November 21, 2018 Issue
The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.
If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to
In this issue:
Internal Notices
Upcoming Information Sessions & Research Events
Publishing a Scholarly Monograph: The Process Revealed
Wed, Dec 5, 2018
10:30AM – Noon
Location: 109 Atkinson (Harry Crowe Room)
University of Toronto Press Editors Mark Thompson and Len Husband
Designing an Ethical SoTL Study
Tue, Nov 27, 2018
9:30am – 11:30am
Location: DB 1014
In this workshop, the ethical requirements of a SoTL study will be considered and how study design can alleviate ethical concerns in situations where one’s students are also their subjects of research will be discussed. Different research designs in light of what can realistically and ethically be studied within the confines of one’s classroom will be explored.
To register, please click here.

Internal Grants
For a full listing of internal research funding opportunities, see here.
LA&PS Senior Scholars’ Research Fund
Deadline: December 15
Retired YUFA faculty with "Senior Scholar" status who were affiliated with LA&PS (or its antecedent faculties Arts or Atkinson), but who are no longer eligible to apply for the LA&PS Minor Research Grant are invited to seek funding through the LA&PS Senior Scholars' Research Fund to offset research-related expenses associated with a particular project.
LA&PS Seed Grant for Collaborative Research Initiatives
Deadlines: January 15
Value: Up to $5,000
LA&PS full-time faculty members are invited to apply for seed funding to build new research collaborations with scholarly and/or community partners by supporting the specific costs associated with bringing key partners together to explore and develop new research and research funding opportunities. These initiatives must involve at least one LA&PS faculty member working with collaborators, who can be faculty or external community members (locally or globally). The funding is designed to offset costs associated with bringing the collaborators together for a preliminary planning meeting or small-scale workshop.
SSHRC Exchange – Conference Grant Program (New)
Deadline: February 1
Objective: To provide assistance for attendance at national and international scholarly conferences for which the applicant is giving a paper, making a poster presentation, or featured at a solo or 2 person opening of an exhibition, a principal screening, premier performance of dance, theatre or musical production.
LA&PS Travel Grant for Dissemination
Deadline: March 1
Description: LA&PS offers this grant to offset costs associated with the public dissemination of research, scholarship, or creativity. Eligibility: Full-time YUFA faculty members and senior scholars in LA&PS. In the case of CLAs and SRCs, travel must also occur within the term of the appointment. Applications must be submitted in advance of the presentation.
Mariano A. Elia Research Fund (ORS)
Deadline: March 1
To support small-scale research projects where a significant contribution to Italian-Canadian studies will be made. Eligible expenses include research costs and travel to conferences.
Contract Faculty Conference Travel Fund (CUPE)
Deadlines: March 1
Value: Up to $2,000
To support contract faculty members who are giving papers; have been asked to give commentaries or to chair sessions; or are attending conferences. Eligible expenses include travel, registration, accommodation and subsistence. Duration: No more than one grant per year. Contact Charles Bisram in Faculty Relations for a current application form.
Contract Faculty Research Grants Fund (CUPE)
Deadlines: March 1 (March 1st deadline is for both research grants and release time).
Value: Up to $8,000 for research grants; salary equivalent to one full-course directorship for release time course directorship grants
This fund is intended to encourage individual research and study by defraying research costs. Duration: One year. Contact Charles Bisram in Faculty Relations for a current application form.
LA&PS Support for Scholarly Journals (5-year pilot)
Deadline: March 31
Value: Up to $3,000
The objective of this fund, at present a 5-year pilot initiative, is to offset costs related to the successful operations of scholarly journals for which LA&PS faculty members hold substantial, on-going senior editorial roles.
Minor Research Grant (LA&PS Faculty Council)
Deadline: April 1
The adjudicated vehicle through which LA&PS dispenses the YUFA Faculty/Library Research Grant Funding and the YUFA Junior Faculty/Librarian Fund. Funding for research projects, eligible expenses include personnel, research travel, subsistence costs. Eligibility: An individual is eligible to receive one research grant every 2 fiscal years.

