March 21, 2019 Issue
The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.
If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to
In this issue:
Internal Notices
Killam Fellowship Information Session
March 29, 2019
2:00 – 4:00pm
956 Kaneff Tower
A representative from the Canada Council for the Arts will provide information and advice on the Killam Program, which includes both the Killam Research Fellowship and the Killam Prizes. This session will consist of a general presentation which will include historical and statistical information, explanations on eligibility and application requirements, tips on how to improve one’s application and information on the electronic filing process. Please RSVP to to confirm your attendance.
Developing a Successful SSHRC Insight Grant Application
April 15, 2019
1:30 – 3:30pm
280N York Lanes
Maggie Toplak, Department of Psychology, Health
Successful recipient of SSHRC Insight Grant (2018-2022)
Steven Tufts, Department of Geography, LA&PS
Successful recipient of SSHRC Insight Grant (2016-2021)
Member, SSHRC Insight Grant Selection Committee 09A - Geography, urban planning and related fields (2018-19)
RSVP: ORS at ext. 55055 (
Deceptive Publishers
York University Libraries and University of Toronto Libraries have web pages that discuss and list deceptive publishers (commonly referred to as “predatory journals”) to aid the research community.
Knowledge Mobilization
The Knowledge Mobilization Unit is pleased to announce a new 8-week course focused on knowledge mobilization called Mobilize YU.
Participants will learn about knowledge mobilization planning, effective ways to share academic research with society and how to measure and communicate the impacts of their research.
Knowledge Mobilization Unit staff, along with guest speakers, will be covering topics such as Knowledge Mobilization Planning; Impact and Evaluation; and Building Partnerships. Participants will also have the opportunity to work on a knowledge mobilization project.
The free inaugural pilot will take place March 5-April 23 from 5:30-8:30 on campus. It is open to all York faculty, graduate students and staff, as well as community partners.
To learn more, please visit

Internal Grants
For a full listing of internal research funding opportunities, including ones with rolling deadlines like the Research Events and Book Subvention funds, see here.
SSHRC Explore Grant Program (ORS)
Deadline: March 31, 2019
Value: Up to $7,000
The objective of this program is to provide support to full-time faculty, professional librarians and current Postdoctoral Fellows for stand-alone, small-scale projects and for projects that will lead to the development of larger SSHRC applications or other external funding.
SSHRC Exchange – KMb Grant Program (ORS)
Deadlines: March 31, 2019
Value: Up to $7,000
The objective of this program is to provide support to full-time faculty, professional librarians, and current Postdoctoral Fellows for small-scale knowledge mobilization activities such as stakeholder consultations, policy briefs, publication subventions, workshops, etc.
LA&PS Support for Scholarly Journals
Deadline: March 31, 2019
Value: Up to $3,000
The objective of this fund is to offset costs related to the successful operations of scholarly journals for which LA&PS faculty members hold substantial, on-going senior editorial roles.
Minor Research Grant (LA&PS Faculty Council)
Deadline: April 10, 2019
Value: Up to $5,000
The adjudicated vehicle through which LA&PS dispenses the YUFA Faculty/Library Research Grant Funding and the YUFA Junior Faculty/Librarian Fund. Funding for research projects. Eligible expenses include personnel, research travel, subsistence costs. Eligibility: An individual is eligible to receive one research grant every 2 fiscal years.
SSHRC Exchange – Conference Grant Program
Deadline: May 1, 2019
Value: Up to a minimum APEX or Charter Class airfare
Objective: To provide assistance for attendance at national and international scholarly conferences for which the applicant is giving a paper, making a poster presentation, or featured at a solo or 2-person opening of an exhibition, a principal screening, premier performance of dance, theatre or musical production.
Specific Research Grants
Deadline: May 1, 2019
Value: The amount of research grant must be commensurate with the value of the reduction in the non-specific research component and/or teaching activities of the faculty member's normal responsibilities.
