April 2, 2018 Issue
The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.
If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to lapsrsc@yorku.ca.
In this issue:
Internal Notices
Information Session: Developing a Successful Early Researcher Award Application
Time & Date
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
York Lanes, Room 305
Sean Collins (spc@yorku.ca), in the Strategic and Institutional Research Initiatives (SIRI) Unit, Office of Research Services is coordinating an Early Researcher Award (ERA) Information Session for those faculty members who are preparing an application in the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science’s Round 14 competition for the ERA. All eligible researchers across campus who are interested in applying are encouraged to attend. This session is intended to provide a general overview of the ERA funding opportunity, its peer review process, and tips and techniques on how to write a successful application.
This session includes both a presentation and panel discussion. An overview of the program will be given by SIRI, followed by a panel discussion. The panel will be made up of two successful York University ERA applicants and one faculty member who has served on an ERA review panel, who have agreed to answer questions and share best practices with applicants: Dr. Philipp S. Angermeyer, LA&PS (ERA Program Review Panelist), Dr. Patrick Alcedo, AMPD (Round 9 ERA Awardee), and Dr. Rebecca Bassett-Gunter, Health (Round 13 ERA Awardee).
Call for applications and nominations for the position of Director, Centre for Research on Language and Culture Contact (CRLCC)
Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Director of the Centre on Language and Culture Contact (CRLCC), Glendon College, York University, for a term of two years, to begin July 1, 2018. Subject to successful rechartering of the CRLCC in 2019, there is a possibility for the mandate to be renewed for a further term.
Deadline: April 18th, 2018
LA&PS Award for Distinction in Research, Creativity or Scholarship
The Committee on Research Policy and Planning is accepting nominations for the LA&PS Awards for Distinction in Research, Creativity or Scholarship.
Deadline: May 1 (submission of nomination package)
Description: This award recognizes research distinction in one's academic career that goes significantly beyond disciplinary expectations in the demonstration of excellence in a body of research, scholarly and/or creative works.
Up to 2 awards will be offered per calendar year in each category (Emerging, Established Researcher)
The categories of eligibility are as follows:
1. Emerging Researcher (up to the 10th year post PhD)
2. Established Researcher (10 or more years post PhD)
A completed original nomination package must be submitted to:
Secretary, Adjudication Sub-committee
Email: lapscrpp@yorku.ca
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Information Session – Preliminary Details
Kim McIntryre, Postdoctoral Services Coordinator, Faculty of Graduate Studies, will be facilitating the Information Session on the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. Interested supervisors and applicants are encouraged to attend.
Time & Date
June 12, 2018 10:30am-12:00pm
Room 519 Kaneff Tower
Funding Opportunities available through CIHR (spreadsheet provided by ORS)
The Office of Research Services (ORS) recently updated the spreadsheet of funding opportunities available through CIHR. Due to the large volume of CIHR funding opportunity announcements, ORS has created a simplified Excel spreadsheet that will make it easier for researchers to locate the funding call that is most appropriate to their research area. To view the spreadsheet, please click here. (Passport York login required)

Internal Grants
*NEW* York Indigenous Incentive Grant (VPRI - Passport York Login)
Deadline: Rolling
The York Indigenous Incentive Grant provides support for the development of research grant applications, related to Indigenous priorities and needs, to external sources as articulated in our Strategic Research Plan (SRP). Its main purpose will be to defray costs associated with applications for standard programs of research (including but not limited to NSERC Discovery, CIHR, SSHRC Connection Grants, SSHRC Insight and Insight Development Grants, and SSHRC Partnership Development Grants). While the scale of initiatives supported may vary according to discipline, all proposals must clearly demonstrate the intended external source of support.
*NEW* York Indigenous Events Funding (VPRI - Passport York Login)
Deadline: Rolling, although applications should be submitted at least 6 weeks before the event.
The Vice-President Research and Innovation is pleased to announce the second of two new internal research funding opportunities in support of York's Indigenous Framework. The York Indigenous Events Funding provides support for scholarly events or outreach activities that address Indigenous priorities and needs, strengthen York’s Indigenous research culture and build the profile and reputation of sound Indigenous-focused research at York University.