External Notices
Tri-Agency Online Indigenous Engagement
We are pleased to follow-up on our recent invitation asking you to join in an online engagement activity being organized by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), in collaboration with the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). This initiative is being hosted on the GCcollab platform until January 5, 2019. It is one of several engagement activities currently underway to support the commitment of the Canada Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC) for the creation of a national dialogue to co-develop, with First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, an interdisciplinary Indigenous research and research training model that contributes to reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
Please note that participation will require the creation of a GCcollab account. If you do not already have a GCcollab account, please send us an email ( and we would be pleased to facilitate your access to the GCcollab platform.

External Grants and Fellowships
Commonwealth Blue Charter Capacity Audit
The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is seeking expressions of interest from universities across the Commonwealth who are interested in collaborating on a new programme of activity called the Commonwealth Blue Charter Capacity Audit. By taking part in the audit, researchers will help map the current status of research across the Commonwealth to identify where future capacity building efforts could be targeted and new research partnership could be built. Please see below for more information.
To register you interest, please fill in this form by November 30, 2018
- To help map the current status of marine plastics research and innovation across the Commonwealth
- To inform recommendations regarding the design of future Commonwealth Marine Plastics Research and Innovation Framework (MPRIF) funding calls and capacity building strengthening activities
The audit will address three areas of MPRIF:
- Preventing plastics from becoming waste and getting into the oceans in the first place – working towards a circular economy
- Developing low carbon sustainable alternatives to plastic
- Creating sustainable options for cleaning up the marine environment
All activity will take place between November 2018 and March 2019
SSHRC Partnership Engage
Submission to ORS: December 1
Submission to agency: December 15
The Office of Research Services would like to remind you of the upcoming deadline for the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Engage Grants competition. These grants were introduced to better address the short-term research needs, challenges and opportunities facing organizations in the not-for-profit, public and private sectors. A summary is provided below.
- To provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector;
- To respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors; and
- To allow non-academic organizations and postsecondary researchers to access each other’s unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities on topics of mutual interest.
SSHRC welcomes applications involving Aboriginal research, as well as those involving research-creation.
SSHRC invites all applicants to review Imagining Canada’s Future’s six future challenge areas and subquestions, and to consider addressing one or more of these areas in their research proposal.
$7K - $25K
1 year
AGE-WELL Core Research Program 2020-2025 – Request for Proposals
Submission to ORS: December 11, 2018
Submission to agency: January 4, 2019
To identify the next wave of technology-based solutions that will support healthy aging and address real-life challenges.
The Core Research Program will provide funding for projects that:
- Are driven by real-world problems and challenge areas
- Address specific areas of interest to AGE-WELL and its partners and stakeholders
- Focus on innovative technology-based solutions to support older adults and caregivers
- Are user-centred, involving end-users and stakeholders in all stages of the research
- Deliver not only the technology but the practice, policy, and service delivery models that are needed for the solution to be effective
- Use a transdisciplinary approach
- Have the potential to lead to economic and social impact
- Help AGE-WELL to achieve its mission
Core research projects must fall within at least one of the following Challenge Areas:
- Supportive Homes & Communities
- Health Care & Health Services Delivery
- Autonomy & Independence
- Cognitive Health & Dementia
- Mobility & Transportation
- Healthy Lifestyles & Wellness
- Staying Connected
- Financial Wellness & Employment
Up to $200,000/year
Catalyst Grant – Up to $30K
3 – 5 years
Information Teleconferences
AGE-WELL will host three teleconferences during the RFP period to take calls from prospective applicants. AGE-WELL representatives will use questions posed to the mailbox and questions from the open calls to develop and share FAQs in the Supporting Documents section of the RFP.
- Monday, November 26, 2018: 2:30 – 3:30 pm EST
- Thursday, December 13, 2018: 2:30 – 3:30 pm EST
2019-20 York-Massey Fellowship and Visiting Scholarships
The Office of Research Services (ORS) invites applications for the 2019-20 York Fellowship and two Visiting Scholarships at Massey College in the University of Toronto. The Fellowship and the two Scholarships are open to full-time faculty members planning to go on sabbatical or other leave during 2019-20. The Fellowship will provide the selected faculty member with prime office space in the College for the academic year and the status of a full Senior Resident of the College, with dining privileges (such as attendance of all High Tables subject to College rules). The title "York Fellow of Massey College" remains for life or while mutually agreeable.
