May 14, 2018 Issue
The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.
If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to
In this issue:
Internal Notices
LA&PS Research Website Updates
We have been slowly building new content for the LA&PS Research Website this past year.
The Resources for Researchers page is particularly useful for LA&PS faculty members. Featuring a number of great online resources and quick links to help faculty members navigate the process of applying for grants and spending research funding. Some of these resources include:
- Tips & Tricks for Writing a Competitive Grant Application
- A Calendar of Major Prizes, Fellowships & Awards (Internal and External)
- Service Level Guidelines for Tri-Council Programs
- Frequently Asked Questions about Managing Grant Funds
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Information Session
Kim McIntryre, Postdoctoral Services Coordinator, Faculty of Graduate Studies, will be facilitating the Information Session on the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. Interested supervisors and applicants are encouraged to attend.
Time & Date
June 12, 2018 10:30am-12:00pm
Room 519, Kaneff Tower
Message from VP Robert Haché – Overhead Charges on Research Grants and Agreements
Please find revised Overhead Guidelines, here. (Passport York login required).
The guidelines outline the practices for securing overhead on research grants and agreements. New to these guidelines are:
- explicit categories for overhead waiver or reduction
- process for overhead waiver or reduction including required recommendation from Faculty Research Office or Institutional ORU
- guidelines for allowable expenditures of overheads
These guidelines are the product of extensive discussion and collaboration between VPRI and Faculty Research Offices. I would like to thank staff and Associate Deans Research for their contributions to these guidelines.
Robert Haché
Are you Interested in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research?
The Teaching Commons invites you to join a workshop to discuss the nature of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) movement, which aims to better understand student learning and the teaching practices that affect it. Beginning from the standpoint that faculty are often already engaged in many aspects of SoTL, albeit unknowingly, the workshop provides a framework for a more systematic inquiry into teaching and learning.
Session to be held on July 17, 2018 from 10am-12pm in room DB 1014.
Please visit the following link to register for July 17, 2018: REGISTRATION
Internal Grants
Contract Faculty Conference Travel Fund (CUPE)
Deadlines: June 1
Value: Up to $2,000
Description: This fund supports contract faculty members who are giving papers, have been asked to give commentaries or to chair sessions, or are attending conferences. Eligible expenses include travel, registration, accommodation and subsistence. Contact Charles Bisram in Faculty Relations for a current application form.
LA&PS Travel Grant for Dissemination
Deadlines: August 1
Value: Up to $1,000
Description: LA&PS offers this grant to offset costs associated with the public dissemination of research, scholarship, or creativity. Eligibility: Full-time YUFA faculty members and senior scholars in LA&PS. In the case of CLAs and SRCs, travel must also occur within the term of the appointment. Applications must be submitted in advance of the presentation.
SSHRC Conference Opportunity Grants Program (ORS)
Deadlines: August 1
Value: Generally, up to a minimum APEX or Charter Class airfare.
Description: This grant provides assistance for attendance at national and international scholarly conferences for which the applicant is giving a paper, making a poster presentation, or featured at a solo or 2 person opening of an exhibition, a principal screening, premier performance of dance, or theatre or musical production.
LA&PS Seed Grant for Collaborative Research Initiatives
Deadlines: September 15
Value: Up to $5,000
Description: LA&PS full-time faculty members are invited to apply for seed funding to build new research collaborations with scholarly and/or community partners by supporting the specific costs associated with bringing key partners together to explore and develop new research and research funding opportunities. These initiatives must involve at least one LA&PS faculty member working with collaborators, who can be faculty or external community members (locally or globally). The funding is designed to offset costs associated with bringing the collaborators together for a preliminary planning meeting or small-scale workshop.
York Indigenous Incentive Grant (Passport York Login)
Deadline: Rolling
Description: The York Indigenous Incentive Grant provides support for the development of research grant applications, related to Indigenous priorities and needs, to external sources as articulated in our Strategic Research Plan (SRP). Its main purpose will be to defray costs associated with applications for standard programs of research (including but not limited to NSERC Discovery, CIHR, SSHRC Connection Grants, SSHRC Insight and Insight Development Grants, and SSHRC Partnership Development Grants). While the scale of initiatives supported may vary according to discipline, all proposals must clearly demonstrate the intended external source of support.
York Indigenous Events Funding (VPRI) (Passport York Login)
Deadline: Rolling, although applications should be submitted at least 6 weeks before the event.
