ADMS 3530
PASS Session Information
To find information about your session, select your section of the course from the listing below.
If the session is offered over Zoom, before attempting to meet on Zoom, make sure that you're joining the call at the appropriate day and time!
Hello everyone! My name is Kendrick, a fourth-year Accounting student and I will be one of your PASS Leaders for ADMS 3530 this semester. Apart from academics I am a huge football (soccer) fan and cricket fan. Looking forward to connecting with you all soon!
— Kendrick Reju Mathew, Pass Leader

Hi everyone, I’m Nam, a 4th year Finance student at YorkU, and I’m your PASS Leader for Finance. I know Finance isn’t “fun” but at least I’ll make a good attempt at doing so. When I’m not crunching numbers of helping students ace their courses, you’ll probably find me shooting hoops or trying new recipes in the kitchens. Looking forward to meeting all of you - they'll be worth your time!
— Nam Hoang Nguyen, Pass Leader

Hi everyone! I’m Zihan, a fourth-year BCom student specializing in finance. This term, I’ll be a PASS leader for ADMS 3530 and a SNACK leader supporting various ADMS courses. Outside of academics, I enjoy archery and baking. I’m excited to connect with all of you during the PASS and/or SNACK sessions!
— Zihan Chen, Pass Leader