Application Process & Deadline
Interested individuals are asked to submit to the Office of Research Services a letter outlining sabbatical or other leave plans, including reasons for wishing to be at Massey College, along with a current curriculum vitae, by Monday, January 14, 2019. Please submit the letter and curriculum vitae via email to: Mark Roseman, Director, SIRI, Office of Research Services, 5th Floor, Kaneff Tower, (
Submissions will be reviewed by the Major Awards Advisory Committee (MAAC), which will then provide advice to the Vice-President Research & Innovation (VPRI) on top tier candidates. The VPRI will then put forward the top three applications to Massey College for their consideration. Results are expected to be announced in March 2019.
SSHRC Connection Grants
Submission to ORS: January 15
Submission to agency: February 1
The Office of Research Services would like to remind you of the upcoming deadline for the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Connection Grants competition.
These Grants support workshops, colloquiums, conferences, forums, summer institutes, or other events or outreach activities that facilitate:
- disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary exchanges in the humanities and social sciences;
- scholarly exchanges between those working in the social sciences and humanities and those working in other research fields;
- intersectoral exchanges between academic researchers in the humanities and social sciences and researchers and practitioners from the public, private and/or not-for-profit sectors; and/or
- international research collaboration and scholarly exchanges with researchers, students and non-academic partners from other countries.
$7000 to $25,000 for events, and up to $50,000 for other outreach activities; higher amounts for outreach activities may be considered if well justified
1 year
SSHRC Connection Grants - Research Data Management Capacity Building
Submission to ORS: January 18, 2019
Submission to Agency: February 1, 2019
To help the Canadian social sciences and humanities research community strengthen its capacity in data management. The Research Data Management Capacity Building Initiative offers the research community Connections Grants to support the development, adoption and dissemination of research data management standards, practices, tools and skills appropriate to their field.
Up to $50k
1 year
Mitacs Accelerate Industrial Postdoc
January 18, 2019
- Build a longer-term collaboration with a company or not-for-profit
- Apply their expertise to real-world problems
- Connect with a potential employer
$55k per year
1 – 3 years
SSHRC Insight Development Grant Competition
Submission to ORS for review: January 21, 2019
Submission to agency: February 4, 2019
Submission to ORS of hard copy of full application plus completed and signed ORS checklist and electronic submission to SSHRC – no later than 12noon on February 4, 2019
In addition to application development support services, the LA&PS Research Unit offers support with updating and creating Canadian Common CVs – on a first come, first served basis. If you would like to avail the Unit of these services, you should be in touch with your Research Officer before the holiday break.
- To enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and/or ideas; and
- to foster research in its early stages, but are not intended to support large-scale initiatives
$7,000 - $75000
1 – 2 years
Proposed projects may involve, but are not limited to, the following types of research activities:
- Case studies
- Pilot initiative
- Critical analyses of existing research
SSHRC welcomes applications involving Aboriginal research, as well as those involving research-creation
NOTE: The Office of Research Office would like to bring researchers attention to SSHRC guidelines around submission of multiple applications. An individual may not, in a calendar year, submit as applicant (principal investigator/project director), an application for both an Insight Development Grant and an Insight Grant.
Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) Innovation Call for Proposals
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) recently announced that it is participating in the Social Innovation Call for Proposals (CFP) launched by the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP). SSHRC is collaborating with key humanities and social science funders in Europe and the Americas to support international research projects that can contribute to increasing our understanding of societal transformations and the role of social innovation.
Submission of application to ORS – January 31, 2019
Submission of final application to agency – February 14, 2019
Research partners will receive funding from the national agency from their country of origin. Collaboration through this call will enable researchers to:
- Address social challenges, such as the digital divide; urban and rural developments and cohesion; access to public services and infrastructure; ethnic conflicts; human rights and legislation; the current state of democracy; and equality and social, political and human values;
- Learn from the experiences of multisectoral collaboration for social innovation practices on both sides of the Atlantic (e.g., innovative forms of economic organization, new digital technologies and accessibility; global and local environmental issues and sustainable development; strategies for social cohesion; integration of health and social care services; and the improvement of education and overcoming of linguistic barriers);
- Apply and adapt approaches from one locale to another; and
- Generalize and/or scale up local experiences.
When a project is selected for funding, each of the teams will receive a grant from its respective country and funder(s). For Canadian teams, projects will be funded based on the funding request submitted by the team, via the itemized budgets and one-page justifications.