Objective: The program permits, under certain conditions, a researcher to receive a research grant in lieu of salary through a mechanism which includes peer review.

External Notices
CIHR Institute Advisory Board: Renewal Cycle
CIHR has launched the 2019 IAB membership renewal cycle. The web application forms submitted online between now and April 8, 2019 will be considered for the 2019 cycle.
2019 Made-in-Canada Athena SWAN Consultations
On behalf of Canada's three federal granting agencies, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) will be holding consultation workshops in February and March 2019 to seek input on a draft Charter outlining the key principles of the Canadian Athena SWAN model. This second tour is a follow-up to a series of workshops held last fall.
The draft Charter [ PDF (88.7 KB) - external link] addresses underrepresented groups in academic research–specifically Indigenous Peoples, women, racialized minorities, people with disabilities, and the LGBTQ2+ community–and all areas of research in post-secondary institutions.
Open Research Area: Pre-Announcement from SSHRC
SSHRC is excited to announce its collaboration in the 6th Open Research Area (ORA) call alongside three European funding organizations: Agence nationale de la recherche in France; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in Germany; and the Economic and Social Research Council in the United Kingdom. The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science is an associate partner. ORA was created to strengthen international co-operation by funding high quality scientific research projects.
This pre-call announcement is being issued to allow interested researchers to begin discussions with potential research partners ahead of the formal call for proposals. ORA is due to open in April 2019. The application window for proposals is set to last about three months, with a closing date expected in July 2019.
In this round, proposals need to involve researchers from any three or more participating countries and be integrated across the participating countries. The research should make an original and significant contribution to current scientific knowledge in areas supported by SSHRC.
Stay tuned for the formal call for proposals to be launched on the websites of the participating funding organizations. Details on the previous round can be found online.
For questions, please contact SSHRC Senior Program Officer Paula Popovici.
(Tel.: 613-992-0498; Email:

External Grants and Fellowships
CIHR Funding Opportunities
The Office of Research Services (ORS) recently updated the spreadsheet of funding opportunities available through CIHR. Due to the large volume of RFAs, ORS has created a simplified Excel spreadsheet that will make it easier for researchers to locate the funding call that is most appropriate to their research area.
To view the spreadsheet, please click this link. You will be required to enter your Passport York user ID and password for YU Link to gain access to the spreadsheet. If the link below does not take you directly to Passport York, please copy and paste the link into your web browser.
SSHRC Connection Grants
Submission to ORS: April 15, 2019
Submission to agency: May 1, 2019
Value: $7000 to $25,000 for events, and up to $50,000 for other outreach activities; higher amounts for outreach activities may be considered if well justified
Duration: 1 year
These Grants support workshops, colloquiums, conferences, forums, summer institutes, or other events or outreach activities that facilitate:
- disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary exchanges in the humanities and social sciences;
- scholarly exchanges between those working in the social sciences and humanities and those working in other research fields;
- intersectoral exchanges between academic researchers in the humanities and social sciences and researchers and practitioners from the public, private and/or not-for-profit sectors; and/or
- international research collaboration and scholarly exchanges with researchers, students and non-academic partners from other countries.
Boston Athenaeum Short-term Fellowships
Deadline: April 15, 2019
The Boston Athenæum offers short-term fellowships to support the use of Athenæum collections for research, publication, curriculum and program development, or other creative projects. Each fellowship pays a stipend for a residency of twenty days (four weeks) and includes a year’s membership to the Boston Athenæum. Scholars, graduate students, independent scholars, teaching faculty, and professionals in the humanities as well as teachers and librarians in secondary public, private, and parochial schools are eligible. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or foreign nationals holding the appropriate U.S. government documents. The Athenæum expects all fellows to share a bibliography of items studied here.
Killam Fellowships
ORS deadline for full review of application: May 1, 2019
ORS final deadline: May 13, 2019 by 9:00am
Agency deadline: May 15, 2019
Value: $70,000 per year
Duration: 2 years
To support outstanding scholars (normally full professors at Canadian universities and research institutes) to carry out groundbreaking projects in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, engineering and interdisciplinary studies within these fields.
