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Research Digest, November 2017 Issue

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November 16, 2017 Issue

The LA&PS Research Office publishes a bi-weekly Research Digest to keep faculty members informed about important research issues and opportunities.

If you or your unit is planning an event, a notice or a funding opportunity that you would like included in our Digest Newsletter, please send these to

In this issue:

Internal Notices

Calendar of Major Prizes, Awards and Fellowships

Visit the LA&PS Research website to find a calendar of major prizes, awards and fellowships that may be of interest to you (in the near or distant future), depending on your area of expertise and career stage.

The SSHRC Impact Awards represent one upcoming opportunity that may be of interest to senior faculty members, who have a strong track record of success with SSHRC.  We expect the competition will be launched by the Office of Research Services (ORS) in December or January, but if you are interested in putting yourself forward in one of the award categories, you are encouraged to start planning for it as soon as possible because there will be an internal competition process to secure a spot as the institutional nominee in each category.

Please note that once the competition is formally launched via ORS, the Office of the Dean will be inviting applications from faculty members who are interested in the Gold Medal, Insight, and Connection categories only, as the Partnership category is being held for the university’s candidate from 2017, who was shortlisted at the federal level.

We also expect that the Faculty of Graduate Studies will be inviting applications in the Talent category, so if you work with SSHRC doctoral or postdoctoral fellowship or scholarship holders, whose academic achievements to date are outstanding, please let them know about the opportunity.

**CANCELLED** Hands on Canada Common CV Workshops Hosted by ORS

  • Tuesday November 28th at 3pm
  • Tuesday December 12th at 10am
  • Wednesday January 10th at 11am

Should you have questions about the CCV or would like some guidance in creating/updating your CCV, please RSVP to Alon Teper ( to attend the ORS workshop.

Information Sessions Hosted by the LA&PS Research Unit

“Post Award Information Session”

Pat Ellis & Helen Papacharalambous, Faculty Research Administrators

Time & Date: 2:00 - 2:45PM, Thursday, Nov 23

If you wish to attend, please RSVP to Helen Papacharalambous at and she will provide you with the room information.

“Publishing a Scholarly Book”

Geoffrey Little, Editor-in-Chief, Concordia University Press

Time & Date: 2:15 - 3:45PM, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017

Location: 109 Atkinson (Harry Crowe Room)

“SSHRC Insight Development Grant – Information Session”

Time & Date: 10:00-11:30AM, Monday December 11, 2017

Location: S802 Ross Building

Internal Notices

Internal Grants

LA&PS Senior Scholars' Research Fund

Deadline: December 15

Description: Retired YUFA faculty with “Senior Scholar” status who were affiliated with LA&PS (or its antecedent faculties Arts or Atkinson), but who are no longer eligible to apply for the LA&PS Minor Research Grant are invited to seek funding through the LA&PS Senior Scholars' Research Fund to offset research-related expenses associated with a particular project. Maximum Request: $1000 (There will be a maximum of 5 awards per fiscal year (May 1 - April 30).

LA&PS Seed Grant for Collaborative Research Initiatives

Deadlines: January 15

Description: LA&PS full-time faculty members are invited to apply for seed funding to build new research collaborations with scholarly and/or community partners by supporting the specific costs associated with bringing key partners together to explore and develop new research and research funding opportunities. These initiatives must involve at least one LA&PS faculty member working with collaborators, who can be faculty or external community members (locally or globally). The funding is designed to offset costs associated with bringing the collaborators together for a preliminary planning meeting or small-scale workshop.

Sabbatical Leave Fellowship (YUFA)

Deadline: January 15

Description: A Leave Fellowship Fund (Article 19.30 of the YUFA Collective Agreement) is available to provide peer-adjudicated additional grants of up to 10% of academic base salary to sabbaticants.

SSHRC Conference Opportunity Grants Program (ORS) (passport York Login)

Deadlines: February 1

Description: To provide assistance for attendance at national and international scholarly conferences for which the applicant is giving a paper, making a poster presentation, or featured at a solo or 2 person opening of an exhibition, a principal screening, premier performance of dance, theatre or musical production.

LA&PS Travel Grant for Dissemination

Deadlines: March 1

Description: LA&PS offers this grant to offset costs associated with the public dissemination of research, scholarship, or creativity. Eligibility: Full-time YUFA faculty members and senior scholars in LA&PS. In the case of CLAs and SRCs, travel must also occur within the term of the appointment. Applications must be submitted in advance of the presentation.

Contract Faculty Conference Travel Fund (CUPE)

Deadlines: March 1

Description: To support contract faculty members who are giving papers; have been asked to give commentaries or to chair sessions; or are attending conferences. Eligible expenses include travel, registration, accommodation and subsistence. Value: Up to $2,000. Duration: No more than one grant per year.

Internal Grants

External Notices

Would your research make a good documentary?

SSHRC is encouraging researchers who are interested in turning their research into documentary films to consider leveraging the SSHRC Connection Grant opportunity. For the full story, click here.