Canadian applicants can request up to a maximum of $175,000 in funding ($100,000 from SSHRC)
24-36 months
Mitacs Globalink Research Award
Mitacs is accepting applications for its competitive international research funding opportunity. The Mitacs Globalink Research Award funds collaborations between senior undergraduate and graduate students and faculty members at a university overseas.
Submission to ORS: 10 working days before submission to the agency
Submission to agency: anytime
Submit your application in: |
For travel staring as early as: |
January | The following summer |
May | The following fall |
September | The following winter |
Students wishing to travel in June 2019 with $6,000 in GRA support should submit their applications by January 31, 2019. Students can submit applications at any time, but are encouraged to apply at least 16 weeks prior to their planned departure.
To offer senior undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to participate in 12-to-24 week research projects supervised by professors at accredited universities in the following Mitacs partner countries: Australia, Brazil, China, EU member countries (in France, both universities, Inria Research Centres are eligible as host institutions), India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Kingdom, and United States.
Value & Duration
The Mitacs Globalink Research Award provides $6,000 for senior undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in Canada to conduct 12–24-week research projects at universities overseas.
NSERC Strategic Partnership Grant for Networks
The NSERC Strategic Partnership Grants for Networks (SPG-N) competition funds large-scale, multidisciplinary research projects that will strongly enhance Canada’s economy, society, and/or environment. Research and training under these grants must be conducted through a partnership between academic researchers and Canadian-based industry or government organizations.
NSERC has two application categories – A and B:
- The proposed network will investigate a new collection of research objectives that do not build on previous network-scale activities and that have never been funded through an NSERC network grant, a Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) grant, or other federal or provincial network-scale granting programs.
- The proposed network will build upon a collection of research objectives that have been previously funded through an NSERC network grant, an NCE grant, or other federal o provincial network-scale granting programs.
February 25, 2019 – iNOI submission deadline
Mid-March 2019 – SPORT feedback
March 25, 2019 – ORS deadline for draft of completed application
April 1, 2019 – NSERC deadline for preliminary application
July 15, 2019 – NSERC invitation to apply
February 15, 2019 – NSERC deadline for full application
Internal Nomination and Review Process
Applicants must notify their Faculty and the Office of Research Services (by email, to as soon as possible about their intention to apply. Doing so will ensure that researchers receive adequate support in application preparation.
An internal Notice of Intent (iNOI) is required and will be reviewed by the Strategic Project and Opportunities Review Team (SPORT). Feedback will then be provided to applicants to ensure that only the most competitive applications are advanced. The iNOI consists of the following components:
- iNOI Form – click here
- Memo from the Dean that explains the alignment of the proposed network with the strategic objectives of the Faculty and indicates financial and/or other resource commitments.
- A description of the proposed Network (Category A – 12 pages max, Category B – 16 pages max) that includes the following:
- Proposed research and fit with the target area(s);
- Need for a network approach to the proposed research;
- Strengths and track record of the applicant to lead a large multi-institutional team of researchers;
- Expertise, involvement and role of the key researchers in the network;
- Extent of involvement of partners in all stages of the network;
- Potential for international collaborations that could contribute to attaining network objectives;
- Management structure;
- Plans for training highly qualified personnel;
- Benefits to Canada and the partners;
- Estimated annual budget, including funds requested from NSERC and estimated in-kind and cash (if applicable) contributions from the partners;
- For Category B networks only – details about previous network activities and a justification for additional network funding.
The iNOI must be emailed to Maheen Hasan, Strategic and Institutional Research Specialist ( by noon on February 25, 2019.
- Generate new knowledge/technology with the strong potential to strengthen Canada’s industrial base, generate wealth, create employment and/or influence Canadian public policy within the next 10 years
- Increase the number of highly qualified personnel in the specified target areas
- Enable the transfer of knowledge/technology and expertise to Canadian-based companies or to government organizations
Value & Duration
- The network applies for SPG-N funds between $500,000 and $1 million in Year 1, and $500,000 and $1.125 million per year in Years 2 through 5, for a maximum request of $5.5 million.
- The network can request NSERC funding between $500,000 and $1 million in Year 1, and between $500,000 and $1.125 million per year in Years 2 through 5, for a maximum request of $5.5 million.