Minor Research Grant (LA&PS Faculty Council)
Deadline: April 15
Description: The adjudicated vehicle through which LA&PS dispenses the YUFA Faculty/Library Research Grant Funding and the YUFA Junior Faculty/Librarian Fund. Funding for research projects, eligible expenses include personnel, research travel, subsistence costs. Amount: Up to $5,000. Eligibility: An individual is eligible to receive one research grant every 2 fiscal years.
SSHRC Conference Opportunity Grants Program (ORS - Passport York Login)
Deadline: May 1
Description: To provide assistance for attendance at national and international scholarly conferences for which the applicant is giving a paper, making a poster presentation, or featured at a solo or 2 person opening of an exhibition, a principal screening, premier performance of dance, theatre or musical production.
Bridge Funding for NSERC Researchers in LA&PS
Deadline: May 1
Description: NSERC researchers may apply for bridge funding, if eligible, to support temporarily unfunded on-going research. These applications will be considered on a limited basis.
York Incentive Grants (VPRI)
Deadline: Rolling
Description: To defray costs associated with assembling interdisciplinary collaborative teams required for larger-scale initiatives in the quest for external funds.
LA&PS Research Events Fund
Deadline: Rolling
Description: This fund supports events that engage LA&PS community members in fruitful exchanges with other members of the York community, scholars and students from outside of York, or individuals and organizations that form part of the University's neighbouring communities. This fund is intended to serve research-related events. LA&PS faculty members (YUFA, CUPE, or retired), as well as graduate students and post-doctoral fellows associated with LA&PS's academic units, are welcome to apply to this fund.
LA&PS Book Publication Subvention Program
Deadline: Rolling
Description: YUFA faculty (full-time, senior scholars, and retired faculty still eligible to teach) associated with the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies are invited to apply to this program if the scholarly book publisher with which they are publishing a work requires a subvention in order to offset the costs of production. The maximum funding that can be requested through this program is $1000.

External Grants and Fellowships
SSHRC Connection
Submission to ORS: April 15 or July 15
Submission to agency: May 1 or August 1
The Office of Research Services would like to remind you of the upcoming deadline for the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Connection Grants competition.
These Grants support workshops, colloquiums, conferences, forums, summer institutes, or other events or outreach activities that facilitate:
- disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary exchanges in the humanities and social sciences;
- scholarly exchanges between those working in the social sciences and humanities and those working in other research fields;
- intersectoral exchanges between academic researchers in the humanities and social sciences and researchers and practitioners from the public, private and/or not-for-profit sectors; and/or
- international research collaboration and scholarly exchanges with researchers, students and non-academic partners from other countries.
$7000 to $25,000 for events, and up to $50,000 for other outreach activities; higher amounts for outreach activities may be considered if well justified
1 year
Killam Research Fellowship
ORS deadline in order to provide a full review of your application – May 1, 2018
Agency deadline – May 15, 2018
To support outstanding scholars (normally full professors at Canadian universities and research institutes) to carry out their groundbreaking projects in the humanities, social sciences, health sciences, engineering and interdisciplinary studies within these fields.
Killam Research Fellowships provide two years of release time from teaching and administrative duties to individual scholars who wish to pursue independent research. The fellowships are awarded to individuals, but the funds are paid to and administered by universities or research institutes.
Note: The award is not intended as a subsidy for the overall research or teaching program of a department, institute or centre, and it is not offered for work undertaken as part of a degree program
An individual may win this award only once.
Killam Research Fellowships provide release time and are valued at $70,000 per year. The funds are paid to the university or research institution which employs the Fellow. Fellowship recipients must obtain support for research and laboratory costs from other sources.
The university or research institution that employs the Killam Research Fellow is expected to relieve him or her of all teaching and administrative responsibilities, and to continue to pay the Fellow’s full salary and benefits during the full tenure of the fellowship. The fellowship funds assist the university or research institution in defraying the costs of replacing the Fellow and in paying the Fellow’s salary and benefits during the two-year fellowship period.