Killam Research Fellowships provide two years of release time from teaching and administrative duties to individual scholars who wish to pursue independent research. The fellowships are awarded to individuals, but the funds are paid to and administered by universities or research institutes. Please note that this award is not intended as a subsidy for the overall research or teaching program of a department, institute or centre, and it is not offered for work undertaken as part of a degree program. An individual may win this award only once.
NOTE: Please submit a hardcopy of your application and ORS checklist to the Office of Research Services (ORS) AND submit your application through the Killam online portal by Monday, May 13, 2019, 9:00am, so that ORS can electronically approve your application and mail your paper format documents to the agency by the Wednesday, May 15, 2019 deadline.
Paper format documents include:
- The cover letter (signed). The cover letter can only be generated/printed after you have electronically submitted your application through the Killam online portal.
- For permanent residents only, evidence of your intention to stay in Canada after the period covered by the award. If you are a permanent resident, you must present a confirmation from your university or research institute that you have a firm appointment.
Genome Canada: Genomics in Society Interdisciplinary Research Teams Program
Contact ORS immediately: Diana Frasca (
Draft Registrations due to Ontario Genomics: May 16, 2019
Final Registrations due to OG: May 27, 2019 @ 10 AM
Eligible Registrations due to Genome Canada: May 30, 2019
Draft Full Application due to OG: June 27, 2019
Final Full Applications due to OG: August 23, 2019 @ 10 AM
Full Applications due to Genome Canada: September 11, 2019
Value: $500K to $1M
Duration: Up to 4 years
This program aims to facilitate collaborations and dialogue among researchers and other key stakeholders to ensure effective and responsible translation of innovative genomics applications into sectors capable of transformation by genomics advances. This program will support teams of researchers from diverse disciplines to address issues at the intersection of genomics and society. Research teams of at least three researchers from different disciplines investigating the advancement, adoption, evaluation, and governance of genomics research are encouraged to apply.
Proposal Focus Areas
Stream 1: impacting the human health sector
Stream 2: impacting the agriculture/agri-food and/or aquaculture/fisheries sectors
Stream 3: impacting the natural resources (forestry, energy, mining) and/or environment sectors
Funding Provision: The contribution from Genome Canada must be between $500,000 and $1,000,000 and the amount of co-funding from eligible sources must be at least equal to the Genome Canada contribution.
Internal Notice of Intent:
The SIRI Unit in the Office of Research Services, in collaboration with the corresponding Faculty Research Office, will be supporting the development of applications selected to go forward to Genome Canada. Diana Frasca (, Strategic and Institutional Research Initiatives Specialist, will be available to assist your office and your faculty members with any questions regarding the internal and external application processes.
Please Note: All researchers should notify both their Faculty and Diana Frasca ( as soon as possible about their intention to apply. Doing so will both streamline the process of securing Faculty-level support for the partnership and ensure that researchers receive adequate support in application preparation.
Mitacs Globalink Research Award
Submission to ORS: 10 working days before submission to the agency
Submission to agency: anytime
Value & Duration: The Mitacs Globalink Research Award provides $6,000 for senior undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in Canada to conduct 12–24-week research projects at universities overseas.
Mitacs is accepting applications for its competitive international research funding opportunity. The Mitacs Globalink Research Award funds collaborations between senior undergraduate and graduate students and faculty members at a university overseas. Accredited universities are located in the following Mitacs partner countries: Australia, Brazil, China, EU member countries (in France, both universities, Inria Research Centres are eligible as host institutions), India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Kingdom, and United States.
Submit you application in: | For travel starting as early as: |
January | The following summer |
May | The following fall |
September | The following winter |
Students wishing to travel in Fall 2019 with $6,000 in GRA support should submit their applications by May 31, 2019. Students can submit applications at any time, but are encouraged to apply at least 16 weeks prior to their planned departure.