External Notices

External Grants and Fellowships

Mitacs Accelerate Internship Opportunities with United Way (Special Call – Social Inclusion)

Graduate Student Applications

Submission to ORS - December 14, 2017

LOI due at agency - January 8, 2018

Full application due at ORS – March 19, 2018

Full application due at agency – April 1, 2018

Post-doctoral Applications (Contact: Kim McIntyre at

Submission to FGS – December 14, 2017

LOI due at agency – January 8, 2018

Full application due at FGS – March 19, 2018

Full application due at agency – April 1, 2018

Description: Five United Ways across Canada have come together in a pilot partnership with Mitacs to provide funding and training for graduate students and postdocs for research related to social inclusion. Social Inclusion as an issue is of broad interest to United Way’s across Canada and the United Way movement worldwide.  This grant aims to identify talented researchers conducting thesis or dissertation research related to social inclusion.  Research may focus on one or more of the following broad themes:

  • Reduced isolation
  • Access to services
  • Stronger neighbourhoods
  • Diversity
  • Employment for groups that are more often excluded from the workforce

The Québec Secretariat for Canadian Relations (SQRC)

Submission of application to ORS: December 1, 2017

Submission of application to agency: December 15, 2017

The Québec Secretariat for Canadian Relations (SQRC), recently launched a call for projects under the Provincial and Territorial Projects Component of the Support Program for Canadian Francophonie

(PAFC), for the 2018 fiscal year.  The objectives of the program are to:

 To support annual projects that meet the needs of Francophone and Acadian communities in a given province or territory

  • Aims to strengthen links between Quebec and the Francophone and Acadian communities in Canada
  • Intended for organizations (associations, businesses, institutions) in Quebec and Francophone and Acadian communities that undertake to carry out partnerships or twinning, collaboration and exchange of expertise or exploratory missions to accentuate the promotion and affirmation of French as well as to increase the visibility and influence of the Canadian Francophonie throughout the country

Projects that fall under one of the following priorities are favored: Education and identity building;

Francophone immigration; Tourism; Economic development and employability; and Culture.

2018-19 York-Massey Fellowship and Visiting Scholarships (passport York login)

Applications due to ORS: January 12, 2018

Description: The Office of Research Services (ORS) invites applications for the 2018-19 York Fellowship and two Visiting Scholarships at Massey College in the University of Toronto. The Fellowship and the two Scholarships are open to full-time faculty members planning to go on sabbatical or other leave during 2018-19. The Fellowship will provide the selected faculty member with prime office space in the College for the academic year and the status of a full Senior Resident of the College, with dining privileges (such as attendance of all High Tables subject to College rules). The title "York Fellow of Massey College" remains for life or while mutually agreeable. The Visiting Scholars will have a carrel in the College and access to Robarts Library and all public rooms in the College. Membership in the Massey Alumni Association is granted to Visiting Scholars at the completion of their program.

For more information on Massey College, click here.

SSHRC Connection Grant (passport York login)

 ORS full review Deadline: Jan. 18, 2018

Agency Deadline: Feb. 1, 2018

Description: Connection Grants support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. More details on program.

 SSHRC Insight Development Grant (passport York login)

LA&PS Notice of Intent to Apply Deadline: December 15, 2017

The (very simple) Notice of Intent form can be found here.

Submission to ORS for review: January 19, 2018

Submission to agency: February 2, 2018

Submission to ORS of hard copy of full application plus completed and signed ORS checklist and electronic submission to SSHRC: no later than 12noon on February 2, 2018

Description: Insight Development Grants support research in its initial stages. The grants enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and/or ideas. Funding is provided for short-term research development projects, of up to two years, proposed by individuals or teams. More details on program.

The LA&PS Research Unit asks faculty members who are planning an application in the competition to please complete an internal Notice of Intent form, which is crucial for helping the office plan for and provide excellent application development support for all faculty members.

To improve the competitiveness of your application, we recommend that you seek at least one full (ideally two) full substantive review of your complete application by your Research Officer. As you plan for the preparation of your application, you are encouraged to consult the LA&PS Research Unit Service Level Guidelines.

Mitacs Elevate

Letter of Intent and Conflict of Interest Declaration submission to agency: 2PM, January 24, 2018

Draft application submission to agency for pre-review: 2PM, February 7, 2018

Application submission to ORS for review: February 7, 2018

Application submission to agency: 10AM, February 21, 2018

Description: Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellowships provide customized leadership and management training in areas including project management in the R& D environment, technology and innovation management, communication management, among others; Training opportunities that complement the fellow’s specialized expertise and ensure they are ready to lead large-scale research projects throughout their career regardless of their academic disciplines; and help fellows apply skills within a real-world industry/not-for profit environment as they work on a research project with their partner organization and university faculty supervisor.

If you are interested in applying to this competition, please contact Kim McIntyre, post-doctoral services coordinator, at or extension 22993.

External Grants