Duration: two years
NOTE: Please submit a hard copy of your application along with an ORS checklist to the Office of Research Services by Thursday, May 10th, 9:00am, so that ORS can electronically approve your application on Tuesday, May 15th.
SSHRC Partnership Engage
Submission to ORS: June 1
Submission to agency: June 15
The Office of Research Services would like to remind you of the upcoming deadline for the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Engage Grants competition.
These grants were introduced to better address the short-term research needs, challenges and opportunities facing organizations in the not-for-profit, public and private sectors. A summary is provided below.
- To provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector;
- To respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors; and
- To allow non-academic organizations and post-secondary researchers to access each other’s unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities on topics of mutual interest.
SSHRC welcomes applications involving Aboriginal research, as well as those involving research-creation.
SSHRC invites all applicants to review Imagining Canada’s Future’s six future challenge areas and sub-questions, and to consider addressing one or more of these areas in their research proposal.
$7,000 - $25,000
1 year
Mitacs Globalink Research Award
Submission to ORS – 10 working days before submission to the agency
Submission to agency – Applications are accepted at any time
Note: Mitacs recommends that students apply by May 2018 for travel planned in Fall 2018
Mitacs is accepting applications for its competitive international research funding opportunity for student travel from Canada. The Mitacs Globalink Research Award funds collaborations between senior undergraduate and graduate students and faculty members at a university overseas. A summary is provided below.
To offer senior undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to participate in 12-to-24-week research projects supervised by professors at accredited universities in the following Mitacs partner countries: Australia, Brazil, China, EU member countries (In France, both universities and Inria Research Centres are eligible host institutions), Israel, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Kingdom and United States.
12 to 24 weeks
The Killam Prize
(Optional) Mandatory ORS deadline if you would like to have the Major Awards Advisory Committee (MAAC) review your materials – April 23, 2018
Agency deadline – June 15, 2018
The Killam Prizes are awarded annually to distinguished Canadian scholars doing research in any of the following fields: health sciences, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities.
Please note: Scholars may not apply for the Killam Prizes; they must be nominated by an expert in their field.
- To honour distinguished Canadian scholars actively engaged in research in universities, hospitals, research or scientific institutes, or other similar institutions;
- To encourage continuing contributions to scholarly research
Each Killam Prize recipient receives $100,000
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition 2018-2019
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to the country's economic, social and research-based growth. The objective of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is to:
- attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally; and
- develop their leadership potential position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow
The Faculty of Graduate Studies is happy to accept nominations for Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships, in the form of a Letter of Intent (LOI) package. Because of the highly competitive nature of this opportunity, an internal selection process is in place, whereby supervisors/candidates must submit a truncated, preliminary version of the application as an LOI (Letter of Intent) on an internal deadline in advance of the agency deadline.
All LOI submissions will be reviewed by the York Banting Selection Committee. Successful candidates will then be invited to go forward to the full application stage and submission to the agency.
Value: $70,000 per year for two years.
Timeline and deadlines
- Banting Information Session, June 12, 2018 10:30am-12:00pm in 519 Kaneff Tower
- Internal LOI documents deadline – electronic submission (kimmcint@yorku.ca): July 23
- Banting selection committee meets to decide which files will move forward to Banting. Applicants will receive notification by August 9 that they are moving forward and will receive feedback.
- Meetings with applicants, supervisors, and FGS to assist in development of the application: August 13-15
- Revised Banting files due for technical review (kimmcint@yorku.ca): Sept 12
- Banting Submission Deadline: September 19 (to be confirmed)
The Mitacs-Accelerate Fellowship
Submission to ORS: 10 working days before submission to the agency
Submission to agency: Anytime
This Fellowship provides long-term funding for a significant part of graduate degree programs.
Master’s students – minimum $30K stipend
PhD students – minimum $72K stipend
The Fellowship also offers national professional development training that helps interns gain in-demand career skills and ensure the success of their projects.
Master’s students – 18-month project
PhD students – three-year project