Description: The Vice-President Research and Innovation is pleased to announce the second of two new internal research funding opportunities in support of York's Indigenous Framework. The York Indigenous Events Funding provides support for scholarly events or outreach activities that address Indigenous priorities and needs, strengthen York’s Indigenous research culture and build the profile and reputation of sound Indigenous-focused research at York University.
York Incentive Grants (VPRI) (Passport York Login)
Deadline: Rolling
Description: York Incentive Grants defray costs associated with assembling interdisciplinary collaborative teams required for larger-scale initiatives in the quest for external funds.
LA&PS Research Events Fund
Deadline: Rolling
Description: This fund supports events that engage LA&PS community members in fruitful exchanges with other members of the York community, scholars and students from outside of York, or individuals and organizations that form part of the University's neighbouring communities. This fund is intended to serve research-related events. LA&PS faculty members (YUFA, CUPE, or retired), as well as graduate students and post-doctoral fellows associated with LA&PS's academic units, are welcome to apply to this fund.
LA&PS Book Publication Subvention Program
Deadline: Rolling
Description: YUFA faculty (full-time, senior scholars, and retired faculty still eligible to teach) associated with the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies are invited to apply to this program if the scholarly book publisher with which they are publishing a work requires a subvention in order to offset the costs of production. The maximum funding that can be requested through this program is $1000.
York University Libraries' Open Access Author Fund
Deadline: Rolling
Description: The fund will cover Author Processing Charges (also called author’s fees or page fees) for articles in pure Open Access journals. All York, faculty, graduate students, staff, post-docs, emeriti, and visiting scholars who have had a peer-reviewed article accepted to an Open Access journal that meets the funding criteria are eligible. Where an article has multiple authors, the first author must be a York affiliated researcher. York will fund one publication per year for each researcher, and only researchers with no other funding source to cover APCs are entitled to funding.
External Notices
SSHRC Connection Grants Webinar
SSHRC will be holding a series of webinars for applicants and research administrators to provide information and answer questions about upcoming Connection Grants competitions. Webinar participants will have the opportunity to submit written questions via the webinar interface at any point during the presentations. No registration is required, so you can drop in at any time. The webinar will be held via Adobe Connect at the following times:
Time & Date
English: May 23, 2018 1:00pm-3:00pm
French: May 24, 2018, 1:00-3:00pm
External Grants and Fellowships
The Huawei Innovation Research Program (HIRP) 2018 competition
Application deadline – May 15th-30th, 2018
Submission of application to ORS for review – 10 working days before agency deadline
To support contract-based innovation research of world-class full-time faculty members at top universities around the world. This is an open call for proposals in 20 research subjects across 6 research themes, including:
- Big Data
- Future Networks
- Media Technology
- Computing Technology
- Compression Technology
- Wireless Communication Technology
USD 30,000 to USD 70,000
Up to 2 years
The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs New Directions Research Program
Letter of Intent submission to ORS – Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Letter of Intent due at agency – Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 2:00pm EST
Full application due at ORS – 10 working days prior to agency deadline
Full application due at agency – Agency will notify applicants of the deadline date
To stimulate the sustainable growth and competitiveness of Ontario agri-food sector and agri-business sectors, and to strengthen rural communities. The development of new and alternative products provides potential to increase the diversification of agriculture. New knowledge and new technologies help Ontario’s agri-food and agri-business sectors address challenges, expand market opportunities at home and abroad, and support thriving rural communities.
Research priorities for the current call for proposals are:
- Innovation for Ontario’s Agricultural Systems and Soils to Reduce Phosphorus Loss
- Sustainable Livestock Production Using Precision Technologies to Support Compliance and Assurance Systems
- Disruptive Technologies
Up to 3 years
Required Overhead
Up to $200,000 per project
FRAYME – e-services within Integrated Youth Service Models
Submission to ORS – May 17, 2018
Submission to agency – May 31, 2018
To support a project focused on examining the role of technology within integrated youth services. Areas of focus must include an examination of the following questions:
- How have e-services been applied within existing integrated youth services (IYS) models? Have they been shown to be effective?
- What is the role of technology in IYS?
Secondary research questions can include:
- What factors should inform the inclusion of e-services within IYS?
- What are the best practices for incorporating e-services within IYS models?
- How do you apply youth engagement and family engagement within the development of e-services?
- What policies are necessary to support use of technology within IYS?
- Where is the field of e-services going in the future and how can emerging technologies be incorporated into IYS in an evidence-informed manner?
