not take place in the context of a full teaching load. See guidelines and application.
YUFA Teaching-Learning Development Grant
Deadline: Nov. 15, 2016
Awards from the Teaching-Learning Development Fund will support projects which have the potential to make significant curricular or methodological contributions to teaching and learning at York, or which enable faculty to enhance their own teaching skills. Proposals are invited for projects relating to either undergraduate or graduate teaching. See guidelines and application.
LA&PS Senior Scholars’ Research Fund
Deadline: Dec. 15, 2016
Retired YUFA faculty with "Senior Scholar" status who were affiliated with LA&PS (or its antecedent faculties Arts or Atkinson), but who are no longer eligible to apply for the LA&PS Minor Research Grant are invited to seek funding through the LA&PS Senior Scholars' Research Fund to offset research-related expenses associated with a particular project. Contact Janet Friskney for a copy of the application form:
LA&PS Seed Grant for Collaborative Research Initiatives
Deadline: Jan. 15, 2017
LA&PS full-time faculty members are invited to apply for seed funding to build new research collaborations with scholarly and/or community partners by supporting the specific costs associated with bringing key partners together to explore and develop new research and research funding opportunities. More details.
YUFA Leave Fellowship Fund (Sabbatical)
Deadline: Jan. 15, 2017
A Leave Fellowship Fund (Article 19.30 of the YUFA Collective Agreement) of $275,000.00 is available to provide peer-adjudicated additional grants of up to 10% of academic base salary to sabbaticants. For second and subsequent sabbaticals. See guidelines and application.
External Notices
Digital Mercury Series: History Collection
The Canadian Museum of History and the University of Ottawa Press are proud to announce the release of the History collection of the Digital Mercury Series. The release of this impressive backlist follows that of the Archaeology, Cultural Studies, and Ethnology collections. The Digital Mercury Series History collection may be found online.
CIHR Launches International Review Panel
CIHR launched an international Peer Review Expert Panel. Under the Chairmanship of Sir Peter Gluckman, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister of New Zealand, the independent panel members will assess the design and implementation of CIHR’s new grants adjudication processes. More details.
SSHRC and DRDC Joint Initiative
Further to an earlier announcement in July 2016, additional information is available about the joint initiative between SSHRC and Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), an agency of the Department of National Defence (DND). The joint initiative will support social sciences and humanities research and related activities pertaining to military personnel readiness, organizational and operational effectiveness, and human effectiveness in modern operations. For more information, please visit the DRDC website.
Interested researchers should develop proposals related to this initiative and submit their applications through SSHRC’s Insight Grants or Insight Development Grants competitions.
If you have any questions, please contact Chantal Meda, Program Officer at 613-947-2094 or by email,
SSHRC Changes Final Reports for PDGs and PGs
SSHRC has now launched the following end of grant reporting for Partnership Grants and Partnership Development Grants: 1) Partnership Achievement Report (mandatory): this report replaces the previous Final Research Report template. This report must be submitted within six months of the end of the grant period; and 2) Partner Report (optional): this is a new report where each partner is given the opportunity to report to SSHRC on its involvement in the project and its benefits to them. The information provided is submitted directly to SSHRC and will not be shared with the Project Director or the other partners involved in the project. Please note if the Partner Report is not received, it will not affect the grant holder’s eligibility at SSHRC. The reporting forms are now available on the SSHRC website. If a grant holder has already submitted their Final Research Report using the old template, they do not need to submit an Achievement Report. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Amy Larin, Senior Planning and Performance Analyst, at
2016 Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide
The three federal granting agencies—the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)—are pleased to announce the posting of the 2016 Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide. Changes made to this year’s guide supersede previous version and take effect on October 1st, 2016. Consult the guide. See the summary of changes.
TCPS 2 (2014) - Proposed Revisions for Public Consultation
The Panel on Research Ethics is seeking public comment on proposed revisions to the 2nd edition of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2 (2014). Written comments will be accepted until January 31, 2017. More details.
External Grants and Fellowships
Imperial Oil University Research Awards Program
ORS Deadline: Dec. 1, 2016
Agency Deadline: Dec. 15, 2016
To encourage research at Canadian universities in areas of interest to Imperial Oil’s petroleum, petrochemical and energy resource development businesses. These areas include the fields of engineering, environmental, earth, chemical, and physical sciences.
National Fire Information Data
ORS Deadline: Dec. 2, 2016
Agency Deadline: Dec. 16, 2016
The Council of Canadian Fire Marshals and Fire Commissioners and the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs are inviting researchers to submit research projects using the newly formed National Fire Information Database. More details.
Magdalen College Visiting Fellows Program
Deadline: Dec. 9, 2016
A Visiting Fellowship is intended to offer an established scholar, either from abroad or from elsewhere in the United Kingdom, an opportunity to pursue his or her own study and research as a member of the College. More details.
Cary Collection Short-Term Summer Research Fellowship
Agency Deadline: January 15, 2017
The Cary Graphic Arts Collection at Rochester Institute of Technology invites applications for a one-month research fellowship for the study of the history of graphic communication. The fellowship is open to scholars engaged with subject areas covered by the library’s holdings. The Cary Collection short-term fellowship is for one month of study in residence at the library, with a stipend of $2,500 to cover travel and living expenses. The fellowship must be used in the summer of 2017.
SSHRC Connection Grant
ORS full review Deadline: Jan. 17, 2017
Agency Deadline: Feb. 1, 2017
Connection Grants support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. More details.
SSHRC Insight Development Grant
ORS Deadline: Jan. 20, 2017
Agency Deadline: Feb. 3, 2017
Funding is provided for short-term research development projects, of up to two years, proposed by individuals or teams. Please note that at least half of the funding envelope is for “Emerging Scholars.” If you are an “Established Scholar” applying for this program, please note the special expectations. The IDG uses the research portal and SSHRC version of the Canadian Common CV rather than the established SSHRC web platform. More details.
Friends of the Princeton University Library Research Grants
Deadline: Jan. 31, 2017
Each year, the Friends of the Princeton University Library offer short-term Library Research Grants to promote scholarly use of the Library’s special collections. The award is $1,000 per week (up to four weeks) plus transportation costs. More details.
Calls for Papers
Translators and Their Readers
CFP Deadline: Dec. 1, 2016
In this issue ofMémoires du livre/Studies in Book Culture, we wish to draw particular attention to the multiple instances of translation reading, those of translators, but also of members of the editorial chain and, finally, of readers for whom the translation is destined.
Cultivated Pasts: Commemoration, History-Making, and Landscapes of Memory in Western Canada
CFP Deadline: December 1, 2016
We invite submissions for a collection of essays on public pasts in western Canada and welcome proposals from scholars working in all disciplines and at any stage of their career. More details.
2017 University of San Diego Digital Initiatives Symposium
CFP Deadline: Jan. 16, 2017
Proposals are now being accepted for the Fourth Annual Digital Initiatives Symposium, May 1-2, 2017. More details.
Daily Life of Women in World History
CFP Deadline: Jan. 1, 2017
Now seeking contributors to a forthcoming four-volume encyclopedia on the daily lives and roles of women in world history to be published by ABC-CLIO, under the editorship of Colleen Boyett, Mildred Diane Gleason, and Micheal Tarver. Expressions of interest are welcome from graduate students, postdocs, professors, independent scholars, and public history professionals. More details.