- How are e-services delivered as part of IYS in low-and-middle-income countries?
- Are there specific ethical issues to be considered when implementing e-services as part of IYS?
Up to $25K
Not stated
The ISED Accessible Technology Program
Competition Timelines
Application due date | Funding Start date |
June 2, 2018 | Late 2018-2019 |
January 2, 2019 | Early 2019-2020 |
June 2, 2019 | Late 2019-2020 |
January 2, 2020 | Early 2020-2021 |
June 2, 2020 | Late 2020-2021 |
January 2, 2021 | Early 2021-2022 |
June 2, 2021 | Late 2021-2022 |
The ISED Accessible Technology Program is an institutional grant and thus all applications need to be submitted by York University. The SIRI Unit in the Office of Research Services, in collaboration with the corresponding Faculty Research Office, will be supporting the development of applications. Diana Frasca (, Strategic and Institutional Research Initiatives Specialist, will be available to assist your office and your faculty members with any questions regarding the application processes and provide you with application forms. Please submit a complete application to Diana Frasca by May 28, 2018 for a full review.
The ISED Program aims to facilitate and encourage participation and inclusion of underrepresented groups in the digital economy. By investing in initiatives that will expand the range of assistive technologies, and giving more Canadians better access to digital services, the Program will contribute to providing Canadians with disabilities with the right tools, skills and access to study, work, or engage socially online.
Through Budget 2017, the Program will invest $22.3 million over five years – starting in 2017-18 and ending in 2021-2022 – to foster inclusive participation of Canadians with disabilities in the digital economy. This new Program will co-fund innovative projects led by for-profit organizations, not-for-profit organizations, and research institutes to develop innovative assistive devices and technologies.
Program Objectives
The Program seeks to expand the development of assistive technologies by providing non-repayable contribution funding to eligible recipients, and to support access to and adoption of new solutions developed by recipients through the Program.
To realize this objective ISED will:
- support the development of assistive technologies in order to increase accessibility to the internet and increase participation in the digital economy; and
- work collaboratively with stakeholders to improve awareness and support for the community of Canadians living with disabilities.
Up to $4 million/year
Award Period
Up to 5 years (project must be completed no later than March 31, 2022)
Funding Proviso
The contribution from the Program to an eligible recipient will be the minimum necessary, up to a maximum of eighty percent (80%) of the total eligible project costs where not-for-profit organizations or research institutes are the primary recipient. A maximum cost-sharing ratio of fifty percent (50%) will apply where for-profit organizations are the primary recipient.
The Killam Prize
Agency deadline – June 15, 2018
The Killam Prizes are awarded annually to distinguished Canadian scholars doing research in any of the following fields: health sciences, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities.
Please note: Scholars may not apply for the Killam Prizes; they must be nominated by an expert in their field.
- To honour distinguished Canadian scholars actively engaged in research in universities, hospitals, research or scientific institutes, or other similar institutions;
- To encourage continuing contributions to scholarly research
Each Killam Prize recipient receives $100,000
SSHRC Partnership Engage
Submission to ORS: June 1, Sept 1
Submission to agency: June 15, Sept 15
- To provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector;
- To respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors; and
- To allow non-academic organizations and post-secondary researchers to access each other’s unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities on topics of mutual interest.
SSHRC welcomes applications involving Aboriginal research, as well as those involving research-creation.
SSHRC invites all applicants to review Imagining Canada’s Future’s six future challenge areas and sub-questions, and to consider addressing one or more of these areas in their research proposal.
$7,000 - $25,000
1 year
SSHRC Connection
Submission to ORS: July 15, October 15
Submission to agency: August 1, and November 1
The Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Connection Grants support workshops, colloquiums, conferences, forums, summer institutes, or other events or outreach activities that facilitate:
- disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary exchanges in the humanities and social sciences;
- scholarly exchanges between those working in the social sciences and humanities and those working in other research fields;
- intersectoral exchanges between academic researchers in the humanities and social sciences and researchers and practitioners from the public, private and/or not-for-profit sectors; and/or
- international research collaboration and scholarly exchanges with researchers, students and non-academic partners from other countries.
$7,000 to $25,000 for events, and up to $50,000 for other outreach activities; higher amounts for outreach activities may be considered if well justified.
1 year
NSERC Discovery Grant - Notice of Intent
Deadline - Submission of Notice of Intent: August 1, 2018
The Office of Research Services (ORS) would like to remind researchers who are considering applying for a NSERC Discovery Grant (Deadline: November 1, 2018) to complete the Notification of Intent to Apply (Form 180) which is due at NSERC by August 1st, 2018 by 8:00 p.m. (ET). Please note that Form 180 is mandatory. Applicants who do not submit a NOI cannot submit a full application. NSERC will not accept any NOI after the deadline. In addition, Form 180s do not need to come through ORS but should be submitted directly to NSERC.
Submission Process – Research Portal and Canadian Common CV (CCV)
You must submit your NOI and the NSERC version of the Canadian Common CV (CCV) using the Research Portal. Refer to the instructions on how to complete the NOI and CCV. We encourage you to start completing your CCV early, as it can be time-consuming to populate the fields the first time.
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition 2018-2019
Timeline and deadlines
- Banting Information Session, June 12, 2018, 10:30am-12:00pm in 519 Kaneff Tower
- Internal LOI documents deadline – electronic submission ( July 23
- Banting selection committee meets to decide which files will move forward to Banting. Applicants will receive notification by August 9 that they are moving forward and will receive feedback.
- Meetings with applicants, supervisors, and FGS to assist in development of the application: August 13-15
- Revised Banting files due for technical review ( Sept 12
- Banting Submission Deadline: September 19 (to be confirmed)
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to the country's economic, social and research-based growth. The objective of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is to:
- attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally
- develop their leadership potential position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow
The Faculty of Graduate Studies is happy to accept nominations for Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships, in the form of a Letter of Intent (LOI) package. Because of the highly competitive nature of this opportunity, an internal selection process is in place, whereby supervisors/candidates must submit a truncated, preliminary version of the application as an LOI (Letter of Intent) on an internal deadline in advance of the agency deadline.
All LOI submissions will be reviewed by the York Banting Selection Committee. Successful candidates will then be invited to go forward to the full application stage and submission to the agency.
$70,000 per year for two years
Mitacs (Various Opportunities)
Mitacs Globalink Research Award
Submission to ORS – 10 working days before submission to the agency
Submission to agency – Applications are accepted at any time
Note: Mitacs recommends that students apply by May 2018 for travel planned in Fall 2018
To offer senior undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to participate in 12-to-24-week research projects supervised by professors at accredited universities in the following Mitacs partner countries: Australia, Brazil, China, EU member countries (In France, both universities and Inria Research Centres are eligible host institutions), Israel, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Kingdom and the United States.
12 to 24 weeks
Mitacs Globalink Research Internship
Submission to agency: June 13, 2018 at 1 p.m. PT.
Each summer, Mitacs Globalink Research Internship pairs faculty in Canada with international undergrads for research projects. Faculty can submit multiple projects and re-submit projects from previous years.
Mitacs Elevate
Letter of Intent and Conflict of Interest Declaration submission to agency – June 13, 2018 by 5:00pm PT
Draft application submission to agency for pre-review – June 27, 2018 by 5pm PT
Application submission to ORS for review – June 27, 2018
Application submission to agency – July 11, 2018 by 1:00pm PT
Mitacs Elevate is a postdoctoral fellowship with a customized research management training component. Fellows address complex challenges through:
- An exclusive research management curriculum for postdoctoral fellows in any discipline
- A minimum one-year research project (normally two years in duration) with a partner organization in need of high-level expertise
- A partner Organization Business Case, developed to outline project objectives, risks, and stakeholder success criteria, and ensure project value
$60,000 annual award (plus $7,500 per year non-cash value in training)
2 years
If you are interested in applying to this competition, please contact Kim McIntyre, post-doctoral services coordinator, at or extension 22993.
The Mitacs-Accelerate Fellowship
Submission to ORS: 10 working days before submission to the agency
Submission to agency: Anytime
This Fellowship provides long-term funding for a significant part of graduate degree programs. The Fellowship also offers national professional development training that helps interns gain in-demand career skills and ensure the success of their projects.
Master’s students – minimum $30K stipend
PhD students – minimum $72K stipend
Master’s students – 18-month project
PhD students – three-year project
Mitacs Career Connect
Submissions welcome until October 1, 2018, for placements ending no later than March 31, 2019.
Mitacs Career Connect supports projects between recent graduates and companies in environmental or climate change-related sectors. Young graduates get a paid work placement, and organizations find the talent they need to grow.
$20,000 - $25,000
6 months